Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Vanuatu (Étudier le changement climatique dans le contexte océanien Guide pédagogique pour les enseignants du Pacifique Vanuatu)

The aim of this guide is to deliver nationally prioritised key messages relevant to climate change science, the effects of climate change on the Pacific and options to mitigate its causes and to adapt to expected changes. This teacher guide (English or French) is designed to be used with a visual guide (Learning about climate change the Pacific Way. A visual guide – Vanuatu) and links to the school curriculum of Vanuatu.

Project Leader Hanna Sabass (Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 'Coping with climate change in the Pacific Island Region' (CCCPIR)) & Angela Templeton (SPC)

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This publication was produced with funding from the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) program of the Australian Government, the SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region program (CCCPIR) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the SPC/USAID Vegetation and Land Cover Mapping and Improving Food Security for Building Resilience to a Changing Climate in Pacific Island Communities program.


L’objectif de ce guide est de transmettre les principaux messages prioritaires et spécifiques à chaque pays sur les sciences du changement climatique, les effets dans la région océanienne, et les mesures envisageables pour atténuer les causes de ce phénomène et favoriser l’adaptation des communautés aux changements attendus.

Le présent ouvrage est composé d’un ensemble de 16 images en couleur et d’un guide de l’enseignant spécifique à chaque pays. Ce guide propose une description de chaque image, des objectifs pédagogiques, des activités d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, des définitions (dans les encadrés blancs) et des informations générales (dans les encadrés gris). Vous trouverez à la fin du guide un glossaire des termes clés. Que vous soyez instituteur(trice) ou enseignant(e) spécialisé(e), vous pouvez utiliser cet ouvrage pour étayer et compléter votre travail sur des sujets liés au changement climatique, que ce soit en cours de sciences, de sciences sociales et/ou de géographie. La section suivante établit les liens existants entre le programme scolaire de votre pays et ce guide, afin de vous permettre de sélectionner les sujets/images adaptés et les activités connexes pertinentes.



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Detailed Descriptions
050101 - Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, 040104 - Climate Change Processes, 050203 - Environmental Education and Extension
http://www.spc.int/cc-project/; http://www.environment.gov.au/climate-change/adaptation/international-climate-change-adaptation-initiative/paccsap
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
All rights for commercial/for profit reproduction or translation, in any form, reserved. SPC and GIZ authorise the partial reproduction or translation of this material for scientific, educational or research purposes, provided that SPC, GIZ, and the source document are properly acknowledged. Permission to reproduce the document and/or translate in whole, in any form, whether for commercial/for profit or non-profit purposes, must be requested in writing. Original SPC/GIZ artwork may not be altered or separately published without permission. © Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 2013
Collaborating Organisations: Australian Department of the Environment; German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); Fiji Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts; Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC); Pacific Resource for Education and Learning (PREL); Scientific Educational Resources and Experience Associated with the Deployment of Argo profiling floats in the South Pacific Ocean (SEREAD); Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP); United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO); United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and University of the South Pacific (USP). Authors: Jipe Lebars, (SPC), Hanna Sabass (SPC/GIZ) Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region programme (CCCPIR); Carol Young, University of Auckland. Contributors: Saula Baleikaba, Muriel Borderie, Duane Leewai, Charles Pierce, Eileen Fonua (USP Institute of Education), Duane Sutton (SPC), Apenisa Tamani (GIZ) and Ane Teiaua (Kiribati Teacher College)
Lebars. J., Sabass. H., Young. C., (2013): Learning about climate change the Pacific way - A guide for Pacific teachers - Vanuatu. Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Hanna Sabass Advisor on Climate Change and Education SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR) Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Module 2, T +679 3305 983; +679 3307 543 ext. 105 F +670 3315 446 E Hanna.sabass@giz.de