High resolution met-ocean modelling for storm surge risk analysis in Apia, Samoa

Technical Report on the Storm Surge Risk Analysis of the Mulinu’u Peninsula as part of the Samoa Parliamentary Complex Redevelopment Project.

Data Location Details: Coastal areas of Apia, Samoa  

This publication was developed with support from the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme.

Credit: Data used in study includes: topographic and bathymetric LiDAR survey data provided by PACCSAP; bathymetric survey data provided by SPC-SOPAC; tide gauge data provided by Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the University of Hawaii; historical cyclone information from the IBTrACS database; NOAA/NCEP CFSR; and the PACCSAP wind-wave hindcast.

ISBN: 9781486303212

CAWCR Technical Report No. 071
June 2014



Detailed Descriptions
040104 - Climate Change Processes, 091507 - Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering)
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
© 2013 CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology
Authors: Ron Hoeke, Kathy McInnes, Julian O’Grady, Felix Lipkin and Frank Colberg
Hoeke, R, McInnes, K, O’Grady, J, Lipkin, F and Colberg, F 2014, High resolution met-ocean modelling for storm surge risk analysis in Apia, Samoa, CAWCR Technical Report 071, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia.
Ron Hoeke Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research: A partnership between the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO GPO Box 1289, Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia Ron.Hoeke@csiro.au