Seasonal Prediction of Sea level Anomalies in the Western Pacific and East Timor (forecast tool)

This web-based forecast tool is focused on the development and verification of seasonal forecasts for sea level for Pacific Partner Countries. These forecasts are generated using the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's Predictive Ocean-Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA). 

This is a global ocean-atmosphere coupled ensemble seasonal forecast system developed jointly by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and the CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR). The web portal delivers gridded forecasts and skill maps using a navigable map overlain with geospatial information. Sea level anomaly plume plots are also available for Partner Countries in PACCSAP.

These forecasts were developed as part of the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning programme (PACCSAP)  Project 1.1.1: Seasonal prediction of sea-level anomalies in the Western Pacific.

  • Relationship to other tools: The Seasonal Prediction of Sea Level Anomalies in the Western Pacific tool is linked to the Seasonal Prediction of Extreme Ocean Temperatures and Coral Bleaching tool. Forecast outlooks for both tools are generated via the POAMA seasonal prediction model. This tool is accessible to interested users who apply to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to use the tool. Meteorological agencies from PACCSAP partner countries in the Pacific are the primary users of this tool.


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Detailed Descriptions
040599 - Oceanography not elsewhere classified, 040105 - Climatology (excl. Climate Change Processes)
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start 1982/01/01 Start text End 2010/12/31 End text
Attributions and Constraints
© Copyright
Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Elaine Miles Claire Spillman