East Coast Lows Research Program Synthesis for NRM Stakeholders

The Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative –East Coast Low (ESCCI-ECL) project is an innovative research program aimed at improving the knowledge of past, current and future projected ECL events along the eastern seaboard of Australia. Importantly it was designed to use these different time scales to provide better information on how ECLs influence coastal zone dynamics and water security.

As ECLs are major drivers of ecosystem processes in this region it is imperative that we gain an understanding of them, including their impacts and their variability, and how they will change in the future. This is a necessary step in determining the impacts of climate change on natural and human systems and the implementation of effective adaptation strategies.

The ESCCI-ECL project was jointly developed by the NSW Government, the Bureau of Meteorology, and three universities: University of New South Wales, Macquarie University and the University of Newcastle. The vision for the project included four principal themes:
- an understanding of the historical and prehistorical (palaeo) climate variability of ECLs
- an understanding of how their long-term multidecadal variability influences coastal processes and streamflows
- high resolution modelling of projected ECL frequency and intensity in response to climate change
- Integration of findings from the above themes into an understanding of the impacts of ECLs on coastal and water resources, and guidance on potential changes to these impacts in response to climate change.


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Detailed Descriptions
Fact sheet
059999 - Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Greater Sydney, Hunter-Central Rivers, Burnett Mary, Fitzroy, Northern Coast, Hawkesbury-Nepean, South East Queensland
Brigalow Belt South, Brigalow Belt North, NSW North Coast, Central Mackay Coast, South Eastern Queensland, Sydney Basin, South East Corner
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Attributions and Constraints
All content in this publication is owned by OEH and is protected by Crown Copyright. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), subject to the exemptions contained in the licence. The legal code for the licence is available at Creative Commons.
This is a synthesis of the current findings and outputs of the ongoing Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative – East Coast Lows (ESCCI-ECL) research program. The report was prepared by Peter Smith in consultation with a number of key research staff involved in the program: Ian Goodwin, Acacia Pepler, Anthony Kiem and Jason Evans and Yvonne Scorgie.
Sydney South 1232 Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative East Coast Lows Research Program Synthesis for NRM Stakeholders (2016) Office of Environment and Heritage 59–61 Goulburn Street PO Box A290
OEH asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: © State of New South Wales and Office of Environment and Heritage 2016.