Ocean acidification in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]

A fact sheet explaining ocean acidification in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.

Other fact sheets in the series include:

  • Climate variability and climate change in the western tropical Pacific
  • Climate extremes in the western tropical Pacific 
  • Large-scale climate features in the western tropical Pacific 
  • Sea-level rise in the western tropical Pacific 
The fact sheets are available via the Pacific Climate Change Portal as PDF files.



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Detailed Descriptions
Fact sheet
040502 - Chemical Oceanography, 040104 - Climate Change Processes
http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/pacific/index-pacific.shtml http://www.environment.gov.au/climate-change/adaptation/international-climate-change-adaptation-initiative/paccsap http://www.pacificclimatechangescience.org/; https://www.pacificclimatechange.net/
Geographic and Temporal Extents
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Attributions and Constraints
copyright CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology
CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology