NCCARF National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Collection
Body text
The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility is a unique venture established by the Australian Government in 2008 to harness and coordinate the capabilities of Australia’s researchers, to generate and communicate the knowledge decision-makers need for successful adaptation to climate change.
The Facility is a Partnership between the Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and Griffith University, with a consortium of funding partners drawn from across the country:
Queensland Government
James Cook University
Macquarie University
Murdoch University
Queensland University of Technology
The University of Newcastle
University of Southern Queensland
University of the Sunshine Coast
A ten member Advisory Board oversees and guides the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility.
Limits and barriers to climate change adaptation for small inland communities affected by drought
This report assesses the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits of water trading and the implications of using market-based instruments (MBIs) or adaptation, in particular the barriers and limitations to climate change adaptation in small inland communities. MBIs are tools that utilise a range of market- like approaches to positively influence peoples behaviour. MBIs achieve outcomes by: altering market prices; setting a cap or altering quantities of a particular good; improving the way a market works; or creating a market where no market presently exists. The project found that water trading has potential to deliver as a beneficial adaptation strategy, although for some peo0ple and industries there can be negative impacts that are not well understood.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report I - Establishing the need
This report Establishing the need and consultation with key stakeholders in forest policy and management - is the first in the series. Through stakeholder engagement this part of the FVA project was charged with:
* identifying key issues to be addressed by the Forest Vulnerability Assessment;
* determining to what extent climate change adaptation is being considered in current forest planning and management; and
* determining the type of information that is needed by forest managers and policy makers to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report II - Biophysical impacts
This report Biophysical impacts of climate change on Australia's forests - is the second in the series. It presents a review of the primary literature on evidence of impacts of climate change on Australian forests. Existing evidence for climate change impacts in relation to direct stresses (CO2, temperature and rainfall), indirect stresses (fire, pests, pathogens and weeds) and plant processes (growth, transpiration and phenology) is discussed. The report concludes with a discussion of the overall impact of climate change on vegetation and the ecosystem services provided by forests. It should be noted that there have been several excellent reviews of climate change impacts on Australian forests as well as reports on climate change impacts on natural heritage and biodiversity. Conclusions drawn from these earlier reviews are not repeated. Instead, the report focuses on drawing evidence from the primary literature, including grey literature. Relevant literature was identified by bibliographic searches and in consultation with experts across Australia.
Creating a climate for food security: governance and policy in Australia
This report contributes to the understanding of the relationships between food policies, food security and climate change. It focuses on agricultural production; biodiversity and ecosystems; land use; resilience to natural disasters; water scarcity; and biosecurity.
Creating a climate for food security: the business, people & landscapes in food production
This research compared horticulture and dairy production systems showing the importance of including triple-bottom-line values in planning for resilience to climate change in agri-food systems.
Living with floods: key lessons from Australia and abroad
The project analysed flood reviews in light of climate change comparing Australia with the Netherlands, China and the USA, to determine similarity that reinforced Australian findings and differences.
Climate change adaptation and the rental sector
This research explored the assets, barriers and limitations of the rental sector to adaptation and the stakeholder-landlord relationship with a focus on the adaptive capacity of low-income renters.
Heat-Ready: Heatwave awareness, preparedness and adaptive capacity in aged care facilities
The Heat-Ready study captured information on the current knowledge, policy status, preparedness and adaptive capacity to heatwaves in staff who work in Aged Care Facilities in three Australian states.
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia Supporting document 2: Riparian replanting for temperature control in streams
This report is Supporting Document 2 of the NCCARF final report Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia.
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia. Supporting Document 1: Evaluating the utility of cold-water releases (ôshandyingö) for enhancing the resilience of riverine species
This report is Supporting Document 1 of the NCCARF final report Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia.
Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change
Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change
Leading adaptation practices and support strategies for Australia: An international and Australian review of products and tools
This Report addresses an intentional approach to Australias climate adaptation, introducing a structured framework and methodology to analyse user needs and available support products and services.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report IV - Adaptation options
The assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to climate change is an initiative of the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC). The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) was approached to carry out such a comprehensive Forest Vulnerability Assessment (FVA). NCCARF engaged four research groups to investigate distinct aspects in relation to the vulnerability of forests, each of which has produced a report. In addition a fifth group was engaged to create a summary and synthesis report of the project. This report Climate change adaptation options, tools and vulnerability - is the fourth report in the series.
Understanding the adaptive capacity of Australian small-to-medium enterprises to climate change and variability
This research examined the underlying factors and processes shaping adaptive capacity of Australian small-to-medium enterprises to climate change and associated sea level rise.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in New South Wales: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for NSW.
Increasing the resilience of the Australian alpine flora to climate change and associated threats: A plant functional traits approach
Based on Mt Kosciuszko, a highly at-risk ecosystem in Australia from climate change, this report supports minimising existing threats from fire, weeds and some grazing animals to enhance resilience.
Approaches to risk assessment on Australian coasts
The study proposes a framework to forecast Australian coastal erosion and recession, pointing out gaps in understanding the sediment budget, the role of estuaries and longshore sediment transport
A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves
A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves
Adapted future landscapes: User guide
This User Guide describes the Adapted Future Landscapes approach to support NRM planning and decision-making.
Network governance and climate change adaptation: collaborative responses to the Queensland floods
This research examines ways to build adaptive capacity to climate change and compares social networks through a case study of organisations that responded to Queenslands 201011 major floods.
Barriers to adaptation to sea-level rise
This research investigated what legal, institutional and cultural barriers exist to climate change adaptation to sea level rise and examined how these barriers are addressed in local contexts.
Community based adaptation to climate change: The Arabana, South Australia
The project was a multi method, cross cultural and inter-disciplinary adaptation project aimed to assess the resilience and vulnerability of the Arabana people and then develop adaptation options.
Recovery from disaster: Resilience, adaptability and perceptions of climate change
Focused on four disaster-impacted communities: Beechworth and Bendigo (VIC) and Ingham and Innisfail (QLD) this report makes recommendations for emergency management and local government policies.
Final Report: Cross-Scale Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in Local Government, Australia
The main objective of this research was to identify the factors that inhibit and enable adaptation strategies within flood affected communities. To achieve this, a mixed methods survey was carried out in three case study locations: Brisbane and Emerald, Queensland, and Donald, Victoria. In order to understand the broader story from a local perspective, we also investigated peoples experience of the flood in terms of response and recovery.
Public risk perceptions, understandings, and responses to climate change and natural disasters in Australia, 2010 and 2011
This insightful report shows that without action the effects of climate change are likely to have considerable impacts on the industry and subsequently may affect insurance affordability and availability. The advocacy group CERES explores the challenges that climate change presents to the US insurance industry and wider economy. The report acknowledges that insurance is intrinsically linked with the wider economy and that any failings by insurers to consider the impacts of climate change will cascade down and affect the ability of the private sector, state and society to rebound from climate-related shocks. The report shows that a combination of poor investment returns, changes to the dominant catastrophe and considerable losses from catastrophe events in recent years has sent ripples through the insurance communitys earnings.
Public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- final report
This report presents and discusses national survey findings from a collaborative and cross-national research project undertaken by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (UK) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Climate change adaptation guidelines for ports, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
Identifying risk is not a purely quantitative evaluation; it also involves qualitative decisions about the importance of the identified risks and which risks should be taken into account.
Understanding future risks to ports in Australia, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
This document reports on the research carried out to better understand the complexity (and uncertainty) of the future climate and non-climate risks that are likely to affect future port operations in Australia.
Functional resilience of port environs in a changing climate-assets and operations, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
A functional response to climate change requires a better understanding of the characteristics of commodity trade and related port logistics operations.
Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate: research synthesis and implications for policy and practice
This report synthesises the research findings from the Climate Resilient Seaports project. The intention of the project was to contribute to an emerging knowledge base relating to climate change and seaports.
What about me? Factors affecting individual adaptive coping capacity across different populations
This study examines psychological drivers of individual-level adaptation and developed a Coping with Climate Change tool with implications for the communication of climate change adaptation policies.
Development and case studies: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This research developed and validated a risk assessment and decision-making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels due to climate change and other causes.
Guidelines for use: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This is a guide to use a risk assessment and decision making framework to manage groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining groundwater levels from climate change, extraction and land management.
Assessing risks to groundwater dependent wetland ecosystems in a drying climate
Supporting Document 2 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Identifying thresholds for responses of amphibians to groundwater and rainfall decline
Supporting Document 3 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Environmental variables in the habitats of south-western Australian freshwater fishes
Supporting Document 4 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Spatially representing the impacts of falling groundwater
Supporting Document 7 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Reforming planning processes: Rockhampton 2050 pilot
This research demonstrates how existing urban planning principles and practices can accommodate climate change and the uncertainty of climate change impacts for a seachange region.
South East Coastal Adaptation (SECA): Coastal urban climate futures in SE Australia from Wollongong to Lakes Entrance
The SECA project investigated possible coastal urban futures in SE Australia and developed a broad scope integrated framework to describe what a climate-adapted coastal community may be like in 2030.
Predicting water quality and ecological responses
This research developed a framework to predict relationships between future climate, human activities, water quality and ecology that in order to inform water planning and adaptation activities.
Literature review: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This literature review provides a basis to develop and test a risk assessment and decision-making tool to manage groundwater dependent wetlands and caves affected by climate change and other stressors
Development of Bayesian Belief Networks for modelling the impacts of falling groundwater
Supporting Document 6 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Changes to Country and Culture, Changes to Climate: strengthening institutions for Indigenous resilience and adaptation
Changes to Country and Culture, Changes to Climate: strengthening institutions for Indigenous resilience and adaptation
Limp, Leap or Learn? Developing legal frameworks for climate change adaptation planning in Australia
This report identifies the range of legal tools and instruments that can be used to influence the spatial distribution and nature of land use and development and hence the exposure and vulnerability of settlements to climate hazards.
Project summary: Spatial planning instruments for climate change adaptation: a taxonomy
This project summary identifies the range of legal tools and instruments that can be used to influence the spatial distribution and nature of land use and development and hence the exposure and vulnerability of settlements to climate hazards.
Food security, risk management and climate change
NCCARF project final report examining the implications of climate change impacts in the Australian food-supply chain, considering risk management practices to address opportunities and uncertainties.
Climate change adaptation in industry and business
This report delivers a best practice framework to integrate financial risk assessment, governance and disclosure with existing governance principles around climate change adaptation.
Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota
This report underpins climate adaptation planning for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity, focused on protecting habitats and supporting freshwater biota under a changing climate.
Climate change adaptation guidelines for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity
This report has the guidelines developed from the final report Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota.
A spatial vulnerability analysis of urban populations during extreme heat events in Australian capital cities
Focused on four disaster-impacted communities: Beechworth and Bendigo (VIC) and Ingham and Innisfail (QLD) this report makes recommendations for emergency management and local government policies.
Climate change adaptation strategies for Australian birds
This research identifies Australian water birds likely to face strong challenges or extinction from climate change and recommends key actions to secure and manage vulnerable regions for the future.
Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change - a synthesis report
Climate change represents a major threat to coastal ecosystems and communities. In many areas around the Australian coast, the combined projected threats of sea level rise, increased temperatures and reduced rainfall will place unprecedented stress on species, ecosystems and human settlements and industries. Given that even the strictest climate change mitigation policies are unlikely to halt or reduce the threat that climate change currently poses to coastal ecosystems, consideration is needed as to how species, ecosystems and human communities might be able to adapt to anticipated changes.
The Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change Synthesis (CERCCS) Project represents a major Synthesis and Integration project commissioned by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and undertaken by staff at Griffith University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, James Cook University and CSIRO. The focus of the project was on conducting a broad-scale assessment of climate change threats to coastal ecosystems of Australia and identifying potential adaptation pathways to inform decision-making and future research.
Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments: CATLoG
This project developed CATLoG, the Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments, a project specifically meant to assist decision makers in comparing and prioritising climate change adaptation investments with particular reference to extreme events.
Handbook CATLoG - Climate adaptation decision support tool for local governments
This is the handbook for the Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments, a project specifically meant to assist decision makers in comparing and prioritising climate change adaptation investments with particular reference to extreme events.
Structural resilience of core port infrastructure in a changing climate, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
This report identifies key port infrastructure elements affected by climate change and forecasts the rate of deterioration of structures over a period for which climate scientists could provide necessary projections.
The impacts of declining water levels on stygofauna communities
Supporting Document 5 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Joining the dots: hydrology, freshwater ecosystem values and adaptation options
This research investigated the development of a freshwater biodiversity adaptation planning framework using Tasmania to explore priorities and adaptation actions at local, regional and state scales.
Learning from cross-border mechanisms to support climate change adaptation in Australia
This project focuses on learning from existing cross-border regulatory mechanisms with a view to strengthening and improving cross-border climate change adaptation practices in Australia.
Adapted future landscapes û from aspiration to implementation
Adapted future landscapes û from aspiration to implementation
Impact of Climate Change on Disadvantaged Groups: Issues and Interventions
Impact of Climate Change on Disadvantaged Groups: Issues and Interventions
Quantifying the cost of climate change impacts on local government assets
This final report addresses development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans. This reserach was funded through the Australian Research Grants Program (ARGP).
Adaptive management of Ramsar wetlands
Adaptive management of Ramsar wetlands
Managing coextinction of insects in a changing climate
This project developed conservation strategies for identifying which plant-dwelling insects are at greatest risk of coextinction induced by climate change, and identified which management actions will be most cost effective at reducing impacts.
Robust optimisation of urban drought security for an uncertain climate
This study presents and demonstrates a methodology that addresses the problem of finding good solutions for urban bulk water systems in the presence of deep uncertainty about future climate. It uses a case study based on the Lower Hunter in New South Wales to demonstrate the methodology.
Storm Tides, Coastal Erosion and Inundation
This case study will focus on the May 2009 storm that affected South East Queensland and Northern NSW to explore vulnerabilities, disaster responses and changes in planning, management and policy which are enacted or proposed, and which may result in long-term adaptation improvements. This analysis will be supported by an examination of previous storms which have impacted on coastal settlements. In particular the study will examine the locations where specific planning and management action has already been implemented in response to past impact, including:
* Collaroy/Narrabeen, where a range of measures has been used including property buy-back schemes
* Byron Bay, which has adopted a policy of planned retreat, involving planning set-backs and associated constraints on new development
* Gold Coast, where the principal strategy has involved the construction of coastal protection infrastructure.
Impacts and adaptation responses of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves
From 27 January to 8 February 2009, southern Australia experienced one of the nations most severe heatwaves. Governments, councils, utilities, hospitals and emergency response organizations, and the community were largely under-prepared for an extreme event of this magnitude.
This case study was funded by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) under its Synthesis and Integrative Research Program. The study targets the experience and challenges faced by decision-makers and policy-makers, and focuses on the major metropolitan areas affected by the heatwave: Melbourne and Adelaide.
Drought and the Future of Rural Communities- Publications
Australias vulnerability to climate variability and change has been highlighted by the recent (and current) drought situation. For example, a persistent rainfall deficiency over the last seven to ten years has resulted in low inflows into the Murray-Darling system, with some active storages currently at less than 20% of capacity. Droughts are, and always will be, part of the Australian climate and it is impossible to prevent these natural disasters from occurring. There is also the possibility that the frequency, intensity and duration of droughts may increase due to anthropogenic climate change, stressing the need for robust drought adaptation strategies.
Adaptation Lessons from Cyclone Tracy
This case study will review the impact of Tropical Cyclone Tracy on the city and people of Darwin, the Australian engineering and institutional responses that it invoked and the relevance of these lessons to a world threatened by global climate change.
At Christmas, 1974, Tropical Cyclone Tracy laid waste the city of Darwin, an iconic episode in the history of Australian natural disasters. It provides one of the clearest and most successful examples worldwide of adaptation to a catastrophe. Following large losses in Townsville from Tropical Cyclone Althea in 1971, the level of destruction in Darwin was such that it led to new regulations mandating the use of the wind code for reconstruction, and eventually to similar regulations for new construction in other cyclone-prone areas of Australia.
Public risk perceptions, understandings, and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- interim report
This interim report provides an initial look at the national survey findings of a collaborative and cross-national research project by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (Wales) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Learning from Regional Analogues - final report
This twelve month study was commissioned by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) to examine the potential for Learning from Regional Climate Analogues through selected target communities in Australia. The underlying assumption is that communities reflect their prevailing climate in the way that they organise their infrastructure, built form and services, such as health and emergency response. Climate is also likely to dictate, to some extent, the policy content in development, infrastructure and health plans and the management of ecosystem services.
Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: supplement report
This supplementary report to Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change, validates results using a third case study landscape, the area managed by the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority in Victoria.
IClimate: Final Report
The iClimate project conducted a review of climate change impacts and adaptation literature for Australia during 2010?2011 covering natural and managed ecosystems, human health and well?being, and human built environments, industry and infrastructure.
Prioritising naturalised plant species for threat assessment: developing a decision tool for managers
This research aimed to assess the current extent of environmentally suitable habitat for a suite of naturalised, but not yet invasive non-native plants within Australia and to evaluate how projected changes in climate may alter these patterns in the coming decades.
An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Australian Forests to the Impacts of Climate Change
An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Australian Forests to the Impacts of Climate Change
Learning from regional climate analogues
Learning from regional climate analogues
Flooding in Australia
Flooding in Australia
An assessment of the nature and utility of adaptive capacity research
An assessment of the nature and utility of adaptive capacity research
Factors and measures that overcome barriers to adaptation
Factors and measures that overcome barriers to adaptation
Bridging the gap between user needs and science capability: dealing with uncertainty in climate scenarios for adaptation
Bridging the gap between user needs and science capability: dealing with uncertainty in climate scenarios for adaptation
Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events
Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events
Coastal Ecosystems Response to Climate Change
Coastal Ecosystems Response to Climate Change
Projection of the impact of climate change on the transmission of Ross River virus disease
Projection of the impact of climate change on the transmission of Ross River virus disease
Climate Change and Rural Communities: Integrated study of physical and social impacts, health risks and adaptive options
Climate Change and Rural Communities: Integrated study of physical and social impacts, health risks and adaptive options
Health impacts of climate change on Indigenous Australians: identifying climate thresholds to enable the development of informed adaptation strategies
Health impacts of climate change on Indigenous Australians: identifying climate thresholds to enable the development of informed adaptation strategies
Dengue transmission under climate change in Northern Australia: linking ecological and population based models to develop adaptive strategies
Dengue transmission under climate change in Northern Australia: linking ecological and population based models to develop adaptive strategies
Changing Heat: direct impacts of temperature on health and productivity - current risks and climate change projections
Changing Heat: direct impacts of temperature on health and productivity - current risks and climate change projections
Displaced twice? Investigating the impact of Queensland floods on the wellbeing and settlement of a cohort of men from refugee backgrounds living in Brisbane and Toowoomba
Displaced twice? Investigating the impact of Queensland floods on the wellbeing and settlement of a cohort of men from refugee backgrounds living in Brisbane and Toowoomba
Climate Change impacts on Workplace Heat Extremes: Health Risk Estimates and Adaptive Options
Climate Change impacts on Workplace Heat Extremes: Health Risk Estimates and Adaptive Options
Agent based simulation framework for improved understanding and enhancement of community and organisational resilience to extreme events
Agent based simulation framework for improved understanding and enhancement of community and organisational resilience to extreme events
Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans.
Development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans.
Recovery from disaster experience: its effect on perceptions of climate change risk and on adaptive behaviours to prevent, prepare, and respond to future climate contingencies
Recovery from disaster experience: its effect on perceptions of climate change risk and on adaptive behaviours to prevent, prepare, and respond to future climate contingencies
A model framework for assessing risk and adaptation to climate change on Australian coasts
A model framework for assessing risk and adaptation to climate change on Australian coasts
Adaptation of the built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
Adaptation of the built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
Past, Present and Future Landscapes: Understanding Alternative Futures for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Settlements and Communities.
Past, Present and Future Landscapes: Understanding Alternative Futures for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Settlements and Communities.
Identification of climate-driven species shifts and adaptation options for recreational fishers: learning general lessons from a data rich case
Identification of climate-driven species shifts and adaptation options for recreational fishers: learning general lessons from a data rich case
Management implications of climate change effects on fisheries in Western Australia
Management implications of climate change effects on fisheries in Western Australia
Vulnerability of an iconic Australian finfish (Barramundi, Lates calcarifer) and related industries to altered climate across tropical Australia
Vulnerability of an iconic Australian finfish (Barramundi, Lates calcarifer) and related industries to altered climate across tropical Australia
Management implications of climate change impacts on fisheries resources of northern Australia
Management implications of climate change impacts on fisheries resources of northern Australia
Adapting to the effects of climate change on AustraliaÆs deep marine reserves
Adapting to the effects of climate change on AustraliaÆs deep marine reserves