East Coast Cluster Research Projects

The projects include:

  • Needs analysis (GU)
  • Downscaled climate projections and impacts research (OEH)
  • Coastal vulnerability assessment (first pass assessment for the cluster, detailed assessments for specific areas) (UoW)
  • Stocktake of available biophysical data and models, and agricultural species distribution models under possible climate futures (UQ)
  • Socio-economic vulnerability assessments (USC)
  • Carbon farming opportunities (Herbarium)
  • Integrated assessments for resource sectors (CSIRO)
  • Institutional adaptive capacity (UQ)
  • Planning packages and research translation (GU)
  • Policy appraisal through scenario planning workshops (GU)



Detailed Descriptions
Fact sheet
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Hunter-Central Rivers, Sydney Metro, Greater Sydney, Northern Coast, Hunter, Hawkesbury-Nepean, Northern Rivers, South East Queensland, Fitzroy, Burnett Mary
Sydney Basin, Brigalow Belt South, NSW North Coast, Central Mackay Coast, Brigalow Belt North, South Eastern Queensland, South Eastern Highlands
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Attributions and Constraints
Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
Griffith University
Kerrylee Rogers Scott Lieske Ben Harman Erin Smith Morena Mills Darryl Low Choy Don Butler Silvia Serrao-Neumann Cath Lovelock Tim Smith Nadine Marshall Melanie Cox (ed.) Chris Hosking Bruce Taylor Christopher Lee
Cox, M. (ed.), Butler, D., Harman, B., Hosking, C., Lee, C., Lieske, S., Lovelock, C., Low Choy, D., Marshall, N., Mills, M., Mitchell, P., Rogers, K., Serrao-Neumann, S., Smith, E., Smith, T. and Taylor, B. (2014) East Coast Cluster Research Projects, Report for the Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management in East Coast Australia Project, Griffith University
Darryl Low Choy, d.lowchoy@griffith.edu.au