Climate Change Adaptation Plan Choiseul Bay Township - Solomon Islands - Summary Booklet

This report summarises the larger report,  "Integrated Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Assessment to Inform Settlement Planning in Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands" (BMT WBM, 2014) which identifies tsunamis, flooding due to storm surge, catchment flooding, coastal erosion and cyclones, and the risk associated with these hazards, along with management options. 

This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme.

File Type: PDF
File Size: 57.14 MB

Credit: BMT WBM, Buckley Vann, University of Queensland



Detailed Descriptions
Brochure, Report
120504 - Land Use and Environmental Planning, 040104 - Climate Change Processes, 040604 - Natural Hazards, 090505 - Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management, 091507 - Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering);
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
© Commonwealth of Australia, 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Collaborating Organisations: BMT WBM Pty Ltd, Buckley Vann, University of Queensland Acknowledgements: All images contained in this report are courtesy of BMT WBM, Buckley Vann and University of Queensland, or stated otherwise. Contributors: Shannon McGuire, Prof. Tom Baldock Lead Researcher: Dr Philip Haines We would like to thank the Solomon Islands Government (SIG), Choiseul Provincial Government (CPG), community members of Choiseul Bay and the Choiseul Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Program (CHICCHAP) partners for their invaluable contributions to this study.
Haines, P. and McGuire, S. (2014) Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Choiseul Bay Township – Solomon Islands. BMT WBM Pty Ltd, Spring Hill, Queensland. Produced for the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Canberra.
Dr Philip Haines - BMT WBM,