NCCARFs evidence-based Policy Guidance Briefs address key challenges to effectively adapting Australia to a variable and changing climate, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenge of managing Australias ecosystems (terrestrial, marine and freshwater) to ensure conservation and function under climate change.
The policy guidance provided in this brief was developed at a workshop held in Townsville in March 2013. The workshop was attended by policy makers and managers from Queensland Environment and Heritage Protection, Wet Tropics Management Authority and other Queensland State Government departments, Townsville Council, Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), Seagrass Watch, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, private consultants, scientists including Morgan Pratchett (JCU), Yvette Williams (JCU) and April Reside (JCU), Rob Kay (Adaptive Futures) and NCCARF staff.