Statement of Expectations
Climate Change Adaptation Information Hub
Statement of Expectations
When you provide research data and/or metadata to us, Griffith University expects
- You will provide us with metadata which accurately describes your research data collections (including references to other research parties, if any).
- You will take reasonable steps to ensure that all research data and/or metadata is accurate at the time of collection or creation. If any inaccuracies or omissions are know you should note these in your metadata.
- You are authorised to provide the research data and/or metadata to us.
- If the research data and/or metadata was authored by someone else, You must obtain all necessary permissions prior to making your research data and/or metadata accessible on the repository.
- If your research data and/or metadata has been sponsored or funded by an external organisation, please ensure that all rights of review or other obligations required by the external organisation have been fulfilled or complied with prior to making your research data and/or metadata accessible on the repository.
- You warrant that the research data and/or metadata does not infringe the intellectual property of anyone else.
- You will only provide research data and/or metadata which is appropriate for public distribution to all ages. If you are aware of any material contained in your research data that is inappropriate for public distribution or may be culturally, politically or socially sensitive you should note this in your metadata.
- You must keep original copies of all research data and/or metadata records on the repository and not rely upon the repository as your only means of storage.
- You understand and confirm that Griffith will use and publish the research data and/or metadata in the Griffith University Research Data Repository.
- You must provide contact details of a person with knowledge and authority to assist us with liaison and queries from time to time.
- You understand that we will endeavour to publish and provide access to the research data and/or metadata, including its access and use by third parties, pursuant to the licensing terms selected by you.