Historical sea level reconstruction - monthly time series, 1950-2009 - 1 degree resolution

Historical sea level reconstruction by merging tide gauge measurements with altimeter measurements, presented in monthly time steps between January 1950 and December 2009. Attributes recorded: - Latitude & Longitude (1 degree resolution); - Year, month; - Number of gauges at each time step; - Global Mean Sea Level error (mm); - Sea Surface Height (mm). Format: NetCDF. Size: 65MB Notes: no IB correction, Mitrovica GIA, seasonal signal removed. 

LineageNear-global satellite altimetry data since 1993 were used to derive global sea level Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs), whose amplitudes were determined with historical tide gauge records. Then the global distribution of sea level is reconstructed as the sum of EOFs.

This output was produced as part of  PACCSAP Project 1.4.1: Improving understanding of how climate change will affect sea level climate variability.

Project DescriptionThe project analysed sea level observations and global climate model results (CMIP5) for both the 20th century and for projections for the 21st century.


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Detailed Descriptions
040104 - Climate Change Processes, 040599 - Oceanography not elsewhere classified
Pacific Climate Change Science Website: http://www.pacificclimatechangescience.org/ Church, J. A., and N. J. White, 2011, Sea-level rise from the late 19th to the early 21st Century, Surv. Geophys., 32, 585-602, doi: 10.1007/s10712-011-9119-1 : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10712-011-9119-1
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start 1950/01/01 Start text End 2009/12/31 End text
Attributions and Constraints
The metadata and data are available to the public. Creative Commons Attribution Licence All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO Australia 2015.
Lead Researcher: John Church Contributors: Neil White
John Church; Neil White (2015): Historical sea level reconstruction - monthly time series, 1950-2009 - 1 degree resolution. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection. 10.4225/08/551860B49A2BC
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