The three climate and ocean processes selected for this map were: composite water-level range (tide and ENSO), average annual significant wave height and tropical cyclone frequency.
Climate and ocean processes in the Pacific were combined in a single ranking of potential sensitivity of the coast to a change in mean sea level. This ?process sensitivity? was then combined with the ?indicative susceptibility? to provide a final ranking for the overall sensitivity of landforms to changes in climate and ocean conditions. This is referred to as geomorphic sensitivity.
Scale 1:10,000,000
Area or single point? Area
North Latitude 21.235
South Latitude -28.940
East Longitude 128.390
West Longitude -147.74
Projection World Mercator (central meridian at 180 degrees, geographic coordinate system is WGS 84)
This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme as part of a Regional Coastal Susceptibility Assessment for the Pacific.
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