Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Samoa Maluafou College - Action Against Climate Change: The Importance of Agroforestry in Samoa (video)

This 7 minute video was developed by the Action Against Climate Change (A2C2), a Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) initiative, showcasing 'voices of youth' to raise awareness about local climate change solutions.

Project Leader Kate Raseta, Published 7 November 2013.

File Type: SD .MP4 file File Size: 56MB

Produced by the students of Maluafou College in Samoa for a Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) initiative, with funding from the Australian Government's Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Initiative. A2C2 is implemented by Apidae Development Innovations. PACMAS is funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Watch the video via YouTube.

Watch the video via Vimeo.



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Detailed Descriptions
040104 - Climate Change Processes, 070501 - Agroforestry , 050101 - Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, 050203 - Environmental Education and Extension, 050210 - Pacific Peoples Environmental Knowledge,
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2013. This may be reproduced in full, not part, for any educational or non-commercial purpose, and attributed to the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS).
Collaborating Organisations: Pacific Media Assistance Secheme (Pacific Media Assistance Scheme), Apidae Development Innovations; ABC International Development, Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government Department of the Environment, National University of Samoa, Women in Business Development, Sepasitiano Paulo, Tiapapata Arts Centre, Lead Researcher: Samoa Maluafou College Contributors: Asiasigi Leilua, Denise Filemu, Situate Auina, Cecilia Amosa, Lua’lufi Aiono, Karl Warren, Galumalemana Steven Percival, Sandra Kailahi
Maluafou College & PACMAS, 2013, Action Against Climate Change: The Importance of Agroforestry in Samoa, online video, Australian Broadcasting Corporation International, Canberra.
Kate Raseta