Climate analogues

Data are provided to help identify possible climate analogue years for the region. The climate analogues are based on temperature and precipitation for annual, winter, and summer analogues.

For a selection of key locations within Central Slopes, a *.zip file contains a slection of images that display the historical relationship between rainfall and temperature in relation to future climates. These are available for winter (JJA) and summer (DJF) and annual data.



Detailed Descriptions
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Central Tablelands, Border Rivers Maranoa-Balonne, Namoi, Central West, Border Rivers-Gwydir, Condamine
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Attributions and Constraints
University of Southern Queensland
Allyson WIlliams
Williams, A.A.J., 2014. Temporal Climate Analogues in the Central Slopes Cluster. University of Southern Queensland.
Lynne Turner.