Supporting Document 6 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are an excellent tool for assessing the impact of climate change on groundwater dependent ecosystems. Due to its visual nature BBNs present a tool for communicating the environmental issues and processes and also a means of gathering additional information to feed into models or develop new models. BBNs are based on Bayesian probability which states that for any two events, A and B, the probability of event B occurring given that event A has happen (p(B?A) can be determined using the formula: p(B?A)=p(A?B)×p(B)/p(A) where p(A?B) is the probability of event A occurring given B, p(B) is the probability of event B and p(A) is the probability of event A. A BBN is composed of nodes (or variables) which have causal links where changes in the state of one node may influence other nodes linked to it. The nature of these changes are defined by conditional probability tables which give the probability of an outcome given the change in the influencing nodes.
BBNs have a number of advantages (Jakeman, 2009 #6)-
Bayesian belief networks (BBNs) were developed to model the potential impacts of climate change on groundwater dependent ecosystems. Three systems were chosen as case studies (Gnangara Mound, Blackwood River and Margaret River Caves). Each system had varying degrees of data available, ranging from a data rich case study (Gnangara Mound (invertebrates and vegetation) through to a data poor case study (Margaret River Caves).
The development and testing of the BBNs followed the process of-
In the case of the Gnangara Mound wetland invertebrates and wetlands, which had an extensive data set, BBNs were constructed using only available data. In the case of the Blackwood River where data was less extensive a combination of data and expert opinion was utilised. In the case of the amphibians and Margaret River caves case studies, where there was not appropriate data, expert opinion was utilised. In all cases BBNs could be constructed and the networks were able to model the impacts on the systems examined due to changing groundwater levels.
The case studies demonstrate the use of BBNs in modelling the impact of altered groundwater levels, due to climate change, on groundwater dependent ecosystems. The case studies used a variety of information from extensive datasets (Gnangara mound invertebrates and vegetation) through to expert opinion (Gnangara mound frogs and Margaret River caves). The models provided a visual representation of the systems examined and allowed the manipulation of starting conditions for the models for the testing of different scenarios.
Please cite this report as:
Speldewinde, P 2013, Adapting to climate change: A risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels. Supporting document 6: Development of Bayesian Belief Networks for modelling the impacts of falling groundwater due to climate change on groundwater dependent ecosystems, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 35 pp.
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Cover image: Quin Brook is located on the northern Gnangara Mound, Western Australia. This photo was taken in 2008 when there still used to be water in it © Dr Bea Sommer, Edith Cowan University, Centre for Ecosystem Management