In order to assist end-users to synthesize the findings of the 3C modelling, we partially undertook the task of combining benefits mapping, based on simple rules. However there are many potential aggregations and no single correct way to do it, so if necessary end-users are encouraged to download the raw model outputs and undertake fit-for-purpose aggregations of their own. That being the case, the examples presented here may be a guide as to the possibilities.
3CMP Links benefits are areas of high biological turnover according to the 3CMP model. These are areas where the model shows that not only does the bio-climatic envelopes shift, but according to the 3CMP, which simulates the ability of biodiversity to remain viable and colonise new ‘climate-space’, these areas are expected to be colonised and allow biodiversity to move through.
Models and map production by OEH NSW; GDM compositional turnover modelling by CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences; with funding from the Australian government.