The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab

An animation and toolkit which raises awareness of the science and impacts of El Niño and La Niña and encourages Pacific Islanders to take early action in preparing for these extreme events. The film stars a comical and highly resilient crab and follows her escapades across the Pacific.

The Pacific island countries can experience very wet or very dry conditions as a result of El Niño and La Niña. These conditions, along with extreme events like cyclones, can have serious impacts on water quality, food security, infrastructure (like houses and roads), livelihoods and health. However, good quality climate and weather information, warnings and forecasts can help us anticipate and prepare for changing risks.

The animation comes with a resource ‘tool kit’ to help facilitators link the information in the film with smart decision-making and action on the ground. The toolkit contains an Action Handbook and a PowerPoint presentation.

You can screen the animation in your community or workplace. It can be streamed  via YouTube, or downloaded in high resolution (55 MB)  or low resolution (10 MB) versions.

Access the animation only via YouTube.

Download the toolkit and animation via the Pacific Climate Change Portal.

Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab was a collaboration between Red Cross and the Australian Government’s Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Program. The project was implemented by the Red Cross, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazard Department (VMGD) and the SPC-GIZ Climate Change Program.



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Detailed Descriptions
Multimedia, Presentation, Publication
090804 - Food Packaging, Preservation and Safety, 091507 - Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering), 070199 - Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified, 111715 - Pacific Peoples Health, 040104 - Climate Change Processes
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
Permission is granted to download The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab animation and screen it in your community or workplace. © Copyright
CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology
This resource tool kit was developed by the Cloud Nasara project team – Philip Malsale, Salesa Kaniaha, Rebecca McNaught, Jill Rischbieth, Brad Murphy, Christopher Bartlett and Ula Majewski.
More information email