Remote communities in Solomon Islands tackle climate change

Video (English with English Subtitles) - This video details how the community in Roviana, Solomon Islands, together with scientists and local organisations, worked with the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program to adapt to climate change.

The Roviana region in the Western Province is particularly at risk from the impacts of climate change. Roviana communities, together with the Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program (PASAP) and local organisations, worked with the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program to: map marine and coastal habitats and assess their vulnerability to climate change; assess health of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves, survey coral bleaching and disease; measure water quality and water flow into lagoons; document the health of coastal gardens and forests and identify issues affecting the adaptive capacity of people, and tangible ways through which to increase resilience.

The PASAP assisted 15 partner countries to assess their vulnerability to climate change and incorporate adaptive measures into planning and development.

Published: 7 January 2014
File Size: 25.9 MB
7-minute video

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Detailed Descriptions
Case Study, Multimedia
050203 - Environmental Education and Extension, 040104 - Climate Change Processes, 050210 - Pacific Peoples Environmental Knowledge, 050101 - Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, 120504 - Land Use and Environmental Planning;
Geographic and Temporal Extents
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Attributions and Constraints
© Commonwealth of Australia, 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Contributors: Robbie Mitchell, Econnect Communication Collaborating Organisations: Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), AusAID, University of New South Wales. Cook Islands Government Lead Researcher: Alison Binney, Econnect Communication
Australian Government (2014): Remote communities in Solomon Islands tackle climate change. online video, Produced by the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program.