Grazing and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities

Grazing industry bodies are aware of the major challenges and risks they face with managing climate variability, disaster management, emissions reduction and rising input costs. A major industry focus at present is improving enterprise level risk management, disaster preparedness and encouraging greater efficiencies to build the resilience of grazing businesses.

There are significant opportunities for carbon farming, however these benefits may not be realised for some time. Bigger opportunities exist at the landscape scale rather than individual property level, suggesting cooperation and coordination amongst neighbouring properties to set-aside areas suitable for sequestration would be beneficial.

These areas could be linked with landscape level biodiversity management.Industry investment in training and property-level planning to encourage best practice, maintain natural resource condition and improve disaster preparedness is a key area for cooperation with regional NRM/LLS groups. However, adaptive capacity of the industry will also be enhanced by encouraging better networks between enterprises to help manage spatial and temporal variability through, for example, more flexible agistment networks.



Detailed Descriptions
070104 - Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling, 070102 - Agricultural Land Planning
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Hunter, Fitzroy, Greater Sydney, Burnett Mary, Northern Coast, South East Queensland
Sydney Basin, NSW North Coast, Central Mackay Coast, South Eastern Queensland, South Eastern Highlands, Brigalow Belt North, Brigalow Belt South
Start 2030 Start text End 2090 End text
Attributions and Constraints
All rights reserved
CSIRO Land and Water
Bruce Taylor, Sonja Heyenga and Nadine Marshall
Bruce Taylor, Sonja Heyenga and Nadine Marshall (2015) Grazing and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities, CSIRO, Brisbane.
Bruce Taylor.