Synthesis of climate change knowledge and planning practices carried out by the Wet Tropics Cluster Natural Resource Management (NRM) Organisations

This report provides a synthesis of local knowledge and experiences of climate change, specifically on how this knowledge was integrated with science and planning practice. We based this synthesis on the collection and review of 47 documents provided by the four Wet Tropics Cluster regional NRM organisations. Documents included NRM, land use and country based plans, research and consultancy reports, summaries of workshops and meetings, as well as a video. In addition, we interviewed 6 NRM staff from the four regional NRM organisations to answer questions that arose during the review of these documents and to provide additional information, mainly for clarification.From our review we developed the following key messages:

- Consistent and enduring action on climate change requires a climate change strategy or project that (i) has organisational support and appropriate resources; and (ii) aligns with both policy and community interests.

- Framing climate change to improve understanding of its causes and impacts, and to address barriers that prevent dialogue about required behavioural change is a critical skill and role the regional NRM organisations need to strengthen.

- Translation of climate-relevant information, of the causes and impacts of climate change, has to be targeted for the particular groups involved with and affected by an NRM issue.

- There is scope to work with innovative approaches to engage with and include Indigenous perspectives on climate change in NRM planning.

- Regional NRM organisations are continually evolving to their policy, NRM, political and socio-economic context. They are playing a major role in translating science into planning and management, and in determining the most relevant science for their regions.



Detailed Descriptions
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Cape York, Torres Strait, Wet Tropics, Mackay Whitsunday
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© 2013 CSIRO To the extent permitted by law, all rights are reserved and no part of this publication covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means except with the written permission of CSIRO
CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences
Peci Lyons, Iris C Bohnet, Rosemary Hill
Lyons, P., Bohnet, I.C, Hill, R. 2013. Synthesis of Climate Change Knowledge held and Planning Practices carried out by the Wet Tropics Cluster Natural Resource Management (NRM) Organisations. Report prepared for the Wet Tropics Cluster project collaborators and the Department of Environment. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship, Cairns. 25pp.