Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.08 wave model forced with NCEP CFSv2 hourly winds and daily sea ice, January 2011 - May 2013. The dataset contains spectral wave output at 3683 points, as well as gridded outputs on a global 0.4 degree (24 arcminute) grid, with nested Australian and western Pacific subgrids of 10 and 4 arcminutes resolution.
For further information, see Durrant, T.H., Greenslade, D.J.M., Hemer, M.A. & Trenham, C.E. (2014). A Global Wave Hindcast focussed on the Central and South Pacific, CAWCR Technical Report No. 070, Centre for Australian Climate and Weather Research (CAWCR) http://www.cawcr.gov.au/publications/technicalreports/CTR_070.pdf>. See DAP entry http://dx.doi.org/10.4225/08/523168703DCC5 for 1979-2010 data.
Lineage: The hindcast was performed using the WAVEWATCH III(TM) model version 4.08. The model was run on a 0.4 x 0.4° global grid with a series of nested grids of 10 arcminutes (~18km) down to 4 arcminutes (~7km) in the Western Pacific and Australian regions. Wave spectra were discretised over 29 frequencies exponentially spaced from 0.038 Hz to 0.5 Hz and 24 directions with a constant 15° directional resolution. All grids were forced with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis v.2 (CFSv2) surface winds at 0.2° spatial and hourly temporal resolution. Hourly sea ice concentrations from the CFSv2 data set were also used to define the ice edge. Data output in NetCDF4 format.
Credit: Input data: NCEP CFSv2 surface winds and sea ice, http://cfs.ncep.noaa.gov. Wave model used: WaveWatch III, http://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/waves/wavewatch/wavewatch.shtml The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR) is a partnership between the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO. This project was funded by DCCEE and AusAID and undertaken jointly by CSIRO and the BoM. Model run on the Bureau of Meteorology SOLAR facility.
This output was produced as part of PACCSAP Project 1.4.3: High resolution wind-wave climate and projections of change in the Pacific region for coastal hazard assessments.