The industry is aware of the major risks and challenges it faces, and formally states these in policy positions and goals. This provides a clear rationale for engagement and cooperation between NRMs, LLSs and industry groups in the horticulture industry.
Due to expected changes in temperature in coming decades, areas currently suitable for horticultural production are likely to contract in their western and northern extent. This may increase pressure on more eastern, coastal growing areas also experiencing competition from other types of land use intensification.
The socio-economic vulnerability of horticultural businesses to climate change differs significantly between regions, and between growing districts in some regions.
Understanding this pattern can inform prioritisation and program delivery to growers.Opportunity exists to partner between NRM, industry and other service providers on delivery of disaster preparedness, recovery and integrated approaches to on-farm risk management that address multiple benefits at farm scale (e.g. resource use efficiency, environmental benefit, preparedness).