NCCARF Conference Handbooks

2010 Climate Adaptation Futures

29 June - 1 July 2010
Gold Coast Convention Centre
Queensland, Australia 

Conference Welcome
Welcome to the 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Climate Adaptation Futures: preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.  On behalf of the Conference International Steering Committee, we are delighted to welcome over 900 participants from around 55 countries to this event, which will be one of the first international forums to focus solely on climate impacts and adaptation. 

Climate change is one of the most important environmental, social and economic issues facing the world today.  Despite growing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, some impacts such as more intense floods, droughts, bushfires, and rising sea levels are now inevitable.  We must therefore plan for and adapt to these changes, in order to minimise the negative impacts and enhance the benefits to natural systems, societies, and human activities and well-being.  This represents a challenge for decision making at all levels, from individuals to governments, and in business and industry.

This Conference will showcase leading impacts and adaptation research from around the world.  With an exciting program of over 500 presenters, it will explore the contribution of adaptation science to planning and policy making, and how robust adaptation decision making can proceed in the face of uncertainty about the impacts of climate change.

Professor Jean Palutikof
Director, NCCARF

Dr Andrew Ash
Director, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship

2012 Climate Adaptation in Action

26-28 June 2012
Sebel Hotel, Albert Park
Melbounre, Victoria, Australia

Conference Welcome
This 2012 Conference will showcase the growing body of climate change adaptation knowledge in Australia and internationally, how this knowledge is being used by communities, governments and industry to adapt to the impacts of climate change, the contribution of adaptation science to planning and policy making across Australia, and how robust adaptation decisions can be made in the face of uncertainty.

Climate already has a significant impact on our lives and livelihoods, particularly through extreme events such as storms, cyclones, floods and droughts. Climate change, brought about by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, will result in even greater impacts through warmer temperatures, rising sea levels and more intense floods, droughts, and bushfires. While change is inevitable, there is little to be gained by getting caught up in doom and gloom scenarios of the future. Instead, we must proactively plan for and adapt to change, in order to minimize the negative impacts and take advantages of any opportunities that arise. This is a challenge for decision-making at all levels.

Recognition of this challenge led to the formation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility and the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship approximately 4 years ago. Since then, these initiatives have worked to progress climate adaptation research and knowledge transfer in Australia in partnership with the communities, governments and industries that have the responsibility to adapt Australia successfully to climate change. Building on the success of the NCCARF/CSIRO 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, the 2012 National Adaptation Conference provides an ideal platform to highlight Australia’s growing and significant contribution towards global understanding of climate change impacts and opportunities and options to adapt to these impacts. With an exciting program of over 270 presenters, focused plenary and panel sessions, together with side meetings, and social functions, we are sure that the Conference will provide a golden opportunity for participants to discuss the latest developments in adaptation research, and to share information, practical experiences and contacts. 

Professor Jean Palutikof
Director, NCCARF

Dr Andrew Ash
Director, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship

2013 Knowledge + Partnerships

25-27 June 2013
Hilton Hotel, Sydney
New South Wales, Australia

Conference Welcome
This 2013 Conference will showcase the growing body of climate change adaptation knowledge in Australia and internationally, how this knowledge is being used by communities, governments and industry to adapt to the impacts of climate change, the contribution of adaptation science to planning and policy making across Australia, and how robust adaptation decisions can be made in the face of uncertainty.

Climate already has a significant impact on our lives and livelihoods, particularly through extreme events such as storms, cyclones, floods and droughts. Climate change, brought about by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, will result in even greater impacts through warmer temperatures, rising sea levels and more intense floods, droughts, and bushfires. While change is inevitable, there is little to be gained by getting caught up in doom and gloom scenarios of the future. Instead, we must proactively plan for and adapt to change, in order to minimize the negative impacts and take advantages of any opportunities that arise.

This is a challenge for decision-making at all levels. Recognition of this challenge led to the formation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility and the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship approximately 4 years ago. Since then, these initiatives have worked to progress climate adaptation research and knowledge transfer in Australia in partnership with the communities, governments and industries that have the responsibility to adapt Australia successfully to climate change. Building on the success of the NCCARF/CSIRO 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, the 2012 National Adaptation Conference provides an ideal platform to highlight Australia’s growing and significant contribution towards global understanding of climate change impacts and opportunities and options to adapt to these impacts. With an exciting program of over 270 presenters, focused plenary and panel sessions, together with side meetings, and social functions, we are sure that the Conference will provide a golden opportunity for participants to discuss the latest developments in adaptation research, and to share information, practical experiences and contacts. 

Professor Jean Palutikof
Director, NCCARF 



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Detailed Descriptions
Brochure, Newsletter, Presentation
Geographic and Temporal Extents
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Attributions and Constraints
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility