NCCARF National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Collection

The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility is a unique venture established by the Australian Government in 2008 to harness and coordinate the capabilities of Australia’s researchers, to generate and communicate the knowledge decision-makers need for successful adaptation to climate change.

The Facility is a Partnership between the Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and Griffith University, with a consortium of funding partners drawn from across the country:

  • Queensland Government
  • James Cook University
  • Macquarie University
  • Murdoch University
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • The University of Newcastle
  • University of Southern Queensland
  • University of the Sunshine Coast

A ten member Advisory Board oversees and guides the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 


Repository ItemAn Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - two-page Summary of Key Findings
Australia’s forests cover a large area of the nation (approximately 20%, depending on definitions), support a high and unique biodiversity and form the basis for several important industries. Climate change has the potential to impact upon forests by causing: * Changes in species distributions; * Changes in community composition; * Changes in forest structure; * Disruption of biotic processes that provide ecosystem services.
Repository ItemNCCARF Strategic Plan - a Summary
This NCCARF Strategy 2010 - 2013 sets out the objectives that the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) will work to achieve in the period from 2010–11 to 2012–13, and the strategies that the Facility will adopt to achieve these objectives.
Repository ItemClimate Change Adaptation Research in Australia - An overview of research funded by NCCARF
NCCARF has commissioned, and now manages, a $40 million multidisciplinary research portfolio comprising more than 100 projects. These include projects that address the priorities in the Research Plans, as well as a program of cross-cutting research designed to synthesise and integrate current and emerging climate change adaptation research. This document provides a summary of NCCARF research currently being undertaken by researchers in universities, government and non-government organisations across all of Australia’s state and territories.
Repository ItemClimate Adaptation Futures: The 2010 international Climate Change Adaptation Conference
One of the first international meetings focusing solely on climate impacts and adaptation, the Climate Adaptation Futures – Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change conference brought together over 1000 scientists and decision makers from developed and developing countries. The conference, co-hosted by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship, showcased leading impacts and adaptation research from around the world. The meeting provided unique opportunities for an emerging area of science and policy making. It explored a way forward in a world where climate change impacts are increasingly observable and adaptation actions increasingly required. Importantly it opened the dialogue between research, policy and on-ground practitioners on how robust adaptation decision making can proceed in the face of uncertainly.
Repository Item chemical/x-mdl-rdfileMarine Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report Card
The report card summarises knowledge on climate change impacts, identifies knowledge gaps and addresses key adaptation. More than 70 authors from 35 universities and organisations were involved in production of the Report Card.
Repository ItemDeveloping knowledge to adapt: Key achievements of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
Our climate is changing as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Further warming is inevitable, regardless of national and international efforts to reduce emissions. Projected impacts such as sea level rise, more severe heat, storm and drought events will affect almost every aspect of Australia’s natural, built, social and economic environment. Adapting to climate change presents new challenges for policy and decision makers in both the private and public sectors. It will take time to build the skills and knowledge of how best to adapt, and for implementation of decisions to make a difference. Decisions made today that lack suitable climate foresight may create greater costs and risks in future.
Repository Item Octet StreamNCCARF Research Programs: Delivering a portfolio of research to support climate change adaptation in Australia
A survey undertaken as part of an NCCARF Adaptation Research Grants Program project suggests the answer is a resounding “yes”. Conducted by Joseph Reser and his team at Griffith University in collaboration with Cardiff University, the project generated considerable media interest, attracting 53 news reports around Australia. The project documents public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change and natural disasters. It represents one of very few cross national studies addressing public understandings of, and responses to, climate change.
Repository Item Troff documentThe Forum for NCCARF, States and Territories (FORNSAT)
Australian States and Territories are essential stakeholders for the core business of NCCARF. NCCARF needs to liaise with these important stakeholders to understand their research needs, to disseminate results from research, and to involve them in the many and diverse activities of the Facility. Despite this need, the very broad diversity of Departments across the States and Territories makes working with each one individually a difficult if not impossible task for a nexus organisation like NCCARF. To address the need for engagement, in 2008 NCCARF established FORNSAT - the Forum for NCCARF States and Territories - as a mechanism for all Australian state and territory governments to interact with the Facility, and also with each other, to progress climate change adaptation research and activity in Australia.
Repository ItemLearning from experience: A Synthesis of Historical Case Studies
The NCCARF consortium has developed a suite of historical case studies to examine present-day management of climate variability and the lessons that can be learnt for adaptation to future climate. These projects examine case studies of seven historical extreme events: * • Cyclone Tracy, which struck Darwin on Christmas Day 1974; * • Drought in small inland agricultural communities: Donald, a dryland agricultural community in central Victoria, and Mildura, an agricultural community dependent on irrigation water from the Murray; * • Drought in mining communities: Broken Hill and Kalgoorlie; * • Heatwaves, taking the case of the late January early February 2009 heatwave in Melbourne and Adelaide; * • Queensland floods in 2008, looking at Charleville in southern central Queensland, which was flooded from Bradley’s Gully in January, and Mackay, which experienced a flash flood in February; * • Storm tides, looking at the period from the 1950s to the mid 1970s when there was a series of severe storm tides along the coast of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales; * • An East Coast Low: the Pasha Bulker storm that struck Newcastle in June 2007. Decision makers at all levels, from the community to the Federal Government, can relate their experience to historical events, and the successes and failures achieved. In this way, historical case studies provide a tool for planning adaptation measures for future climates.
Repository ItemIntroduction to the Case Studies- Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events folder
This factsheet provides an introduction to the case studies in the Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events project.
Repository Item text/texmacsMeteorological Context- Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events
This factsheet explores the meteorological context of each case study in the Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events project.
Repository ItemNCCARF Highlights: The NCCARF Adaptation Research Networks
This four-page factsheet explains the basics of NCCARF's eight Adaptation Research Networks, describes the Network achievements at the time of publication, and provides contact information for each Network.
Repository ItemSummary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans
The Australian Government established the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) in 2008 to lead Australia’s research community to generate the information decision-makers in government, business and the community need to adapt to climate change – that is, to moderate harm and exploit beneficial opportunities arising from climate change. A key responsibility of NCCARF is to develop National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans (NARPs) for eight themes: »» Emergency management; »» Human health; »» Marine biodiversity and resources; »» Settlements and infrastructure; »» Terrestrial biodiversity; »» Primary industries; »» Social, economic and institutional dimensions of climate change; and »» Freshwater biodiversity. Each Plan summarises the information required for sound decision making about adaptation and gaps in current knowledge, leading to identifying priority adaptation research questions and cross-theme adaptation research priorities for that area. The Plans collectively provide a blueprint for investment in climate change adaptation in Australia over a five to seven year period. In addition to the original eight Plans, a ninth Plan is being completed focusing on adaptation research needs for Indigenous communities.
Repository ItemClimate change in the Kimberley Region
Climate change in the Kimberley Region
Repository ItemManaged Adaptation Options
This information sheet, produced as part of the Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change Synthesis (CERCCS) Synthesis & Integration Project, explores the coastal adaptation approaches of hard engineering, soft engineering, ecological engineering, ecosystem engineering, and minimising non-climatic human impacts.
Repository ItemAdaptation Conversation 2012 - 2013 brochure
This 2 page brochure outlines NCCARF’s Adaptation Conversation 2012 - 2013: developing evidence for policy-making.
Repository Item Troff documentPublic risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- factsheet
This factsheet summarizes the final report that presents and discusses national survey findings from a collaborative and cross-national research project undertaken by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (UK) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Repository Item Octet StreamTerrestrial Biodiversity Fact Sheet - Habitat Refugia
The primary goal of this network will be to develop explicit and practical strategies that increase the resilence of terrestrial ecosystems and maximise their adaptive potential under climate change. The research priorities of this network will be to collate knowledge, co-ordinate expertise and synthesise these inputs into recommendations and frameworks that will guide the way forward for Australia to adapt to global climate change. The philosophy of the network is to have a truly national focus, and thus to distribute both activities and funding opportunities across all states and territories, and amongst as broad a range of researchers, institutions, and stakeholder organisations as possible. We welcome suggestions from all members as to how we can best serve their research and collaboration needs.
Repository Item chemical/x-mdl-rdfileMarine Climate Change in Australia: Impacts and Adaptation Responses 2012 Report Card
The 2012 Marine Climate Change in Australia Report Card provides information about the current and predicted-future state of Australia’s marine climate and its impact on our marine biodiversity. The report card also outlines actions that are underway to help our marine ecosystems adapt to climate change.
Repository ItemFreshwater Biodiversity Principal InvestigatorsÆ Workshop Notes
Principal Investigators’ Workshop Freshwater and Terrestrial Biodiversity 14 & 15 May 2012 – Melbourne WORKSHOP NOTES for Stakeholders
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity & Resources - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Marine Biodiversity and Resources
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resouces - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources, which has been developed to identify research required over the next 5–7 years to inform policy development and to help managers of coastal ecosystems and the marine environment and associated industries and communities prepare for the consequences of climate change.
Repository ItemUpdate Report 2012: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources
The Marine NARP has been revisited in 2012 and the priority research questions have been updated to ensure currency and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Marine Biodiversity and Resources 2012
This Implementation Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources (2012) outlines implementation directions for the updated 2012 National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Australia's Marine Biodiversity and Resources in a Changing Climate - a review of impacts and adaptation 2009-2012
This document provides a critical review and synthesis of the published literature since December 2008 relevant to climate change adaptation for Australia’s marine biodiversity and resources, and identifies relevant funded projects and some key existing knowledge gaps.
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Freshwater Biodiversity.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity.
Repository ItemImplementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Freshwater Biodiversity
This Implementation Plan sets out a national strategy for research to address the priorities identified in the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Emergency Management and Climate Change: An Updated Review of the Literature 2009-2012
This review of recent literature on climate change adaptation and emergency management is a background document supporting the updating of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Emergency Management 2012
This Implementation Plan for Emergency Management (2012) outlines implementation directions for the updated National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management (2012) (Emergency Management NARP).
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure - First edition
Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is an iron ore producer operating in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The company was established in 2003 with the Cloudbreak mine ore processing and transport infrastructure constructed between 2006 - 2008 and more recently a second mine was established at Christmas Creek. Fortescue has a long-standing expansion target of 155 million tonnes per annum, to be reached by 2014. To achieve this target, the expansion program involves increasing existing mining operations and construction of new mines and supporting facilities. Ore processing facilities and other supporting infrastructure (including roads, rail and port facilities, work camps and containment dams) are elements of the expansion plan. The mine expansion considered the impacts of extreme weather events on the operation and risks to infrastructure investments and ensured that design parameters reflected a changing climate to 2030. This project addressed all climate-exposed components of the company’s operations, including: its staff; infrastructure and operational procedures; reviewed current design criteria thresholds; determined climate projections and extreme weather event scenarios; identified risks and developed action plans.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure, which has been developed to identify critical gaps in the information available to address the full range of issues arising from the potential impacts of climate change on settlements and infrastructure.
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Primary Industries.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary industries, which has been developed to the research required to ensure that Australia’s primary industries will continue to be sustainable, by taking advantage of opportunities and benefits and reducing the negative impacts of unavoidable climate change.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Social, Economic and Institutional Dimensions
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Social, Economic & Institutional Dimensions.
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Human Health.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health.
Repository ItemNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Indigenous Communities
The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Indigenous Communities identifies what information is needed to increase understanding of climate change adaptation for Australia’s Indigenous communities. It outlines research priorities that will inform decisions about adapting to climate change to produce effective, efficient and equitable strategies and outcomes.
Repository ItemSummary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Indigenous Communities
This document provides a summary for policymakers of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Indigenous Communities.
Repository ItemProtecting structures from floodwater
This fact sheet highlights findings from the NCCARF research project 'Damage to buildings during the 2010-11 Eastern Australia flooding events'.
Repository ItemFlood and drought resilience lessons for the mining industry
Using South East Queensland (SEQ) as a case study, this research investigated the institutional capacity of the private urban development sector to respond to climate change. This report explores findings from an online questionnaire survey, and a series of interviews and focus groups.
Repository Item ODS spreadsheetCommunity adaptation strategies to floods
This fact sheet highlights findings from the NCCARF research project final report 'Impact of the 2010-11 floods and the factors that inhibit and enable household adaptation strategies'.
Repository ItemEnhancing disaster resilience and adaptability
This Flooding in Australia fact sheet summarises the NCCARF final report Recovery from Disaster: Resilience, Adaptability and Perceptions of Climate Change.
Repository ItemThe 2008 floods in Queensland: a case study
This fact sheet summarises the final report The 2008 Floods in Queensland: A Case Study of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Adaptive Capacity.
Repository ItemAdapting our built environment to a changing climate
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards.
Repository ItemProviding emergency supplies to flood prone areas
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Repository Item text/texmacsSummaries of all NCCARF funded research projects
NCCARF has commissioned, and now manages, a $40 million multidisciplinary research portfolio. This document comprises summaries of all of NCCARF's 140 research projects. These include projects that address the priorities in the Research Plans, as well as a program of cross-cutting research designed to synthesise and integrate current and emerging climate change adaptation research. This document provides a summary of NCCARF research currently being undertaken by researchers in universities, government and non-government organisations across all of Australia’s state and territories.
Repository Item D source codeKey flooding lessons from Australia and abroad
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Living with floods: Key lessons from Australia and abroad.
Repository Item Octet StreamResponding to climate change: Perspectives from Australia
Climate Commissioner, Will Steffen addressed the Australian perspective in adapting to climate change at the Canberra seminar to launch the NCCARF Policy Guidance Briefs.
Repository ItemNCCARFÆs Adaptation Conversation: the development of Policy Guidance Briefs
This presentation on 'NCCARF’s Adaptation Conversation: the development of Policy Guidance Briefs' was given by NCCARF Director Jean Palutikof at the Policy Guidance Brief first launch in Canberra on 26 February 2013.
Repository Item ODS spreadsheetAnalysis of damage to housing during the 2010/11 Queensland floods
The presentation 'Analysis of damage to housing during the 2010/11 Queensland floods' was given by Matthew Mason at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia.
Repository ItemPresentation - Benefits and costs of post-cyclone emergency services in Cairns
This presentation 'Benefits and costs of post-cyclone emergency services in Cairns' by Leo Dobes was given at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Repository ItemPresentation - Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
This presentation 'Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards' by David King was given at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Repository ItemRethinking disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
This project undertook a comparative case study of the 2009 Victorian bushfires, the 2011 Perth Hills bushfires, and the 2011 Brisbane floods to develop the foundations for a nationally consistent approach to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation that would be supported by a set of appropriate reforms to governing institutions and tools.
Repository Item D source codeLiving with floods: Lessons from Australia and abroad
The presentation 'Living with floods: Lessons from Australia and abroad' was given by Karen Hussey at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia.
Repository ItemUpdate Report 2013: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity
The Terrestrial Biodiversity NARP and Implementation Plan was revisited to ensure the priority research questions were current for 2013 onwards and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Rainfall and Flooding in Queensland: December 2010 and January 2011
The presentation Rainfall and Flooding in Queensland: December 2010 and January 2011 was given by Rob Webb at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)NCCARF Newsletter Edition 17, March 2013
March 2013 edition of NCCARF Newsletter
Repository ItemPresentation - Adaptation strategies for Australian birds
This presentation is about adaptation strategies for Australian birds.
Repository ItemUpdate Report 2013 - National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries
The Primary Industries NARP was revisited in 2012 and priority research questions have been updated to ensure currency and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Repository Item chemical/x-pdbNational Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Emergency Management.
Repository Item chemical/x-pdbSummary: National Climate Change Research Plan for Emergency Management
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management, which identifies the information that decision makers need in order to effectively respond and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 12: Policy and regulatory frameworks for adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with policy and regulatory frameworks for adaptation to climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 6: Adaptation and First Australians: lessons and challenges
This Policy Guidance Brief addresses the challenges of adapting to climate change for Indigenous communities and associated agencies, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 7: Climate proofing AustraliaÆs infrastructure
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with climate proofing Australia’s infrastructure, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 8: Adapting ecosystems to climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenge of managing Australia’s ecosystems (terrestrial, marine and freshwater) to ensure conservation and function under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 9: Managing heatwave impacts under climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the management of heatwaves, or ‘extreme heat events’, and their impacts on human health and infrastructure under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 10: Emergency management and climate change adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the management of climate-related disasters under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 11: Ensuring business and industry are ready for climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with ensuring business and industry are ready for climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)NCCARF Newsletter Edition 18, June 2013
June 2013 edition of NCCARF Newsletter
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Briefs
NCCARF is producing a portfolio of twelve Policy Guidance Briefs in 2012-13 on critical climate change adaptation topics.
Repository Item application/x-troff-msNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 1: Building resilient coastal communities and ecosystems
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with Australian coastal management under climate change, built on experiences in New South Wales, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 2: Ensuring AustraliaÆs urban water supplies under climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenge of managing urban water under climate change with south-west WA as an example, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 4: Adapting agriculture to climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with adapting Australia’s agriculture to climate change drawing on experiences in South Australia, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
Repository Item text/texmacsNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 5: Challenges of adaptation for local governments
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenges of adaptation for local governments, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Repository ItemNCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 3: Supporting decision-making for effective adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief explores decision-making for adaptation through frameworks and criteria for performance evaluation, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
Repository ItemNCCARF Conference Handbooks
NCCARF's conference handbooks from 2010, 2012, 2013
Repository ItemHistorical Case Studies: Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heat waves - the southern Australian experience of 2009.
This case study was funded by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) under its Synthesis and Integrative Research Program. The study targets the experience and challenges faced by decision-makers and policy-makers, and focuses on the major metropolitan areas affected by the heatwave: Melbourne and Adelaide.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management - Revised 2012
The National Climate Change Research Plan for Emergency Management was revised in 2012 to ensure it is up-to-date and able to provide guidance for research investment for the coming five years.
Repository Item chemical/x-pdbUpdate Report 2012: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management
The National Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management has been revisited and its research priorities updated in 2012 to ensure it is able to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Repository ItemAustraliaÆs country towns 2050: What will a climate adapted settlement pattern look like?
This report examines inland settlements and the impact of extreme events, a warming and drying southern climate and increased costs of structural economic change and degradation of infrastructure.
Repository ItemAdaptation to climate in widespread eucalypt species
This research examined the long-term success of revegetation efforts on widespread eucalypts based on climate resilience and selection of seed sources to match projected climate changes.
Repository ItemAdaptor of last resort? An economic perspective on the GovernmentÆs role in adaptation to climate change
Using Brisbane property prices around the January 2011 flood, this study considered perceptions of flood risk to understand how government can reduce costs and barriers to efficient adaptation.
Repository Item C headerSupporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in the Australian Capital Territory: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for the ACT.
Repository Item C headerSupporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in the Northern Territory: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for NT.
Repository Item C headerSupporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in South Australia: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for SA.
Repository Item C headerSupporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Victoria: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for Victoria.
Repository Item C headerSupporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Tasmania: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for Tasmania.
Repository Item application/rls-services+xmlDesigning landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: summary for landscape managers and policy makers
This summarises research which investigated how current approaches to landscape design can encourage native flora and fauna and discourage invasive species in adjusting to changing climate futures in New South Wales.
Repository ItemIndigenous voices in climate change adaptation
This project investigated how the deep knowledge of the Yorta Yorta people can be used to strengthen their participation and influence in the complex national and regional processes that determine how their traditional lands, which are in the highly-contested Murray-Darling Basin, are managed, leading to improved adaptation decisions both for the Yorta Yorta and the wider community.
Repository Item Troff documentDesigning landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: final report
This research investigated how current approaches to landscape design can encourage native flora and fauna and discourage invasive species in adjusting to changing climate futures in New South Wales.
Repository ItemLiving Change: Adaptive housing responses to climate change in the town camps of Alice Springs
Living Change: Adaptive housing responses to climate change in the town camps of Alice Springs
Repository ItemUrban food security, urban resilience and climate change
This provides information on the extent of urban agricultural practices, a critical review of good practice and an analysis of opportunities and barriers to expansion in the face of climate change.
Repository ItemCosts and coasts: an empirical assessment of physical and institutional climate adaptation pathways
Costs and coasts: an empirical assessment of physical and institutional climate adaptation pathways
Repository Item Octet StreamIndigenous climate change adaptation in the Kimberly region of North-western Australia
This report presents the findings of an investigation into the capacity of Indigenous people in north-western Australia to respond to climate risks.
Repository Item application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.packageClimate change adaptation in the boardroom
This report discusses climate adaptation for the corporate sector as a key strategic issue relating to changes in policy and trade environments and risk management opportunities including insurance.
Repository ItemExtreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
Extreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
Repository Item Octet StreamIdentifying climate refuges for freshwater biodiversity across Australia
This project explored the history and definitions of refuges in freshwater systems, assessed the relatively stability and general refugial value of large-scale regions across the Australian continent and provided three case studies demonstrating applications of the continental analysis to inform more local adaptation strategies.
Repository ItemValuing adaptation under rapid change
This report addresses the need for collaborative frameworks for institutional decision making under uncertainty, and economic strategies to allocate risk, when planning to adapt to climate change.
Repository Item text/texmacsLimits to climate change adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef: scoping ecological and social limits
This report looks at current and future climate change impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. It studies the perceptions of key stakeholder groups of potential outcomes, in order to better understand the motivations and capacities underlying adaptation action in the region.


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National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
Gold Coast campus
Griffith University
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