The directory contains archived output from wave climate simulations carried out using a 1 degree global implementation of WaveWatch III (v3.14). The model is outlined in manuscripts: Hemer, Katzfey and Trenham, 2013. Global dynamical projections of surface ocean wave climate for a future high greenhouse gas emission scenario. Ocean Modelling. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.09.008. Wave model forcing consisted of surface wind and sea-ice concentration fields. Archived variables, in monthly NetCDF files for all simulations, include significant wave height, mean wave period (Tm01), and mean wave direction. In total, this directory contains over 1050 model simulation years of data. Directory Structure: Global_wave_projections Historical (spans 1980-2005) - CFSR (This is a hindcast run, forced with NCEP CFSR, with same model configuration as GCM forced runs) - CMIP3 (ECHAM5, Mk3.5 both unadjusted and bias adjusted to CFSR), - CMIP5 (ACCESS1.0, CNRM-CM3, HadGEM2, INMCM4, BCC-CSM1.1, MIROC5, GFDL-CM3, MRI-CGCM3) Mid-Century (spans 2026-2045) - CMIP5 - RCP4.5 (ACCESS1.0, CNRM-CM3, HadGEM2, INMCM4, BCC-CSM1.1, MIROC5, GFDL-CM3, MRI-CGCM3) - RCP8.5 (ACCESS1.0, CNRM-CM3, HadGEM2, INMCM4, BCC-CSM1.1, MIROC5, GFDL-CM3, MRI-CGCM3) End-of-Century (spans 2080-2099) - CMIP3 - SRESA2 (ECHAM, Mk3.5 both unadjusted and bias adjusted to CFSR), - CMIP5 - RCP4.5 (ACCESS1.0, CNRM-CM3, HadGEM2, INMCM4, BCC-CSM1.1, MIROC5, GFDL-CM3, MRI-CGCM3) - RCP8.5 (ACCESS1.0, CNRM-CM3, HadGEM2, INMCM4, BCC-CSM1.1, MIROC5, GFDL-CM3, MRI-CGCM3) .
Lineage: The Wave model is forced with surface wind and sea-ice concentration fields taken from the designated forcing General Circulation Model. Model forcing for CMIP3 forced wave simulations was taken from CCAM atmospheric model simulations which have dynamically downscaled the given GCM (6-hourly surface wind fields, and linearly interpolated monthly sea-ice fields). Model forcing for CMIP5 forced wave simulations was taken directly from the GCM (3-hourly surface winds, and linearly interpolated monthly sea-ice concentration fields).
Credit: This data collection is funded and supported by the Australian Government through the Pacific Australian Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Programme (PACCSAP). PACCSAP was funded by Department of Foreign Affair & Trade, managed by the Department of the Environment and the science was delivered by the partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.
This output was produced as part of PACCSAP Project 1.4.3: High resolution wind-wave climate and projections of change in the Pacific region for coastal hazard assessments.
Project Description: This activity represents a new area of research for the Pacific. Wave observations will be used to calibrate a wave model which will be used to estimate 21st century wave projections based on from CMIP5 models for different emission scenarios.