Indicative susceptibility of island types to climate change based on island type, area, maximum elevation and circularity - Sheet 2 of 3

Indicative susceptibility is an indicator of potential structural change of islands from meteorological and oceanographic processes. Potential changes at a whole-island scale are based on the relative differences between the structural characteristics and oceanic setting of islands for a range of variables; including lithology, circulatory, maximum elevation and area. The criteria describing each variable are based on broad-scale information that was readily available or easily calculable.

Scale 1:10,000,000

Area or single point? Area
North Latitude 21.235
South Latitude -28.940
East Longitude 128.390
West Longitude -147.74
Projection World Mercator (central meridian at 180 degrees, geographic coordinate system is WGS 84)

This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme as part of a Regional Coastal Susceptibility Assessment for the Pacific.

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Detailed Descriptions
Image, Poster
040104 - Climate Change Processes, 040601 - Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution, 040399 - Geology not elsewhere classified;
Geographic and Temporal Extents
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Attributions and Constraints
Licensing: NOAA data for polygons - As of version 2.2.2, GSHHG is released under the GNU Lesser General Public license. Google Earth for - © Commonwealth of Australia, 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Lead Researcher: Lalit Kumar Various datasets were provided by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) and the University of New England. Contributors: Roger McLean, Ian Eliot, Patrick Nunn Acknowledgements: Cartography by Cate MacGregor, University of New England. This map has been produced by the University of New England and funded by the Department of the Environment under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Program.
Nunn, P., Kumar, L., Eliot, I. McLean, R. (2014). Regional Coastal Susceptibility Framework for the Pacific Islands. Report prepared for the Government of Australia, Department of the Environment, 77 p. [38 figures, 35 tables], Associate Professor Lalit Kumar University of New England Email: