Development of National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans is a key function of NCCARF. These Plans (referred to as NARPs) are produced for nine key sectors where adaptation response will be critical in safeguarding against climate risks to social, economic and environmental well-being.
The purpose of a NARP is to identify priority needs over the next few years in developing knowledge on how governments, businesses and communities can best adapt to climate change risks. They provide a national blueprint for research investment by research organisations and knowledge user stakeholders. Development of NARPs involves the active contribution of both the research community and adaptation knowledge users.
The NARP for Marine Biodiversity and Resources (Marine NARP) (Mapstone et al. 2010) is concerned with identifying priority research questions for marine climate change adaptation issues, including conservation, fisheries and tourism. Research focused on these priority questions should support governments, conservation agencies, fishers, businesses, landholders, community organisations and individuals to make sound decisions about climate change adaptation initiatives for marine issues. These decisions should be able to take advantage of opportunities for marine biodiversity and resources that result from climate change and to reduce unavoidable detrimental climate change impacts.
The Marine NARP has been revisited in 2012 and the priority research questions have been updated to ensure currency and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Please cite this report as: Holbrook NJ, Creighton C, Robertson J, Vu H, McKellar R, 2012, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Marine Biodiversity and Resources Update 2012, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 60pp.
Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Marine Biodiversity and Resources 2012
View the full suite of Marine Biodiversity & Resources NARP projects here.