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The Vanuatu Tourism Adaptation System – Supplementary material
This document provides supplementary material to the development of the Vanuatu Tourism Adaptation System, a system developed to better understand climate risk to destinations in Vanuatu and how it can be reduced.
Planning Packages
This report has been produced as part of the Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management in East Coast Australia project. The project is being delivered by six consortium partners: University of Queensland (Consortium leader); Griffith University; University of the Sunshine Coast; CSIRO; New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage; and Queensland Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts (Queensland Herbarium) to foster and support an effective “community of practice” for climate adaptation within the East Coast Cluster regions that will increase the capacity for adaptation to climate and ocean change through enhancements in knowledge and skills, and through the establishment of long term collaborations. Funding for the project is received from the Australian Government as part of the Natural Resource Management Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program, under Stream 2 of the Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Modelling suggests minimal impact of climate change expected on vegetation communities in southern Australian Mediterranean ecosystem
Application of species distribution modelling using vegetation community types in place of individual species.
Incorporating climate change into recovery planning for threatened vertebrate species in southwestern Australia
We used species distribution modelling to incorporate climate change into recovery planning for threatened vertebrates in southwestern Australia
Climate Risk Management Matrices (Cropping)
The Climate Risk Management Matrix approach developed by the Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence has been applied to support adaptation decisions in the grazing and horticulture sectors. Draft matrices have been developed to support enterprise level planning across the cropping lands of the Central Slopes.
Murray Basin NRM Water Synthesis Report
Synthesis of previous studies into the impacts of climate change on runoff and recharge across the Murray Basin Natural Resource Management (NRM) Cluster region.
Murray Basin NRM Carbon Report
This report explores the economic modelling of carbon farming projects and compares spatial patterns of carbon potential across the Murray-Darling Basin for both current and future climate.
Murray Basin NRM Adaptation Pathways Report
This Report outlines the development and trialling of a process to help regional natural resource management (NRM) organisations plan responses to the challenges of climate change based on the simple idea that not all adaptation decisions have to be made in the next planning cycle.
Murray Basin NRM Climate-ready Restoration
This report provides advice on the interpretation of biodiversity and climate change information, to inform strategic decisions regarding restoration activity, and hereby improving the chance that restoration activity will contribute to landscape conservation under future climates.
Murray Basin NRM Climate-ready Restoration Practical Guidelines
Outlines possible changes to restoration and some practical guidelines that might be useful
Murray Basin NRM Climate-ready Restoration Practical Guidelines PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation associated with "Murray Basin NRM Climate-ready Restoration Practical Guidelines" Report
biodiversity prioritization layers
Biodiversity prioritization layers for the Wet Tropics NRM cluster region. Developed by summing the modelled distributions of 69 terrestrial species (11 amphibians, five birds, 7 mammals and 46 reptiles.)
Carbon Biodiversity overlap and prioritization Terrain Region
Maps of carbon and biodiversity overlaps for prioritization in the Terrain NRM region.
Climate space changes Terrain Region
A collection of habitat suitability maps in the Terrain NRM region. Showing modelled distributions for 1990, 2085 and the areas that are different.
Biodiversity and carbon Reef Catchments NRM region
map showing location of carbon and biodiversity overlap areas.
Supporting Regional NRM organisations to update their NRM plans for adaptation to climate change
A conference publication paper describing the Wet Tropics cluster Brokering Hub model and summarising key NRM issues in relation to developing climate adaptation pathways.
Climate change issues and impacts: Key messages
This brochure presents the key messages extracted from each chapter of the synthesis report Climate change issues and impacts int he Wet tropics cluster region (Hilbert et al., 2014).
Timeline of accumulation of climate change knowledge
This fact sheet is intended as a tool for communicating facts about the development of climate change knowledge, together with global responses to this information.
Can we identify areas suitable for the potential translocation of threatened species?
Species distribution modelling can identify areas of current and future climate suitability, or refugia from climate change – examples using Western Bristlebird & Tammar Wallaby
Trends in natural resource management in Australia's monsoonal north: the conservation economy
Trends in natural resource management in Australia's Monsoonal North: The conservation economy—describes the drivers behind the development of a conservation economy in the region and why this is important.
Trends in natural resource management in Australia's monsoonal north: the beef industry
Trends in natural resource management in Australia's Monsoonal North: The beef industry aims to provide the region’s natural resource management (NRM) groups with an understanding of how best to support the industry.
East Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster. The aim of the document is to provide more information on each of the research elements and to facilitate input from the regional body planners and other researchers to each of the research projects. More detailed descriptions of the expected project outputs will also facilitate use of the research by the regional NRM bodies.
East Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster. The aim of the document is to provide more information on each of the research elements and to facilitate input from the regional body planners and other researchers to each of the research projects. More detailed descriptions of the expected project outputs will also facilitate use of the research by the regional NRM bodies.
Planners Working Group (PWG) workshop summary April 2014
This report is a summary of the East Coast Cluster Planners Working Group workshop held in April 2014. The objectives of this report are to: provide a summary of the workshop provide an opportunity for workshop participants to reflect on the content and processes for the workshop, and share those reflections with other participants provide ideas to improve future workshops and the wider project.
Engagement Report
The aim of the Planners Working Group was to identify the needs of the NRM bodies as a focus for research by the consortium partners. It served as the primary mechanism for information sharing and capacity building throughout the project.
CliMAS is a tool that provides interactive maps and regional reports to examine the future of species distributions and biodiversity across Australia.
Supplementary material for Mackey et al. (2016) Natural icons and threats...
This pdf document contains the supplementary material for the article by Mackey, B., Jacobs P. & Hugh S. (2016) Natural icons and threats: an approach to landscape conservation planning. PARKS 22.1
Planning for Climate Change Monsoonal North Cluster: Decision Making and Planning for NRM
Report includes a summary of NRM planning for five NRM regions in northern Australia; Burdekin Dry Tropics NRM, Northern Gulf NRM, Southern Gulf NRM, Territory NRM and Rangelands NRM
Summary of the East Coast Cluster Planners Working Group workshop April 2015.
Aims of the Workshop: Focusing on application of research to NRM planning • Developing planning packages Reflection on processes Where to next
Map posters accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This is a link to the digital maps posters accompanying the AdaptNRM Guide: Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Supporting climate adaptation planning using a community-level modelling approach, on the CSIRO Data Access Portal
Report: 3C Modelling for biodiversity under future climate
The 3C project evaluated the impacts of climate change on biodiversity up to 2050 and mapped where conservation actions will provide the greatest benefits. Impacts on 100 ecosystems were modelled for six alternative climate futures using a range of spatial-analytical approaches.
Northern Australian Aquatic Assets Geodatabase v2.0
The Northern Australian Aquatic Assets Geodatabase (NAAAG) v2.0 has been developed to assist in the quantification and communication of risks associated with threats to aquatic ecological assets across northern Australia. It comprises a base level set of spatial layers on aquatic features (rivers, lakes, swamps, estuaries, springs) and associated context layers (catchments, land use, protected areas, terrain, vegetation, roads and places). It also includes a catchment based assessment of relative risk scores associated with threats arising from factors such as flow alteration, sea level rise and climate change.
Integrated cross realm planning: A decision-makers' perspective
Application of cross- realm planning to NRM planning and decision making in northern Australia.
Climate Knowledge Needs for Natural Resources Management Planning in Australia's Monsoonal North and Rangelands: summary report
An understanding of climate knowledge needs of NRM planners for the purpose of adapting NRM plans to climate change is a critical knowledge gap in itself that must be addressed before application-ready data products can be adequately designed and developed. This study interviewed NRM Planners across the Region to better understand climate knowledge needs for NRM Planners.
Southern and South-Western Flatlands data layers / Data layers explained
A data collection that provides the layers that formed the basis of bioclimatic modelling used to predict the likely impacts of climate change on over 700 species of plants and animals, and 21 vegetation communities. Also includes an explanatory report which describes methodology and outputs of the species distribution modelling.
Terra Nova metadata inventory
Creating and managing metadata takes time and effort. Griffith University has created a Terra Nova metadata template which can be used to pre-record metadata for content items that will be uploaded to Terra Nova.
Climate change in northern Australia: Information for Aboriginal people living in the north
Information booklet about climate change and its potential impacts for Aboriginal people living in northern Australia.
Climate change and carbon management in the monsoonal north
Report focusses on carbon sequestration and emissions abatement using the savanna fire methodology under the Emissions Reduction Fund and Carbon Farming Initiative.
Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP) & Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Science Component Bibliography (2009-2015)
A bibliography which lists scientific outputs from the PCCSP and PACCSAP Programmes Science Components. Includes details of journal articles, books, book chapters, conference presentations and reports.
Weeds and Climate Change: Climex models
This dataset is part of the AdaptNRM Weeds and Climate Change module. The data collection in CSIRO's Data Access Portal features global and Australian maps of Species Distribution Models (SDM) for current and 2070 climates for invasive plant species for which there are published CLIMEX models.
Weeds and Climate Change: All CLIMEX models
Global and Australian maps of Species Distribution Models (SDM) for current and 2070 climates for invasive plant species for which there are published CLIMEX models.
Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: Maps and Datasets
The AdaptNRM Guide: Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: a community-level modelling approach, is accompanied by a series of maps and datasets. These represent supporting materials and information about the community-level biodiversity models applied to climate change.
Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Datasets
The AdaptNRM Guide: Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Supporting climate adaptation planning using a community-level modelling approach, is accompanied by a series of datasets. These represent supporting materials and information about the community-level biodiversity models applied to climate change.
Mammal datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This folder provides links to each of the Mammal datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Refugial potential for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Vascular Plants as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Vascular Plants as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CAN ESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Vascular Plants as a function of land clearing and climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Vascular Plants as a function of land clearing and changing climate based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:1990
Benefits of revegetation index for Vascular Plants as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Reptiles as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Reptiles as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Reptiles 1990:2050 CAN ESM2 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CAN ESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Mammals as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Amphibians as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Mammals 1990:2050 CAN ESM2 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CAN ESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Refugial potential for Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Amphibians as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Need for assisted dispersal (50% similarity) for Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Need for assisted dispersal for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Reptiles as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Reptiles as a function of land clearing and changing climate based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:1990
Benefits of revegetation index for Amphibians as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Mammals as a function of land clearing and changing climate based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:1990
Benefits of revegetation index for Mammals as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Amphibians as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Amphibians as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Amphibians 1990:1990
Benefits of revegetation index for Amphibians as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Vascular plant datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This folder provides links to each of the Vascular plant datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Reptile datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This folder provides links to each of the Reptile datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Amphibian datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This folder provides links to each of the Amphibian datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
VAS_v5_r11: Generalised dissimilarity model of compositional turnover in vascular plant species for continental Australia at 9 second resolution using ANHAT data extracted April 2013
Compositional turnover patterns in vascular plant species across continental Australia were derived using Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM). These models use best-available biological data extracted from the Australian Natural Heritage Assessment Tool (ANHAT) Database current to April 2013 (courtesy the Australian Government Department of the Environment and the BushBlitz program) and spatial environmental predictor data compiled at 9 second resolution.
Projected vegetation redistribution: Australia - projection to 2050, pre-clearing extents of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (CMIP5: CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
This collection contains 9-second gridded datasets (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the projected future (2050-centred) potential vegetation redistribution of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) for continental Australia based on their pre-clearing distribution patterns and correlation with baseline ecological environments (c.1990 climates, substrate and landform).
Projected vegetation redistribution: Australia - projection to 2050, pre-clearing extents of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (CMIP5: MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
This collection contains 9-second gridded datasets (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the projected future (2050-centred) potential vegetation redistribution of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) for continental Australia based on their pre-clearing distribution patterns and correlation with baseline ecological environments (c.1990 climates, substrate and landform).
Projected vegetation redistribution (MaxClass): Australia - projection to 2050, maximum probability class generalised pre-clearing patterns of Major Vegetation Sub-groups (CMIP5: CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
This collection contains a 9-second gridded dataset (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the generalised projected future (2050-centred) potential pre-clearing vegetation patterns of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) derived from the maximum of their respective predicted probabilities for each grid cell (V_MXC_85Can50 - MaxClass). Two additional datasets show the maximum probability in each gird cell that was used to assign that class (V_MXP_85Can50 - MaxProb), and the number of classes with non-zero probabilities with potential to represent their type in each grid cell (V_NMC_85Can50 - NumClasses).
Projected vegetation redistribution (MaxClass): Australia - projection to 2050, maximum probability class generalised pre-clearing patterns of Major Vegetation Sub-groups (CMIP5: MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
This collection contains a 9-second gridded dataset (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the generalised projected future (2050-centred) potential pre-clearing vegetation patterns of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) derived from the maximum of their respective predicted probabilities for each grid cell (V_85MIR50_MXC - MaxClass). Two additional datasets show the maximum probability in each gird cell that was used to assign that class (V_85MIR50_MXP - MaxProb), and the number of classes with non-zero probabilities with potential to represent their type in each grid cell (V_85MIR50_NMC - NumClasses).
Potential vegetation distribution (MaxClass): Australia - 1990-centred baseline prediction, maximum probability class generalised pre-clearing patterns of Major Vegetation Sub-groups
This collection contains a 9-second gridded dataset (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the generalised predicted baseline (1990-centred) potential pre-clearing vegetation patterns of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) derived from the maximum of their respective predicted probabilities for each grid cell (V_1990_MXC - MaxClass). Two additional datasets show the maximum probability in each gird cell that was used to assign that class (V_1990_MXP - MaxProb), and the number of classes with non-zero probabilities with potential to represent their type in each grid cell (V_1990_NMC - NumClasses).
Potential vegetation distribution: Australia - 1990-centred baseline predictions of the pre-clearing extents of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups
This collection contains 9-second gridded datasets (ESRI binary float format in GDA94) showing the baseline (1990-centred) predicted potential distribution of 77 Major Vegetation Sub-groups (MVS classes) for continental Australia based on their pre-clearing distribution patterns and correlation with baseline ecological environments (c.1990 climates, substrate and landform).
Projected distribution of vegetation types datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt
This folder provides links to the datasets associated with the measure: projected distribution of vegetation types, which is included in the AdaptNRM Helping Biodiversity Adapt module.
Refugial potential for Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Refugial potential index for Amphibians as a function of climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Revegetation benefit (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Benefits of revegetation index for Mammals as a function of land clearing and climate change based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Composite ecological change for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the CanESM2 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for vascular plants (VAS_v5_r11).
Composite ecological change for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the MIROC5 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for vascular plants (VAS_v5_r11).
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for vascular plants as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for vascular plants as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Vascular Plants 1990:1990
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Vascular plants as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Vascular Plants 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Vascular Plants as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Vascular plant datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity
This folder provides links to each of the Vascular plant datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Reptile datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity
This folder provides links to each of the Reptile datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Novel ecological environments for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Composite ecological change for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the CanESM2 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for reptiles (REP_R3_V2).
Composite ecological change for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the MIROC5 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for reptiles (REP_R3_V2).
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Reptiles 1990:1990
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Reptiles 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Reptiles 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Reptiles as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover
Mammal datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity
This folder provides links to each of the Mammal datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Composite ecological change for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the CanESM2 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for mammals (MAM_R2).
Composite ecological change for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the MIROC5 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for mammals (MAM_R2).
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Mammals as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:1990
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Mammals as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Novel ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Potential degree of ecological change in Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) for Mammals 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Mammals as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments for Mammals 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5
Disappearing ecological environments for Mammals as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Amphibian datasets accompanying AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity
This folder provides links to each of the Amphibian datasets, which form part of the AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity module. Datasets are listed by measure and climate model.
Composite ecological change (Amphibian 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the CanESM2 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for amphibian (AMP_R2_PTS1).
Composite ecological change (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Composite ecological change as a function of three metrics (the potential degree of ecological change and of disappearing and novel ecological environments) shows where change might be greatest and different types of vulnerability using 30-year climate averages between the present (1990:1976- 2005) and projected future (2050:2036-2065) under the MIROC5 global climate model (RCP 8.5), based on a Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover for amphibian (AMP_R2_PTS1).
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) (Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of land clearing and change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments (Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
Novel ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Novel ecological environments (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Novel ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments (Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
Disappearing ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Disappearing ecological environments (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Disappearing ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change (Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2 RCP 8.5)
Potential degree of ecological change in Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Potential degree of ecological change (Amphibians 1990:2050 MIROC5 RCP 8.5)
Potential degree of ecological change in Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the MIROC5 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (intact) (Amphibians 1990:2050 CanESM2)
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of change in long term (30 year average) climates between the present (1990 centred) and projected future (2050 centred) under the CanESM2 model (RCP 8.5) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Change in effective area of similar ecological environments (cleared natural areas) (Amphibians 1990:1990)
Proportional change in effective area of similar ecological environments for Amphibians as a function of land clearing within the present long term (30 year average) climate (1990 centred) based on Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) of compositional turnover.
Map posters accompanying AdaptNRM Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity
This is a link to the digital maps posters accompanying the AdaptNRM Guide: Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: a community-level modelling approach, on the CSIRO Data Access Portal
Australian Alps network vegetation classification
A common vegetation classification and map of the Australian Alps network (The network of Australian Alps National Parks).
Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Data Portal
The Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Data Portal improves knowledge of past tropical cyclone activity in the Pacific Islands and East Timor by plotting tracks of cyclones in the South Pacific from 1969, allowing users to see the characteristics and paths of past tropical cyclone events.
Seasonal Prediction of Sea level Anomalies in the Western Pacific and East Timor (forecast tool)
Seasonal prediction of sea level anomalies in the Western Pacific is focused on the development and verification of seasonal forecasts for sea level for Pacific Partner Countries. These forecasts are generated using the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's Predictive Ocean-Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA).
The Pacific Adventures of the Climate Crab
An animation and toolkit which raises awareness of the science and impacts of El Niño and La Niña and encourages Pacific Islanders to take early action in preparing for these extreme events.
Cloud Nasara (Klaod Nasara; Nasara de Nuages)
An animation and toolkit in three languages (Bislama, English and French) which raises awareness of the science and impacts of El Niño and La Niña in Vanuatu, and encourages the people of Vanuatu to take early action in preparing for these extreme events.
Seasonal Prediction of Extreme Ocean Temperatures/Coral Bleaching (forecast tool)
A web-based tool that provides seasonal forecasts of ocean temperature and coral bleaching risk in the Pacific.
Pacific Climate Change Data Portal
The Pacific Climate Change Data portal is a web-based tool that provides access to historical climate trends and basic climate information from observation sites across the Pacific Islands and East Timor. It allows quick comparisons across international borders, and puts changes at individual sites into a broader "whole of the Pacific" perspective.
CAWCR Wave Hindcast 1979-2010
Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.08 wave model forced with NCEP CFSR hourly winds and daily sea ice, 1979-2010.
Water Level Climatologies for Pacific Island Countries
Components of total hourly sea level signal, monthly exceedance probabilities, and gridded tides and sea level anomaly.
CAWCR Global wind-wave 21st century climate projections
Archived output from wave climate simulations carried out using a 1 degree global implementation of WaveWatch III (v3.14).
Satellite-derived bathymetry of Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu
High-resolution visible satellite imagery (Quickbird) was acquired and a physics-based model inversion process used to estimate water column depth.
Current and future storm tide risks for Fiji
Current and future storm tide risk study for Fiji. These risks are quantified by estimating 20, 50 and 100, 500, 1000 year maximum storm tide height return intervals under a variety of climate conditions and sea levels using a combined statistical/dynamical method.
Regional sea level projection - annual time series, 2006-2090 - 0.5 degree resolution
Sea level projections based on the CMIP5 climate models and the IPCC AR5 under 4 RCP scenarios for the western tropical Pacific. The data are presented in annual time steps between 2006 and 2090.
CAWCR wave hindcast extension Jan 2011 - May 2013
Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.08 wave model forced with NCEP CFSv2 hourly winds and daily sea ice, January 2011 - May 2013.
Current and future storm tide risks for Samoa
Current and future storm tide risk study for Samoa. These risks are quantified by estimating 20, 50 and 100 year maximum storm tide height return intervals under a variety of climate conditions and sea levels using a combined statistical/dynamical method.
Hybrid downscaled wave climate of Funafuti, Tuvalu
High-resolution gridded wave parameters (significant wave height, peak period, peak direction, wave dissipation, etc.) for the entire atoll of Funafuti.
CMIP5 Climatologies
Historic and future 20-year climatologies of CMIP5 data on native model grid for annual, seasonal and monthly seasons. Up to 40 models from the CMIP5 archive are available.
Historical sea level reconstruction - monthly time series, 1950-2009 - 1 degree resolution
Historical sea level reconstruction by merging tide gauge measurements with altimeter measurements, presented in monthly time steps between January 1950 and December 2009
Projections of coral bleaching risk in the Western Pacific under different levels sea surface temperature increases
The collection contains Degree heating week (DHW) time series. The matrix has 4 dimensions : longitude, latitude, time-window and warming).
Tropical cyclone tracks found using the CSIRO Direct Detection scheme on CMIP5 model outputs
ASCII text files listing each tropical cyclone detected within output of a suite of CMIP5 models for the Pacific region contained by latitudes 20N to 40S, and longitudes 135E to 150W; and Global images of tropical cyclone densities derived from these detections, presented as either days per year or storms per year for a 5 x 5 degree longitude/latitude grid.
CAWCR Wave Hindcast extension June 2013 - July 2014
Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.18 wave model forced with NCEP CFSv2 hourly winds and daily sea ice, June 2013 - July 2014.
CMIP5 global climate model outputs and derived outputs, comprising: Data generated to produce PACCSAP reports; data generated to produce NRM reports; data generated to produce ACCSP reports.
Processed global climate model outputs and derived analysis from ‘historical’ and RCP simulations from CMIP5 models.
Empirical indices of tropical cyclone genesis for CMIP5 models
Three empirically-derived indices of tropical cyclone genesis - Genesis Potential Index (labelled in files as "gpi"), Murakami-GPI ("GPIM") and Tippett Index ("TCGI") - have been applied to monthly outputs of a suite of CMIP5 models.
Southern Slopes Climate Change Adaptation Research Partnership (SCARP) Project Information Summary Sheet
Project Information Summary Sheet of the SCARP project
Carbon farming and natural resource management in eastern Australia
This report analyses the potential for vegetation-based carbon farming activities in east coast Australia and reviews the likely co-benefits and dis-benefits to ecosystem function that could occur as a result of increased vegetation across the landscape, brought about by these activities.
Pacific Climate Futures Version 2 (decision support tool)
Pacific Climate Futures Version 2.0 is a free web-based climate impacts decision-support tool. It provides national and some sub-national climate projections for East Timor and 14 Pacific countries.
Climate Variability, Extremes and Change in the Western Tropical Pacific: New Science and Updated Country Reports
This report, a major output of the PACCSAP Programme, documents the latest scientific understanding of large-scale climate processes, observations, extremes and projections in the western tropical Pacific.
Monsoonal North Social Resilience Handbook
The aim of this handbook is to assist planners within the Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations of the Monsoonal North to prepare landholders within the region to become more “climate ready”.
Coastal Processes, Tourism and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the coastal tourism industry and other coastal managers on issues related to climate change.
The NRM Adaptation Checklist: Supporting climate adaptation planning and decision-making for regional NRM.
This AdaptNRM guide is designed to support climate change adaptation planning by NRM groups. It has been designed to help evaluation, prompt practitioners about where changes to their plans might be needed, and provide additional information which can support the amendment of plans.
Weeds and Climate Change: Supporting weed management adaptation
This AdaptNRM guide synthesises impacts and adaptation information that is likely to be broadly applicable across much of Australia to assist NRM Groups with regional planning for weed management.
Means-to-an-end: a process guide for participatory spatial prioritisation in Australian natural resource management
In this collaborative report, co-authored by researchers and NRM planners, a process is defined to undertake spatial prioritisation to achieve multiple competing outcomes. The process embraces new tools and techniques and a solid engagement with both science and community values.
A Review of Carbon Sequestration in Vegetation and Soils: options, opportunities and barriers for Southern Slopes Cluster NRM organisations.
This report summarises current research, including economic analyses, around ways of both sequestering carbon in aquatic and terrestrial environments, and of maintaining existing stocks of stored carbon in these environments. The focus is on sequestration activities in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector, that are within the sphere of activities relevant to regional NRM agencies in South eastern Australia.
An Adaptive Capacity Guide Book: assessing, building and evaluating the capacity of communities to adapt in a changing climate.
This report provides a practical guide to assessing building and monitoring adaptive capacity as a key component of adaptation to climate change for natural resource management.
Coastal Vulnerability: Indicator based modelling of the response of mangrove and saltmarsh to climate change and climatic variability on the Hunter River
Mangrove and saltmarsh are at the interface between the land and the sea. Changes in their elevation and distribution may be an indicator of changes in the relationship between the land and sea. The aim was to determine whether surface elevation trends and the variability around trends are primarily influenced by climatic or hydrological variables
First order assessment of the risk of estuaries to climate change in the east coast NRM cluster
Vulnerability can be described in terms of the exposure and sensitivity of a system to climate change drivers, and the capacity of a system to adapt to climate change drivers. This can be integrated with estuary geomorphology to indicate the future vulnerability of an estuary to geomorphic change.The aim was to apply an integrated framework for assessing the future vulnerability of an estuary to geomorphic change as a first order assessment of vulnerability of estuaries in the east coast NRM
Spatial data for agriculture and climate change projections in the East Coast Cluster
This dataset contains ascii files for the agricultural modelling conducted for the ECC NRM groups.
Coastal vulnerability to sea level rise
This case study report describes the methodology of a scale-dependent three-pass approach to coastal modelling.
Analysis of the Needs of the East Coast Cluster Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies in Relation to Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
Analysis of the Needs of the East Coast Cluster Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies in Relation to Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
It's hot and getting hotter. Australian rangelands and climate change - reports of the Rangelands Cluster Project
Consolidated reports from the Rangelands Cluster Project, including projections (chapter 2) and an adaptation user guide to support NRM planners to incorporate information into NRM planning processes (chapter 15).
It’s hot and getting hotter – executive summary. Australian rangelands and climate change
Executive summary of the consolidated report "It's hot and getting hotter. Australian rangelands and climate change - reports of the Rangelands Cluster Project".
Australian rangelands and climate change - pastoral production and adaptation
Grazing of livestock is the most extensive land use in the Rangelands Cluster region. Projected changes in climate will impact the future way in which pastoralism occurs and adaptations will be required, both at enterprise scale and regionally.
Australian rangelands and climate change - invasive animals
Ten species of significant vertebrate pest in the Rangelands Cluster region are considered in this report: feral goat, one-humped camel, feral hours/brumby, feral donkey, feral pig, red fox, feral domestic cat, dingo, European rabbit and cane toad.
Australian rangelands and climate change - guidance to support adaptation
The purpose of this report is to bring together information and methods that will be of practical use in addressing adaptive capacity, resilience and vulnerability of people in remote and marginalised regions.
Australian rangelands and climate change - native species
Australia supports a unique and globally significant diversity of plants and animals, with an important component of this diversity occurring within the Rangelands Cluster region. The projected changes in climate are likely to have significant impacts on the native flora and fauna.
Southern Slopes Information Portal Report: Climate change adaptation information for natural resource planning and implementation
Climate change adaptation information for natural resource planning and implementation
Uptake of climate change adptation pathways and opportunities into Wet Tropics CLuster NRM plans: System building in progress
This document is designed to capture progress and explain the underlying ideas about how knowledge sharing can support adaptation. We first present our interactive model which we are using to develop, conduct and evaluate the uptake of knowledge, and the methods we are using to collect data relevant to evaluating outcomes.
Australian rangelands and climate change - fire
Fire is extensive and common in northern Australia, particularly in the tropical savanna. In the Rangelands Cluster region, extensive wildfire is more common in the spinifex-dominant deserts and following two or more years of above-average rainfall.
Australian rangelands and climate change - dust
The level of dust in the air is related to ground cover and provides a useful indicator of wind erosion rate, although the amount of dust observed is influenced by several factors.
Synthesis of climate change knowledge and planning practices carried out by the Wet Tropics Cluster Natural Resource Management (NRM) Organisations
This report provides a synthesis of local knowledge and experiences of climate change, specifically on how this knowledge was integrated with science and planning practice. We based this synthesis on the collection and review of 47 documents provided by the four Wet Tropics Cluster regional NRM organisations.
Australian rangelands and climate change - Cenchrus ciliaris (buffel grass)
Buffel grass has been shown to acclimate to higher temperatures and to maintain competitiveness and response to fire under increased CO2, conditions expected under climate change.
Australian rangelands and climate change - aquatic refugia
In water-limited environments such as the rangelands, all natural waterbodies are environmentally, culturally and economically valuable. Accordingly, one of the most important climate adaptation strategies for the Rangelands Cluster is the identification, management and restoration of aquatic refugia.
Australian rangelands and climate change - remotely sensed ground cover
Targets specifying the maintenance of minimum levels of ground cover are a common feature of regional NRM plans. Rainfall, fire and grazing are the principal drivers of ground cover. Setting realistic targets for broadly different land types within each region is a challenge.
Australian rangelands and climate change - heatwaves
Most towns in the Rangelands Cluster region have had more hot days and heatwaves, and longer heatwaves, in the recent past, particularly during the first decade of this century. This pattern is consistent with projected hotter temperatures as part of climate change.
Australian rangelands and climate change - rainfall variability and pasture growth
This report examines the frequency with which past probable growth events occurred using the daily rainfall data for selected recording stations throughout the Rangelands Cluster and uses various amounts of continuous daily rainfall to indicate likely growth events. A spreadsheet template is provided for continuing use by NRM planners in their regions.
Australian rangelands and climate change - meteorological drought
This report includes the recent history (since 1950) of meteorological drought in the Rangelands Cluster region, which is characterised by severe rainfall deficiency over periods of 12 months or more.
Current issues assessment tool template
An excel spreadsheet that can be adapted to assess the current situation in order to undertake pathways planning as per SCARP Adaptation Pathways Playbook
Selecting climate futures for NRM Planning
Poster outlining a process for selecting climate futures to help plan for climate change adaptation.
Adaptation Pathways: a playbook for developing options for climate change adaptation in Natural Resource Management
This playbook presents an approach to climate change adaptation planning known as adaptation pathways – ‘an analytical approach to planning that explores and sequences a set of possible actions that are based on external developments over time’ (Haasnoot et al. 2013:485). It guides users through five broad activities or ‘plays’ that make up an approach to pathways planning. It provides a brief description of each activity and directs the user to relevant sections of the supporting Southern Slopes Information Report (Wallis et al. 2014), which provides greater detail on each activity, including links to relevant resources and literature.
Can we identify where Sandalwood plantings can be used to buffer remnant vegetation?
Species distribution modelling can identify areas of future climate suitability for a suite of species – an example using Sandalwood host species
Can we identify areas suitable for revegetation or corridor plantings?
Species distribution modelling can identify groups of species with similar responses to climate variables, contemporary communities are more likely to persist where number of groups is greatest – examples from northern and southern SW WA
Climate change impacts in the Wet Tropics cluster region
A short film depicting projected climate change impacts and issues in the Wet Tropics cluster region of northern Australia
3C Modelling - GDM Bioclimatic Class Profiles
Profiles of the 100 Bioclimatic Classes used in the 3C project.
Historical extreme events in the Central Slope Cluster
This selection of data from the Central Slopes region details historical trends in extreme daily minimum and maximum temperatures and daily precipitation.
Prospering in a Changing Climate. A Climate Change Adaptation Framework for South Australia August 2012.
This Climate Change Adaptation Framework sets the foundation for South Australians to develop well-informed and timely actions to be better prepared for the impacts of climate change. It is intended to guide action by government agencies, local government, non-government organisations, business and the community.
Victorian Climate Change Adaptation Plan
This first adaptation plan focuses on government preparedness. The plan outlines actions being taken to manage risks and build climate resilience across essential public infrastructure and services. The plan also recognises that managing risks to Victoria’s natural assets and natural resource-based industries is vital for the wellbeing of our communities and the health of our economy.
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
The development of the City of Greater Geelong Climate Change Adaptation Strategy was identified as an outcome under the Sustainable Natural and Built Environment Strategic Direction contained within the City Plan 2009-2014.The Adaptation Strategy is designed to facilitate understanding of the risks of climate change within the City of Greater Geelong and guide the establishment of processes that allow for robust and flexible decision making in response to climate risks.
3C Modelling - Incremental GDM Climate Change Projection Bio-climatic Envelope Classifications
100 class nearest neighbour classifications for each of the six future climate scenarios over the period from the 1990 baseline year out to 2050 in 5 yearly intervals. Based on the Generalised Dissimilarity Model of compositional turnover in vascular plant species for continental Australia at 9 second resolution using ANHAT data extracted April 2013.
Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster Region
This report presents a synthesis of current scientific knowledge in relation to the likely impacts of climate change in the Wet Tropics cluster region of northern Australia. This report is the first major output of the NRM Fund research project in the region.
Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster Region
This report presents a synthesis of current scientific knowledge in relation to the likely impacts of climate change in the Wet Tropics cluster region of northern Australia. This report is the first major output of the NRM Fund research project in the region.
Open licensing of research outputs: a fact sheet for Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
A fact sheet outlining why and how to apply an open licence to research outputs, with a focus on the suite of Creative Commons licences.
APSIM output for climate change scenarios
Output from APSIM climate change simulations for monoculture wheat; monoculture sorghum; opportunity wheat and sorghum; and rainfed and furrow irrigated cotton.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - two-page Summary of Key Findings
Australias forests cover a large area of the nation (approximately 20%, depending on definitions), support a high and unique biodiversity and form the basis for several important industries. Climate change has the potential to impact upon forests by causing: * Changes in species distributions; * Changes in community composition; * Changes in forest structure; * Disruption of biotic processes that provide ecosystem services.
Greenhaven shapefie
Modified shapefiles, information provided is fictional and not accurate, generated maps need to be flipped vertically and horizontally to compose maps depicted in the “Lilliput Hypothetical Case Study Elaboration” report
NRM information management survey report
A report presenting the results of a survey that asked climate change adaptation researchers about their data and information management procedures.
Long-term storage options for final outputs from Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects: a fact sheet
A fact sheet outlining the benefits and limitations of a variety of computerised storage options for the long-term storage of research information and data.
Re-using existing information and data: a fact sheet for Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
A fact sheet and flowchart outlining the legal re-use of third party data when creating new research outputs.
Managing climate change adaptation data and information: a reference guide for Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
A comprehensive guide to best practice in information and data management for those working in natural resource management and related areas.
Final Engagement Report
This report has been produced as part of the Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management in East Coast Australia project. The project is being delivered by six consortium partners: University of Queensland (Consortium leader); University of the Sunshine Coast; CSIRO; New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage; and Queensland Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts (Queensland Herbarium) to foster and support an effective “community of practice” for climate adaptation within the East Coast Cluster regions that will increase the capacity for adaptation to climate and ocean change through enhancements in knowledge and skills, and through the establishment of long term collaborations.
SEQCARI Adaptation Options Main Report
A report for the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative
Horticulture and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the horticultural industry on issues related to climate change.
Grazing and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the grazing industry on issues related to climate change.
Cropping and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the cropping industry on issues related to climate change.
East Coast Lows Research Program Synthesis for NRM Stakeholders
This report is a synthesis of the findings of the Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative – East Coast Lows (ESCCI-ECL) research program. It provides an overview for natural resource managers and emergency services on the effects of east coast lows (ECLs) and how they may alter under a changing climate.
Climate Adaptation Outlook: A Proposed National Adaptation Assessment Framework
The Climate Adaptation Outlook report is the first of a structured series of reports on how well placed Australia — including its businesses, communities and institutions — is to manage the impacts of unavoidable climate change.
Adapting to Climate Change in Tasmania Issues Paper
This Issue Paper seeks to identify input from business, industry, community groups, natural resource management bodies, technical experts, and the general community about the key issues, priorities, risks and opportunities facing the State in adapting to a changing climate.
Climate Adaptation Manual for Local Government. Embedding resilience to climate change.
The key objective of this manual is to enable more and better adaptation activity for a ‘step change’ in how councils manage climate risk in Australia, through international and Australian case studies which describe: • the steps or processes undertaken in the embedding activity • transferable products (such as checklists) that can be utilised by other councils.
South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI)
The South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI) is a partnership between the Queensland and Australian Governments, the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and The University of Queensland. This collection contains the final report and related supporting documents.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 11: Ensuring business and industry are ready for climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with ensuring business and industry are ready for climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 10: Emergency management and climate change adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the management of climate-related disasters under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 9: Managing heatwave impacts under climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the management of heatwaves, or extreme heat events, and their impacts on human health and infrastructure under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 8: Adapting ecosystems to climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenge of managing Australias ecosystems (terrestrial, marine and freshwater) to ensure conservation and function under climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 7: Climate proofing AustraliaÆs infrastructure
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with climate proofing Australias infrastructure, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 6: Adaptation and First Australians: lessons and challenges
This Policy Guidance Brief addresses the challenges of adapting to climate change for Indigenous communities and associated agencies, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 12: Policy and regulatory frameworks for adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with policy and regulatory frameworks for adaptation to climate change, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
Summary: National Climate Change Research Plan for Emergency Management
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management, which identifies the information that decision makers need in order to effectively respond and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Emergency Management.
Update Report 2013 - National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries
The Primary Industries NARP was revisited in 2012 and priority research questions have been updated to ensure currency and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Presentation - Adaptation strategies for Australian birds
This presentation is about adaptation strategies for Australian birds.
NCCARF Brochure
Leading the national research community to generate the information needed by government, business and the community to manage climate change impacts.
Rainfall and Flooding in Queensland: December 2010 and January 2011
The presentation Rainfall and Flooding in Queensland: December 2010 and January 2011 was given by Rob Webb at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Update Report 2013: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity
The Terrestrial Biodiversity NARP and Implementation Plan was revisited to ensure the priority research questions were current for 2013 onwards and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Living with floods: Lessons from Australia and abroad
The presentation 'Living with floods: Lessons from Australia and abroad' was given by Karen Hussey at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia.
Rethinking disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
This project undertook a comparative case study of the 2009 Victorian bushfires, the 2011 Perth Hills bushfires, and the 2011 Brisbane floods to develop the foundations for a nationally consistent approach to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation that would be supported by a set of appropriate reforms to governing institutions and tools.
Presentation - Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
This presentation 'Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards' by David King was given at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Presentation - Benefits and costs of post-cyclone emergency services in Cairns
This presentation 'Benefits and costs of post-cyclone emergency services in Cairns' by Leo Dobes was given at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia on 21 March 2013.
Analysis of damage to housing during the 2010/11 Queensland floods
The presentation 'Analysis of damage to housing during the 2010/11 Queensland floods' was given by Matthew Mason at the NCCARF forum: Flooding in Australia.
NCCARFÆs Adaptation Conversation: the development of Policy Guidance Briefs
This presentation on 'NCCARFs Adaptation Conversation: the development of Policy Guidance Briefs' was given by NCCARF Director Jean Palutikof at the Policy Guidance Brief first launch in Canberra on 26 February 2013.
Responding to climate change: Perspectives from Australia
Climate Commissioner, Will Steffen addressed the Australian perspective in adapting to climate change at the Canberra seminar to launch the NCCARF Policy Guidance Briefs.
Key flooding lessons from Australia and abroad
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Living with floods: Key lessons from Australia and abroad.
Summaries of all NCCARF funded research projects
NCCARF has commissioned, and now manages, a $40 million multidisciplinary research portfolio. This document comprises summaries of all of NCCARF's 140 research projects. These include projects that address the priorities in the Research Plans, as well as a program of cross-cutting research designed to synthesise and integrate current and emerging climate change adaptation research. This document provides a summary of NCCARF research currently being undertaken by researchers in universities, government and non-government organisations across all of Australias state and territories.
Providing emergency supplies to flood prone areas
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Adapting our built environment to a changing climate
This document summarises key findings from the NCCARF report Planning, building and insuring: Adaptation of built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards.
The 2008 floods in Queensland: a case study
This fact sheet summarises the final report The 2008 Floods in Queensland: A Case Study of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Adaptive Capacity.
Enhancing disaster resilience and adaptability
This Flooding in Australia fact sheet summarises the NCCARF final report Recovery from Disaster: Resilience, Adaptability and Perceptions of Climate Change.
Community adaptation strategies to floods
This fact sheet highlights findings from the NCCARF research project final report 'Impact of the 2010-11 floods and the factors that inhibit and enable household adaptation strategies'.
Flood and drought resilience lessons for the mining industry
Using South East Queensland (SEQ) as a case study, this research investigated the institutional capacity of the private urban development sector to respond to climate change. This report explores findings from an online questionnaire survey, and a series of interviews and focus groups.
Protecting structures from floodwater
This fact sheet highlights findings from the NCCARF research project 'Damage to buildings during the 2010-11 Eastern Australia flooding events'.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Indigenous Communities
This document provides a summary for policymakers of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Indigenous Communities.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Indigenous Communities
The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Indigenous Communities identifies what information is needed to increase understanding of climate change adaptation for Australias Indigenous communities. It outlines research priorities that will inform decisions about adapting to climate change to produce effective, efficient and equitable strategies and outcomes.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Human Health - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Human Health.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Social, Economic and Institutional Dimensions
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Social, Economic & Institutional Dimensions.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary industries, which has been developed to the research required to ensure that Australias primary industries will continue to be sustainable, by taking advantage of opportunities and benefits and reducing the negative impacts of unavoidable climate change.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Primary Industries - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Primary Industries.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure, which has been developed to identify critical gaps in the information available to address the full range of issues arising from the potential impacts of climate change on settlements and infrastructure.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Settlements and Infrastructure - First edition
Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is an iron ore producer operating in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The company was established in 2003 with the Cloudbreak mine ore processing and transport infrastructure constructed between 2006 - 2008 and more recently a second mine was established at Christmas Creek. Fortescue has a long-standing expansion target of 155 million tonnes per annum, to be reached by 2014. To achieve this target, the expansion program involves increasing existing mining operations and construction of new mines and supporting facilities. Ore processing facilities and other supporting infrastructure (including roads, rail and port facilities, work camps and containment dams) are elements of the expansion plan. The mine expansion considered the impacts of extreme weather events on the operation and risks to infrastructure investments and ensured that design parameters reflected a changing climate to 2030. This project addressed all climate-exposed components of the companys operations, including: its staff; infrastructure and operational procedures; reviewed current design criteria thresholds; determined climate projections and extreme weather event scenarios; identified risks and developed action plans.
Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Emergency Management 2012
This Implementation Plan for Emergency Management (2012) outlines implementation directions for the updated National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management (2012) (Emergency Management NARP).
Emergency Management and Climate Change: An Updated Review of the Literature 2009-2012
This review of recent literature on climate change adaptation and emergency management is a background document supporting the updating of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management.
Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Freshwater Biodiversity
This Implementation Plan sets out a national strategy for research to address the priorities identified in the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Freshwater Biodiversity.
Australia's Marine Biodiversity and Resources in a Changing Climate - a review of impacts and adaptation 2009-2012
This document provides a critical review and synthesis of the published literature since December 2008 relevant to climate change adaptation for Australias marine biodiversity and resources, and identifies relevant funded projects and some key existing knowledge gaps.
Implementation Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Research: Marine Biodiversity and Resources 2012
This Implementation Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources (2012) outlines implementation directions for the updated 2012 National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources.
Update Report 2012: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources
The Marine NARP has been revisited in 2012 and the priority research questions have been updated to ensure currency and to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
Summary: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resouces - First edition
This is a summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources, which has been developed to identify research required over the next 57 years to inform policy development and to help managers of coastal ecosystems and the marine environment and associated industries and communities prepare for the consequences of climate change.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity & Resources - First edition
This National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan guides researchers engaged in generating the information that Australia needs to develop adaptive strategies for Marine Biodiversity and Resources
Freshwater Biodiversity Principal InvestigatorsÆ Workshop Notes
Principal Investigators Workshop Freshwater and Terrestrial Biodiversity 14 & 15 May 2012 Melbourne WORKSHOP NOTES for Stakeholders
Marine Climate Change in Australia: Impacts and Adaptation Responses 2012 Report Card
The 2012 Marine Climate Change in Australia Report Card provides information about the current and predicted-future state of Australias marine climate and its impact on our marine biodiversity. The report card also outlines actions that are underway to help our marine ecosystems adapt to climate change.
Terrestrial Biodiversity Fact Sheet - Habitat Refugia
The primary goal of this network will be to develop explicit and practical strategies that increase the resilence of terrestrial ecosystems and maximise their adaptive potential under climate change. The research priorities of this network will be to collate knowledge, co-ordinate expertise and synthesise these inputs into recommendations and frameworks that will guide the way forward for Australia to adapt to global climate change. The philosophy of the network is to have a truly national focus, and thus to distribute both activities and funding opportunities across all states and territories, and amongst as broad a range of researchers, institutions, and stakeholder organisations as possible. We welcome suggestions from all members as to how we can best serve their research and collaboration needs.
Public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- factsheet
This factsheet summarizes the final report that presents and discusses national survey findings from a collaborative and cross-national research project undertaken by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (UK) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Adaptation Conversation 2012 - 2013 brochure
This 2 page brochure outlines NCCARFs Adaptation Conversation 2012 - 2013: developing evidence for policy-making.
Managed Adaptation Options
This information sheet, produced as part of the Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change Synthesis (CERCCS) Synthesis & Integration Project, explores the coastal adaptation approaches of hard engineering, soft engineering, ecological engineering, ecosystem engineering, and minimising non-climatic human impacts.
Summary of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans
The Australian Government established the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) in 2008 to lead Australias research community to generate the information decision-makers in government, business and the community need to adapt to climate change that is, to moderate harm and exploit beneficial opportunities arising from climate change. A key responsibility of NCCARF is to develop National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans (NARPs) for eight themes: »» Emergency management; »» Human health; »» Marine biodiversity and resources; »» Settlements and infrastructure; »» Terrestrial biodiversity; »» Primary industries; »» Social, economic and institutional dimensions of climate change; and »» Freshwater biodiversity. Each Plan summarises the information required for sound decision making about adaptation and gaps in current knowledge, leading to identifying priority adaptation research questions and cross-theme adaptation research priorities for that area. The Plans collectively provide a blueprint for investment in climate change adaptation in Australia over a five to seven year period. In addition to the original eight Plans, a ninth Plan is being completed focusing on adaptation research needs for Indigenous communities.
NCCARF Highlights: The NCCARF Adaptation Research Networks
This four-page factsheet explains the basics of NCCARF's eight Adaptation Research Networks, describes the Network achievements at the time of publication, and provides contact information for each Network.
Meteorological Context- Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events
This factsheet explores the meteorological context of each case study in the Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events project.
Introduction to the Case Studies- Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events folder
This factsheet provides an introduction to the case studies in the Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events project.
Learning from experience: A Synthesis of Historical Case Studies
The NCCARF consortium has developed a suite of historical case studies to examine present-day management of climate variability and the lessons that can be learnt for adaptation to future climate. These projects examine case studies of seven historical extreme events: * Cyclone Tracy, which struck Darwin on Christmas Day 1974; * Drought in small inland agricultural communities: Donald, a dryland agricultural community in central Victoria, and Mildura, an agricultural community dependent on irrigation water from the Murray; * Drought in mining communities: Broken Hill and Kalgoorlie; * Heatwaves, taking the case of the late January early February 2009 heatwave in Melbourne and Adelaide; * Queensland floods in 2008, looking at Charleville in southern central Queensland, which was flooded from Bradleys Gully in January, and Mackay, which experienced a flash flood in February; * Storm tides, looking at the period from the 1950s to the mid 1970s when there was a series of severe storm tides along the coast of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales; * An East Coast Low: the Pasha Bulker storm that struck Newcastle in June 2007. Decision makers at all levels, from the community to the Federal Government, can relate their experience to historical events, and the successes and failures achieved. In this way, historical case studies provide a tool for planning adaptation measures for future climates.
The Forum for NCCARF, States and Territories (FORNSAT)
Australian States and Territories are essential stakeholders for the core business of NCCARF. NCCARF needs to liaise with these important stakeholders to understand their research needs, to disseminate results from research, and to involve them in the many and diverse activities of the Facility. Despite this need, the very broad diversity of Departments across the States and Territories makes working with each one individually a difficult if not impossible task for a nexus organisation like NCCARF. To address the need for engagement, in 2008 NCCARF established FORNSAT - the Forum for NCCARF States and Territories - as a mechanism for all Australian state and territory governments to interact with the Facility, and also with each other, to progress climate change adaptation research and activity in Australia.
NCCARF Research Programs: Delivering a portfolio of research to support climate change adaptation in Australia
A survey undertaken as part of an NCCARF Adaptation Research Grants Program project suggests the answer is a resounding yes. Conducted by Joseph Reser and his team at Griffith University in collaboration with Cardiff University, the project generated considerable media interest, attracting 53 news reports around Australia. The project documents public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change and natural disasters. It represents one of very few cross national studies addressing public understandings of, and responses to, climate change.
Developing knowledge to adapt: Key achievements of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
Our climate is changing as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Further warming is inevitable, regardless of national and international efforts to reduce emissions. Projected impacts such as sea level rise, more severe heat, storm and drought events will affect almost every aspect of Australias natural, built, social and economic environment. Adapting to climate change presents new challenges for policy and decision makers in both the private and public sectors. It will take time to build the skills and knowledge of how best to adapt, and for implementation of decisions to make a difference. Decisions made today that lack suitable climate foresight may create greater costs and risks in future.
Marine Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report Card
The report card summarises knowledge on climate change impacts, identifies knowledge gaps and addresses key adaptation. More than 70 authors from 35 universities and organisations were involved in production of the Report Card.
Climate Adaptation Futures: The 2010 international Climate Change Adaptation Conference
One of the first international meetings focusing solely on climate impacts and adaptation, the Climate Adaptation Futures Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change conference brought together over 1000 scientists and decision makers from developed and developing countries. The conference, co-hosted by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship, showcased leading impacts and adaptation research from around the world. The meeting provided unique opportunities for an emerging area of science and policy making. It explored a way forward in a world where climate change impacts are increasingly observable and adaptation actions increasingly required. Importantly it opened the dialogue between research, policy and on-ground practitioners on how robust adaptation decision making can proceed in the face of uncertainly.
Climate Change Adaptation Research in Australia - An overview of research funded by NCCARF
NCCARF has commissioned, and now manages, a $40 million multidisciplinary research portfolio comprising more than 100 projects. These include projects that address the priorities in the Research Plans, as well as a program of cross-cutting research designed to synthesise and integrate current and emerging climate change adaptation research. This document provides a summary of NCCARF research currently being undertaken by researchers in universities, government and non-government organisations across all of Australias state and territories.
NCCARF Strategic Plan - a Summary
This NCCARF Strategy 2010 - 2013 sets out the objectives that the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) will work to achieve in the period from 201011 to 201213, and the strategies that the Facility will adopt to achieve these objectives.
NCCARF National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Collection
The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility is a unique venture established by the Australian Government in 2008 to harness and coordinate the capabilities of Australia’s researchers, to generate and communicate the knowledge decision-makers need for successful adaptation to climate change. This collection contains reports, gray literature, fact sheets and brochures.
Using cloud services for in-project data storage and transfer: a fact sheet for Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
A fact sheet outlining the risks and limitations of using cloud computing services for storing and sharing data during a research project.
Joining the dots: integrating climate and hydrological projections with freshwater ecosystem values to develop adaptation options for conserving freshwater biodiversity
Joining the dots: integrating climate and hydrological projections with freshwater ecosystem values to develop adaptation options for conserving freshwater biodiversity
A spatial vulnerability analysis of urban populations to extreme heat events in Australian capital cities
A spatial vulnerability analysis of urban populations to extreme heat events in Australian capital cities
Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050
Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050
Future change in ancient worlds: Indigenous adaptation in northern Australia
Future change in ancient worlds: Indigenous adaptation in northern Australia
An assessment of AustraliaÆs existing statutory frameworks, associated institutions, and policy processes: do they support or impede national adaptation planning and practice?
An assessment of AustraliaÆs existing statutory frameworks, associated institutions, and policy processes: do they support or impede national adaptation planning and practice?
Learning from the past, adapting in the future: identifying pathways to successful adaptation in Indigenous communities
Learning from the past, adapting in the future: identifying pathways to successful adaptation in Indigenous communities
Understanding Urban and Peri-urban Indigenous People's vulnerability and adaptive capacity to Climate Change
Understanding Urban and Peri-urban Indigenous People's vulnerability and adaptive capacity to Climate Change
Identification and characterization of freshwater refugia in the face of climate change
Identification and characterization of freshwater refugia in the face of climate change
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia
Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota: identifying and prioritising processes and scales for management.
Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota: identifying and prioritising processes and scales for management.
What would a climate-adapted Australian settlement look like?
What would a climate-adapted Australian settlement look like?
Contributing to a sustainable future for AustraliaÆs biodiversity under climate change: conservation goals for dynamic management of ecosystems.
Contributing to a sustainable future for AustraliaÆs biodiversity under climate change: conservation goals for dynamic management of ecosystems.
Community based adaptation to climate change: the Arabunna, South Australia
Community based adaptation to climate change: the Arabunna, South Australia
Australia's Country Towns 2050: What will a Climate Adapted Settlement Pattern Look Like?
Australia's Country Towns 2050: What will a Climate Adapted Settlement Pattern Look Like?
Robust optimization of urban drought security for an uncertain climate
Robust optimization of urban drought security for an uncertain climate
Aboriginal responses to climate change in arid zone Australia - Regional understandings and capacity building for adaptation
Aboriginal responses to climate change in arid zone Australia - Regional understandings and capacity building for adaptation
Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels.
Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels.
Will Primary Producers Continue to Adjust Practices and Technologies, Change Production Systems or Transform Their IndustryùAn application of Real Options
Will Primary Producers Continue to Adjust Practices and Technologies, Change Production Systems or Transform Their IndustryùAn application of Real Options
Developing an Excel spread sheet tool for local governments to compare and prioritise investment in climate adaptation
Developing an Excel spread sheet tool for local governments to compare and prioritise investment in climate adaptation
Assessing the potential for, and limits to, insurance and market-based mechanisms for encouraging climate change adaptation
Assessing the potential for, and limits to, insurance and market-based mechanisms for encouraging climate change adaptation
Indigenous voices in climate change adaptation: Addressing the challenges of diverse knowledge systems in the Barmah-Millewa
Indigenous voices in climate change adaptation: Addressing the challenges of diverse knowledge systems in the Barmah-Millewa
EverFarm« - Design of climate adapted perennial-based farming systems for dryland agriculture in southern Australia.
EverFarm« - Design of climate adapted perennial-based farming systems for dryland agriculture in southern Australia.
Limp, leap or learn?: Developing a legal framework for adaptation planning in Australia
Limp, leap or learn?: Developing a legal framework for adaptation planning in Australia
The Right Tool for the Job: Achieving climate change adaptation outcomes through improved disaster management policies, planning and risk management strategies
The Right Tool for the Job: Achieving climate change adaptation outcomes through improved disaster management policies, planning and risk management strategies
Understanding how the use of intertidal marine resources by Indigenous women in the Northern Territory will be affected by climate change and their preferred adaptation options
Understanding how the use of intertidal marine resources by Indigenous women in the Northern Territory will be affected by climate change and their preferred adaptation options
The role of refugia in ecosystem resilience and maintenance of terrestrial biodiversity in the face of global climate change
The role of refugia in ecosystem resilience and maintenance of terrestrial biodiversity in the face of global climate change
The architecture of resilient landscapes: scenario modelling to reveal best practice design principles for climate adaptation
The architecture of resilient landscapes: scenario modelling to reveal best practice design principles for climate adaptation
Developing adaptively: The role and capacities of private sector developers and financing in urban climate change adaptation
Developing adaptively: The role and capacities of private sector developers and financing in urban climate change adaptation
What about me? Factors affecting individual adaptive coping capacity across different population groups
What about me? Factors affecting individual adaptive coping capacity across different population groups
Determining high risk vegetation communities and plant species in relation to climate change in the Australian alpine region
Determining high risk vegetation communities and plant species in relation to climate change in the Australian alpine region
Predicting water quality and ecological responses to a changing climate: informing adaptation initiatives
Predicting water quality and ecological responses to a changing climate: informing adaptation initiatives
Public understandings, risk perceptions, and responses to climate change and associated natural disasters- ARGP Project
Public understandings, risk perceptions, and responses to climate change and associated natural disasters- ARGP Project
Optimal habitat protection and restoration for climate adaptation
Optimal habitat protection and restoration for climate adaptation
Cognitive and affective barriers to climate change adaptation: Exploring the risk and adaptation appraisals of South Australians to different climate risks
Cognitive and affective barriers to climate change adaptation: Exploring the risk and adaptation appraisals of South Australians to different climate risks
Impacts of elevated temperature and CO2 on the critical processes underpinning resilience of aquatic ecosystems
Impacts of elevated temperature and CO2 on the critical processes underpinning resilience of aquatic ecosystems
Valuing adaptation under rapid change: anticipatory adjustments, maladaptation and transformation
Valuing adaptation under rapid change: anticipatory adjustments, maladaptation and transformation
Heat-Ready: Adapting Aged Care Facilities to prevent premature death in elderly Australians
Heat-Ready: Adapting Aged Care Facilities to prevent premature death in elderly Australians
Adaptive capacity and adaptive strategies of broadacre farms experiencing climate change
Adaptive capacity and adaptive strategies of broadacre farms experiencing climate change
Understanding the PacificÆs adaptive capacity to emergencies in the context of climate change
Understanding the PacificÆs adaptive capacity to emergencies in the context of climate change
Pathways to Climate Adapted and Healthy Low Income Housing
Pathways to Climate Adapted and Healthy Low Income Housing
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small-to- Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Climate Change and Variability
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small-to- Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Climate Change and Variability
Every state for themselves? Learning from cross-border regulatory instruments to support and promote climate change adaptation in Australia
Every state for themselves? Learning from cross-border regulatory instruments to support and promote climate change adaptation in Australia
Rental housing, climate change and adaptive capacity: a case study of Newcastle, NSW
Rental housing, climate change and adaptive capacity: a case study of Newcastle, NSW
Developing management strategies to combat increased coextinction rates of plant dwelling insects through global climate change
Developing management strategies to combat increased coextinction rates of plant dwelling insects through global climate change
The Legal, Institutional and Cultural Barriers to Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise in Australia
The Legal, Institutional and Cultural Barriers to Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise in Australia
Determining future invasive plant threats under climate change: a decision tool for managers
Determining future invasive plant threats under climate change: a decision tool for managers
Water Trade, Climate Change and Irrigator Adaptability in the Murray-Darling Basin
Water Trade, Climate Change and Irrigator Adaptability in the Murray-Darling Basin
Climate-resilient revegetation of multi-use landscapes: exploiting genetic variability in widespread species
Climate-resilient revegetation of multi-use landscapes: exploiting genetic variability in widespread species
Strata Title in a world of climate change: Managing greater uncertainty in forecasting and funding common property capital expenditure
Strata Title in a world of climate change: Managing greater uncertainty in forecasting and funding common property capital expenditure
Coastal urban climate futures in SE Australia: from Wollongong to Lakes Entrance
Coastal urban climate futures in SE Australia: from Wollongong to Lakes Entrance
Climate Change and the Community Welfare Sector - Risks and Adaptation
Climate Change and the Community Welfare Sector - Risks and Adaptation
Exploring the adaptive capacity of emergency management using agent-based modelling
Exploring the adaptive capacity of emergency management using agent-based modelling
Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
Climate change adaptation û Building community and industry knowledge
Climate change adaptation û Building community and industry knowledge
Estuarine and near-shore ecosystems û Assessing alternative adaptive management strategies for the management of estuarine and coastal systems
Estuarine and near-shore ecosystems û Assessing alternative adaptive management strategies for the management of estuarine and coastal systems
Human adaptation options to increase resilience of conservation-dependent seabirds and marine mammals impacted by climate change
Human adaptation options to increase resilience of conservation-dependent seabirds and marine mammals impacted by climate change
Changing currents in marine biodiversity governance and management responding to climate change
Changing currents in marine biodiversity governance and management responding to climate change
Effects of climate change on reproduction, larval development and population growth of coral trout
Effects of climate change on reproduction, larval development and population growth of coral trout
Adaptive management of temperate reefs to minimise effects of climate change: developing effective approaches for ecological monitoring and predictive modelling
Adaptive management of temperate reefs to minimise effects of climate change: developing effective approaches for ecological monitoring and predictive modelling
Pre-adapting a Tasmanian coastal ecosystem to ongoing climate change through reintroduction of a locally extinct species
Pre-adapting a Tasmanian coastal ecosystem to ongoing climate change through reintroduction of a locally extinct species
Beach and surf tourism and recreation in Australia: vulnerability and adaptation
Beach and surf tourism and recreation in Australia: vulnerability and adaptation
A climate change adaptation blueprint for coastal regional communities
A climate change adaptation blueprint for coastal regional communities
Ensuring that the Australian oyster industry adapts to a changing climate: a natural resource and industry spatial information portal for knowledge action and informed adaptation frameworks.
Ensuring that the Australian oyster industry adapts to a changing climate: a natural resource and industry spatial information portal for knowledge action and informed adaptation frameworks.
Adapting to the effects of climate change on AustraliaÆs deep marine reserves
Adapting to the effects of climate change on AustraliaÆs deep marine reserves
Management implications of climate change impacts on fisheries resources of northern Australia
Management implications of climate change impacts on fisheries resources of northern Australia
Vulnerability of an iconic Australian finfish (Barramundi, Lates calcarifer) and related industries to altered climate across tropical Australia
Vulnerability of an iconic Australian finfish (Barramundi, Lates calcarifer) and related industries to altered climate across tropical Australia
Management implications of climate change effects on fisheries in Western Australia
Management implications of climate change effects on fisheries in Western Australia
Identification of climate-driven species shifts and adaptation options for recreational fishers: learning general lessons from a data rich case
Identification of climate-driven species shifts and adaptation options for recreational fishers: learning general lessons from a data rich case
Past, Present and Future Landscapes: Understanding Alternative Futures for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Settlements and Communities.
Past, Present and Future Landscapes: Understanding Alternative Futures for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Settlements and Communities.
Adaptation of the built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
Adaptation of the built environment to climate change induced increased intensity of natural hazards
A model framework for assessing risk and adaptation to climate change on Australian coasts
A model framework for assessing risk and adaptation to climate change on Australian coasts
Recovery from disaster experience: its effect on perceptions of climate change risk and on adaptive behaviours to prevent, prepare, and respond to future climate contingencies
Recovery from disaster experience: its effect on perceptions of climate change risk and on adaptive behaviours to prevent, prepare, and respond to future climate contingencies
Development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans.
Development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans.
Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Harnessing private sector logistics for emergency food and water supplies in flood prone areas.
Agent based simulation framework for improved understanding and enhancement of community and organisational resilience to extreme events
Agent based simulation framework for improved understanding and enhancement of community and organisational resilience to extreme events
Climate Change impacts on Workplace Heat Extremes: Health Risk Estimates and Adaptive Options
Climate Change impacts on Workplace Heat Extremes: Health Risk Estimates and Adaptive Options
Displaced twice? Investigating the impact of Queensland floods on the wellbeing and settlement of a cohort of men from refugee backgrounds living in Brisbane and Toowoomba
Displaced twice? Investigating the impact of Queensland floods on the wellbeing and settlement of a cohort of men from refugee backgrounds living in Brisbane and Toowoomba
Changing Heat: direct impacts of temperature on health and productivity - current risks and climate change projections
Changing Heat: direct impacts of temperature on health and productivity - current risks and climate change projections
Dengue transmission under climate change in Northern Australia: linking ecological and population based models to develop adaptive strategies
Dengue transmission under climate change in Northern Australia: linking ecological and population based models to develop adaptive strategies
Health impacts of climate change on Indigenous Australians: identifying climate thresholds to enable the development of informed adaptation strategies
Health impacts of climate change on Indigenous Australians: identifying climate thresholds to enable the development of informed adaptation strategies
Climate Change and Rural Communities: Integrated study of physical and social impacts, health risks and adaptive options
Climate Change and Rural Communities: Integrated study of physical and social impacts, health risks and adaptive options
Projection of the impact of climate change on the transmission of Ross River virus disease
Projection of the impact of climate change on the transmission of Ross River virus disease
Bridging the gap between user needs and science capability: dealing with uncertainty in climate scenarios for adaptation
Bridging the gap between user needs and science capability: dealing with uncertainty in climate scenarios for adaptation
Factors and measures that overcome barriers to adaptation
Factors and measures that overcome barriers to adaptation
An assessment of the nature and utility of adaptive capacity research
An assessment of the nature and utility of adaptive capacity research
An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Australian Forests to the Impacts of Climate Change
An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Australian Forests to the Impacts of Climate Change
Prioritising naturalised plant species for threat assessment: developing a decision tool for managers
This research aimed to assess the current extent of environmentally suitable habitat for a suite of naturalised, but not yet invasive non-native plants within Australia and to evaluate how projected changes in climate may alter these patterns in the coming decades.
IClimate: Final Report
The iClimate project conducted a review of climate change impacts and adaptation literature for Australia during 2010?2011 covering natural and managed ecosystems, human health and well?being, and human built environments, industry and infrastructure.
Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: supplement report
This supplementary report to Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change, validates results using a third case study landscape, the area managed by the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority in Victoria.
Learning from Regional Analogues - final report
This twelve month study was commissioned by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) to examine the potential for Learning from Regional Climate Analogues through selected target communities in Australia. The underlying assumption is that communities reflect their prevailing climate in the way that they organise their infrastructure, built form and services, such as health and emergency response. Climate is also likely to dictate, to some extent, the policy content in development, infrastructure and health plans and the management of ecosystem services.
Public risk perceptions, understandings, and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- interim report
This interim report provides an initial look at the national survey findings of a collaborative and cross-national research project by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (Wales) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Adaptation Lessons from Cyclone Tracy
This case study will review the impact of Tropical Cyclone Tracy on the city and people of Darwin, the Australian engineering and institutional responses that it invoked and the relevance of these lessons to a world threatened by global climate change. At Christmas, 1974, Tropical Cyclone Tracy laid waste the city of Darwin, an iconic episode in the history of Australian natural disasters. It provides one of the clearest and most successful examples worldwide of adaptation to a catastrophe. Following large losses in Townsville from Tropical Cyclone Althea in 1971, the level of destruction in Darwin was such that it led to new regulations mandating the use of the wind code for reconstruction, and eventually to similar regulations for new construction in other cyclone-prone areas of Australia.
Drought and the Future of Rural Communities- Publications
Australias vulnerability to climate variability and change has been highlighted by the recent (and current) drought situation. For example, a persistent rainfall deficiency over the last seven to ten years has resulted in low inflows into the Murray-Darling system, with some active storages currently at less than 20% of capacity. Droughts are, and always will be, part of the Australian climate and it is impossible to prevent these natural disasters from occurring. There is also the possibility that the frequency, intensity and duration of droughts may increase due to anthropogenic climate change, stressing the need for robust drought adaptation strategies.
Impacts and adaptation responses of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves
From 27 January to 8 February 2009, southern Australia experienced one of the nations most severe heatwaves. Governments, councils, utilities, hospitals and emergency response organizations, and the community were largely under-prepared for an extreme event of this magnitude. This case study was funded by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) under its Synthesis and Integrative Research Program. The study targets the experience and challenges faced by decision-makers and policy-makers, and focuses on the major metropolitan areas affected by the heatwave: Melbourne and Adelaide.
Storm Tides, Coastal Erosion and Inundation
This case study will focus on the May 2009 storm that affected South East Queensland and Northern NSW to explore vulnerabilities, disaster responses and changes in planning, management and policy which are enacted or proposed, and which may result in long-term adaptation improvements. This analysis will be supported by an examination of previous storms which have impacted on coastal settlements. In particular the study will examine the locations where specific planning and management action has already been implemented in response to past impact, including: * Collaroy/Narrabeen, where a range of measures has been used including property buy-back schemes * Byron Bay, which has adopted a policy of planned retreat, involving planning set-backs and associated constraints on new development * Gold Coast, where the principal strategy has involved the construction of coastal protection infrastructure.
Robust optimisation of urban drought security for an uncertain climate
This study presents and demonstrates a methodology that addresses the problem of finding good solutions for urban bulk water systems in the presence of deep uncertainty about future climate. It uses a case study based on the Lower Hunter in New South Wales to demonstrate the methodology.
Managing coextinction of insects in a changing climate
This project developed conservation strategies for identifying which plant-dwelling insects are at greatest risk of coextinction induced by climate change, and identified which management actions will be most cost effective at reducing impacts.
Quantifying the cost of climate change impacts on local government assets
This final report addresses development of tools that allow Local Governments to translate climate change impacts on assets into strategic and operational financial and asset management plans. This reserach was funded through the Australian Research Grants Program (ARGP).
Impact of Climate Change on Disadvantaged Groups: Issues and Interventions
Impact of Climate Change on Disadvantaged Groups: Issues and Interventions
Adapted future landscapes û from aspiration to implementation
Adapted future landscapes û from aspiration to implementation
Learning from cross-border mechanisms to support climate change adaptation in Australia
This project focuses on learning from existing cross-border regulatory mechanisms with a view to strengthening and improving cross-border climate change adaptation practices in Australia.
Joining the dots: hydrology, freshwater ecosystem values and adaptation options
This research investigated the development of a freshwater biodiversity adaptation planning framework using Tasmania to explore priorities and adaptation actions at local, regional and state scales.
The impacts of declining water levels on stygofauna communities
Supporting Document 5 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Structural resilience of core port infrastructure in a changing climate, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
This report identifies key port infrastructure elements affected by climate change and forecasts the rate of deterioration of structures over a period for which climate scientists could provide necessary projections.
Handbook CATLoG - Climate adaptation decision support tool for local governments
This is the handbook for the Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments, a project specifically meant to assist decision makers in comparing and prioritising climate change adaptation investments with particular reference to extreme events.
Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments: CATLoG
This project developed CATLoG, the Climate Adaptation decision support Tool for Local Governments, a project specifically meant to assist decision makers in comparing and prioritising climate change adaptation investments with particular reference to extreme events.
Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change - a synthesis report
Climate change represents a major threat to coastal ecosystems and communities. In many areas around the Australian coast, the combined projected threats of sea level rise, increased temperatures and reduced rainfall will place unprecedented stress on species, ecosystems and human settlements and industries. Given that even the strictest climate change mitigation policies are unlikely to halt or reduce the threat that climate change currently poses to coastal ecosystems, consideration is needed as to how species, ecosystems and human communities might be able to adapt to anticipated changes. The Coastal Ecosystems Responses to Climate Change Synthesis (CERCCS) Project represents a major Synthesis and Integration project commissioned by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and undertaken by staff at Griffith University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, James Cook University and CSIRO. The focus of the project was on conducting a broad-scale assessment of climate change threats to coastal ecosystems of Australia and identifying potential adaptation pathways to inform decision-making and future research.
Climate change adaptation strategies for Australian birds
This research identifies Australian water birds likely to face strong challenges or extinction from climate change and recommends key actions to secure and manage vulnerable regions for the future.
A spatial vulnerability analysis of urban populations during extreme heat events in Australian capital cities
Focused on four disaster-impacted communities: Beechworth and Bendigo (VIC) and Ingham and Innisfail (QLD) this report makes recommendations for emergency management and local government policies.
Climate change adaptation guidelines for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity
This report has the guidelines developed from the final report Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota.
Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota
This report underpins climate adaptation planning for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity, focused on protecting habitats and supporting freshwater biota under a changing climate.
Climate change adaptation in industry and business
This report delivers a best practice framework to integrate financial risk assessment, governance and disclosure with existing governance principles around climate change adaptation.
Food security, risk management and climate change
NCCARF project final report examining the implications of climate change impacts in the Australian food-supply chain, considering risk management practices to address opportunities and uncertainties.
Project summary: Spatial planning instruments for climate change adaptation: a taxonomy
This project summary identifies the range of legal tools and instruments that can be used to influence the spatial distribution and nature of land use and development and hence the exposure and vulnerability of settlements to climate hazards.
Limp, Leap or Learn? Developing legal frameworks for climate change adaptation planning in Australia
This report identifies the range of legal tools and instruments that can be used to influence the spatial distribution and nature of land use and development and hence the exposure and vulnerability of settlements to climate hazards.
Changes to Country and Culture, Changes to Climate: strengthening institutions for Indigenous resilience and adaptation
Changes to Country and Culture, Changes to Climate: strengthening institutions for Indigenous resilience and adaptation
Development of Bayesian Belief Networks for modelling the impacts of falling groundwater
Supporting Document 6 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Literature review: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This literature review provides a basis to develop and test a risk assessment and decision-making tool to manage groundwater dependent wetlands and caves affected by climate change and other stressors
Predicting water quality and ecological responses
This research developed a framework to predict relationships between future climate, human activities, water quality and ecology that in order to inform water planning and adaptation activities.
South East Coastal Adaptation (SECA): Coastal urban climate futures in SE Australia from Wollongong to Lakes Entrance
The SECA project investigated possible coastal urban futures in SE Australia and developed a broad scope integrated framework to describe what a climate-adapted coastal community may be like in 2030.
Reforming planning processes: Rockhampton 2050 pilot
This research demonstrates how existing urban planning principles and practices can accommodate climate change and the uncertainty of climate change impacts for a seachange region.
Spatially representing the impacts of falling groundwater
Supporting Document 7 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Environmental variables in the habitats of south-western Australian freshwater fishes
Supporting Document 4 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Identifying thresholds for responses of amphibians to groundwater and rainfall decline
Supporting Document 3 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Assessing risks to groundwater dependent wetland ecosystems in a drying climate
Supporting Document 2 from the NCCARF project Adapting to climate change: a risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels'.
Guidelines for use: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This is a guide to use a risk assessment and decision making framework to manage groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining groundwater levels from climate change, extraction and land management.
Development and case studies: Risk assessment and decision making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels
This research developed and validated a risk assessment and decision-making framework for managing groundwater dependent ecosystems with declining water levels due to climate change and other causes.
What about me? Factors affecting individual adaptive coping capacity across different populations
This study examines psychological drivers of individual-level adaptation and developed a Coping with Climate Change tool with implications for the communication of climate change adaptation policies.
Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate: research synthesis and implications for policy and practice
This report synthesises the research findings from the Climate Resilient Seaports project. The intention of the project was to contribute to an emerging knowledge base relating to climate change and seaports.
Functional resilience of port environs in a changing climate-assets and operations, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
A functional response to climate change requires a better understanding of the characteristics of commodity trade and related port logistics operations.
Understanding future risks to ports in Australia, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
This document reports on the research carried out to better understand the complexity (and uncertainty) of the future climate and non-climate risks that are likely to affect future port operations in Australia.
Climate change adaptation guidelines for ports, Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
Identifying risk is not a purely quantitative evaluation; it also involves qualitative decisions about the importance of the identified risks and which risks should be taken into account.
Public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to climate change in Australia and Great Britain- final report
This report presents and discusses national survey findings from a collaborative and cross-national research project undertaken by Griffith University (Australia) and Cardiff University (UK) examining public risk perceptions, understandings and responses to the threat and unfolding impacts of climate change in Australia and Great Britain.
Public risk perceptions, understandings, and responses to climate change and natural disasters in Australia, 2010 and 2011
This insightful report shows that without action the effects of climate change are likely to have considerable impacts on the industry and subsequently may affect insurance affordability and availability. The advocacy group CERES explores the challenges that climate change presents to the US insurance industry and wider economy. The report acknowledges that insurance is intrinsically linked with the wider economy and that any failings by insurers to consider the impacts of climate change will cascade down and affect the ability of the private sector, state and society to rebound from climate-related shocks. The report shows that a combination of poor investment returns, changes to the dominant catastrophe and considerable losses from catastrophe events in recent years has sent ripples through the insurance communitys earnings.
Final Report: Cross-Scale Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in Local Government, Australia
The main objective of this research was to identify the factors that inhibit and enable adaptation strategies within flood affected communities. To achieve this, a mixed methods survey was carried out in three case study locations: Brisbane and Emerald, Queensland, and Donald, Victoria. In order to understand the broader story from a local perspective, we also investigated peoples experience of the flood in terms of response and recovery.
Recovery from disaster: Resilience, adaptability and perceptions of climate change
Focused on four disaster-impacted communities: Beechworth and Bendigo (VIC) and Ingham and Innisfail (QLD) this report makes recommendations for emergency management and local government policies.
Community based adaptation to climate change: The Arabana, South Australia
The project was a multi method, cross cultural and inter-disciplinary adaptation project aimed to assess the resilience and vulnerability of the Arabana people and then develop adaptation options.
Barriers to adaptation to sea-level rise
This research investigated what legal, institutional and cultural barriers exist to climate change adaptation to sea level rise and examined how these barriers are addressed in local contexts.
Network governance and climate change adaptation: collaborative responses to the Queensland floods
This research examines ways to build adaptive capacity to climate change and compares social networks through a case study of organisations that responded to Queenslands 201011 major floods.
Adapted future landscapes: User guide
This User Guide describes the Adapted Future Landscapes approach to support NRM planning and decision-making.
A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves
A Framework for Adaptation of Australian Households to Heat Waves
Approaches to risk assessment on Australian coasts
The study proposes a framework to forecast Australian coastal erosion and recession, pointing out gaps in understanding the sediment budget, the role of estuaries and longshore sediment transport
Increasing the resilience of the Australian alpine flora to climate change and associated threats: A plant functional traits approach
Based on Mt Kosciuszko, a highly at-risk ecosystem in Australia from climate change, this report supports minimising existing threats from fire, weeds and some grazing animals to enhance resilience.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in New South Wales: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for NSW.
Understanding the adaptive capacity of Australian small-to-medium enterprises to climate change and variability
This research examined the underlying factors and processes shaping adaptive capacity of Australian small-to-medium enterprises to climate change and associated sea level rise.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report IV - Adaptation options
The assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to climate change is an initiative of the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC). The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) was approached to carry out such a comprehensive Forest Vulnerability Assessment (FVA). NCCARF engaged four research groups to investigate distinct aspects in relation to the vulnerability of forests, each of which has produced a report. In addition a fifth group was engaged to create a summary and synthesis report of the project. This report Climate change adaptation options, tools and vulnerability - is the fourth report in the series.
Leading adaptation practices and support strategies for Australia: An international and Australian review of products and tools
This Report addresses an intentional approach to Australias climate adaptation, introducing a structured framework and methodology to analyse user needs and available support products and services.
Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change
Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia. Supporting Document 1: Evaluating the utility of cold-water releases (ôshandyingö) for enhancing the resilience of riverine species
This report is Supporting Document 1 of the NCCARF final report Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia.
Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia Supporting document 2: Riparian replanting for temperature control in streams
This report is Supporting Document 2 of the NCCARF final report Novel methods for managing freshwater refuges against climate change in southern Australia.
Heat-Ready: Heatwave awareness, preparedness and adaptive capacity in aged care facilities
The Heat-Ready study captured information on the current knowledge, policy status, preparedness and adaptive capacity to heatwaves in staff who work in Aged Care Facilities in three Australian states.
Climate change adaptation and the rental sector
This research explored the assets, barriers and limitations of the rental sector to adaptation and the stakeholder-landlord relationship with a focus on the adaptive capacity of low-income renters.
Living with floods: key lessons from Australia and abroad
The project analysed flood reviews in light of climate change comparing Australia with the Netherlands, China and the USA, to determine similarity that reinforced Australian findings and differences.
Creating a climate for food security: the business, people & landscapes in food production
This research compared horticulture and dairy production systems showing the importance of including triple-bottom-line values in planning for resilience to climate change in agri-food systems.
Creating a climate for food security: governance and policy in Australia
This report contributes to the understanding of the relationships between food policies, food security and climate change. It focuses on agricultural production; biodiversity and ecosystems; land use; resilience to natural disasters; water scarcity; and biosecurity.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report II - Biophysical impacts
This report Biophysical impacts of climate change on Australia's forests - is the second in the series. It presents a review of the primary literature on evidence of impacts of climate change on Australian forests. Existing evidence for climate change impacts in relation to direct stresses (CO2, temperature and rainfall), indirect stresses (fire, pests, pathogens and weeds) and plant processes (growth, transpiration and phenology) is discussed. The report concludes with a discussion of the overall impact of climate change on vegetation and the ecosystem services provided by forests. It should be noted that there have been several excellent reviews of climate change impacts on Australian forests as well as reports on climate change impacts on natural heritage and biodiversity. Conclusions drawn from these earlier reviews are not repeated. Instead, the report focuses on drawing evidence from the primary literature, including grey literature. Relevant literature was identified by bibliographic searches and in consultation with experts across Australia.
An Assessment of the vulnerability of Australian forests to the impacts of climate change - Report I - Establishing the need
This report Establishing the need and consultation with key stakeholders in forest policy and management - is the first in the series. Through stakeholder engagement this part of the FVA project was charged with: * identifying key issues to be addressed by the Forest Vulnerability Assessment; * determining to what extent climate change adaptation is being considered in current forest planning and management; and * determining the type of information that is needed by forest managers and policy makers to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Limits and barriers to climate change adaptation for small inland communities affected by drought
This report assesses the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits of water trading and the implications of using market-based instruments (MBIs) or adaptation, in particular the barriers and limitations to climate change adaptation in small inland communities. MBIs are tools that utilise a range of market- like approaches to positively influence peoples behaviour. MBIs achieve outcomes by: altering market prices; setting a cap or altering quantities of a particular good; improving the way a market works; or creating a market where no market presently exists. The project found that water trading has potential to deliver as a beneficial adaptation strategy, although for some peo0ple and industries there can be negative impacts that are not well understood.
Limits to climate change adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef: scoping ecological and social limits
This report looks at current and future climate change impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. It studies the perceptions of key stakeholder groups of potential outcomes, in order to better understand the motivations and capacities underlying adaptation action in the region.
Valuing adaptation under rapid change
This report addresses the need for collaborative frameworks for institutional decision making under uncertainty, and economic strategies to allocate risk, when planning to adapt to climate change.
Identifying climate refuges for freshwater biodiversity across Australia
This project explored the history and definitions of refuges in freshwater systems, assessed the relatively stability and general refugial value of large-scale regions across the Australian continent and provided three case studies demonstrating applications of the continental analysis to inform more local adaptation strategies.
Extreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
Extreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
Climate change adaptation in the boardroom
This report discusses climate adaptation for the corporate sector as a key strategic issue relating to changes in policy and trade environments and risk management opportunities including insurance.
Indigenous climate change adaptation in the Kimberly region of North-western Australia
This report presents the findings of an investigation into the capacity of Indigenous people in north-western Australia to respond to climate risks.
Costs and coasts: an empirical assessment of physical and institutional climate adaptation pathways
Costs and coasts: an empirical assessment of physical and institutional climate adaptation pathways
Urban food security, urban resilience and climate change
This provides information on the extent of urban agricultural practices, a critical review of good practice and an analysis of opportunities and barriers to expansion in the face of climate change.
Living Change: Adaptive housing responses to climate change in the town camps of Alice Springs
Living Change: Adaptive housing responses to climate change in the town camps of Alice Springs
Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: final report
This research investigated how current approaches to landscape design can encourage native flora and fauna and discourage invasive species in adjusting to changing climate futures in New South Wales.
Indigenous voices in climate change adaptation
This project investigated how the deep knowledge of the Yorta Yorta people can be used to strengthen their participation and influence in the complex national and regional processes that determine how their traditional lands, which are in the highly-contested Murray-Darling Basin, are managed, leading to improved adaptation decisions both for the Yorta Yorta and the wider community.
Designing landscapes for biodiversity under climate change: summary for landscape managers and policy makers
This summarises research which investigated how current approaches to landscape design can encourage native flora and fauna and discourage invasive species in adjusting to changing climate futures in New South Wales.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Tasmania: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for Tasmania.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Victoria: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for Victoria.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in South Australia: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for SA.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in the Northern Territory: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for NT.
Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in the Australian Capital Territory: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research
This project synthesised a portfolio of NCCARF adaptation research to provide policy-makers with a framework for effective adaptation decision-making for the ACT.
Adaptor of last resort? An economic perspective on the GovernmentÆs role in adaptation to climate change
Using Brisbane property prices around the January 2011 flood, this study considered perceptions of flood risk to understand how government can reduce costs and barriers to efficient adaptation.
Adaptation to climate in widespread eucalypt species
This research examined the long-term success of revegetation efforts on widespread eucalypts based on climate resilience and selection of seed sources to match projected climate changes.
AustraliaÆs country towns 2050: What will a climate adapted settlement pattern look like?
This report examines inland settlements and the impact of extreme events, a warming and drying southern climate and increased costs of structural economic change and degradation of infrastructure.
Update Report 2012: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management
The National Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management has been revisited and its research priorities updated in 2012 to ensure it is able to provide guidance for research investment over the next five years.
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan for Emergency Management - Revised 2012
The National Climate Change Research Plan for Emergency Management was revised in 2012 to ensure it is up-to-date and able to provide guidance for research investment for the coming five years.
Historical Case Studies: Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heat waves - the southern Australian experience of 2009.
This case study was funded by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) under its Synthesis and Integrative Research Program. The study targets the experience and challenges faced by decision-makers and policy-makers, and focuses on the major metropolitan areas affected by the heatwave: Melbourne and Adelaide.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 3: Supporting decision-making for effective adaptation
This Policy Guidance Brief explores decision-making for adaptation through frameworks and criteria for performance evaluation, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 5: Challenges of adaptation for local governments
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenges of adaptation for local governments, providing high-level policy advice designed for use by policy makers at Commonwealth and State level.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 4: Adapting agriculture to climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with adapting Australias agriculture to climate change drawing on experiences in South Australia, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 2: Ensuring AustraliaÆs urban water supplies under climate change
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with the challenge of managing urban water under climate change with south-west WA as an example, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Brief 1: Building resilient coastal communities and ecosystems
This Policy Guidance Brief deals with Australian coastal management under climate change, built on experiences in New South Wales, providing high-level advice for Commonwealth and State policy makers.
NCCARF Policy Guidance Briefs
NCCARF is producing a portfolio of twelve Policy Guidance Briefs in 2012-13 on critical climate change adaptation topics.
SEQCARI Hypothetical Case Study Elaboration
This report: Hypothetical Case Study Elaboration, is part of the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ-CARI), a partnership between the Queensland and Australian Governments, the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and The University of Queensland. South East Queensland (SEQ) is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of its growing population and coastal location. Human settlements, infrastructure, unique ecosystems, and primary industries all face threats from more extreme weather events, increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these risks and challenges, climate change may also bring some economic and social opportunities. SEQ-CARI aims to provide research knowledge to enable the region to adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change. It will develop practical and cost-effective adaptation strategies to assist decision-makers in government, industry and the community. The initiative is the first comprehensive regional study on climate change adaptation undertaken in Australia and one of only a few worldwide. It is exploring both vulnerabilities and adaptation options in response to climate change so that our prosperous regional economy, environment and lifestyles can be maintained into the future. For more information about this and other projects in the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI) visit:
SEQCARI Adaptation Options Supplementary Report
This report, Adaptation Options for Human Settlements in South East Queensland, is part of the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ CARI), a partnership between the Queensland and Australian Governments, the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and The University of Queensland. South East Queensland (SEQ) is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of its growing population and coastal location. Human settlements, infrastructure, unique ecosystems, and primary industries all face threats from more extreme weather events, increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these risks and challenges, climate change may also bring some economic and social opportunities. SEQ CARI aims to provide research knowledge to enable the region to adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change. It will develop practical and cost-effective adaptation strategies to assist decision makers in government, industry and the community. The initiative is the first comprehensive regional study on climate change adaptation undertaken in Australia and one of only a few worldwide. It is exploring both vulnerabilities and adaptation options in response to climate change so that our prosperous regional economy, environment and lifestyles can be maintained into the future. For more information about this and other projects in the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ CARI) visit:
Final SEQCARI Adaptation Options Main report
This report, Adaptation Options for Human Settlements in South East Queensland, is part of the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ CARI), a partnership between the Queensland and Australian Governments, the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and The University of Queensland. South East Queensland (SEQ) is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of its growing population and coastal location. Human settlements, infrastructure, unique ecosystems, and primary industries all face threats from more extreme weather events, increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these risks and challenges, climate change may also bring some economic and social opportunities. SEQ CARI aims to provide research knowledge to enable the region to adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change. It will develop practical and cost-effective adaptation strategies to assist decision makers in government, industry and the community. The initiative is the first comprehensive regional study on climate change adaptation undertaken in Australia and one of only a few worldwide. It is exploring both vulnerabilities and adaptation options in response to climate change so that our prosperous regional economy, environment and lifestyles can be maintained into the future. For more information about this and other projects in the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ CARI) visit:
SEQCARI Issues Paper
This report, Climate change adaptation in South East Queensland human settlements: Issues and context, is part of the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ-CARI), a partnership between the Queensland and Australian Governments, the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and The University of Queensland. South East Queensland (SEQ) is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of its growing population and coastal location. Human settlements, infrastructure, unique ecosystems, and primary industries all face threats from more extreme weather events, increased temperatures and altered rainfall patterns as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these risks and challenges, climate change may also bring some economic and social opportunities. SEQ-CARI aims to provide research knowledge to enable the region to adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change. It will develop practical and cost-effective adaptation strategies to assist decision-makers in government, industry and the community. The initiative is the first comprehensive regional study on climate change adaptation undertaken in Australia and one of only a few worldwide. It is exploring both vulnerabilities and adaptation options in response to climate change so that our prosperous regional economy, environment and lifestyles can be maintained into the future. For more information about this and other projects in the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ-CARI) visit:
City of Melbourne Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
This document provides a risk analysis of the potential climate change impacts and implications for Melbourne over time, combined with the likely changing dynamics of its population and development into the future.
Climate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Fitzroy Basin Association
The Fitzroy Basin NRM region in central Queensland comprises 15,685,900 ha total land area. Agriculture is the major land use, with up to 90% of the landscape used to produce food and fibre . The region has approximately 12.4M ha of land for grazing and 865,000 ha for cropping. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping and grazing in the Fitzroy region.
Climate Change adaptation. Program Summary
Sydney Water completed a qualitative risk assessment of the impacts of climate change on its infrastructure, maintenance and operations in December 2008. By identifying and evaluating high level climate related impacts, the risk assessment helped engage the organisation, highlighting Sydney Water’s priorities and informing the development of Sydney Water’s Climate Change Adaptation Program.
Local climate change adaptation planning: a guide for government policy and decision makers in Victoria.
This document is to provides local and state government officials with guidance on the process of effectively considering climate change impacts in policy development and delivery, with an emphasis on place-based adaptation. The guide is an introduction to a suite of widely applicable processes and methods relevant for assessing and responding to existing and potential future climate change impacts on Victoria’s communities, natural and built assets.
Climate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Burnett Mary Regional Group
The Burnett Mary Region encompasses a land area of more than 56,000 square kilometres. Extensive agricultural production within the region includes grain crops, avocado production and grazing. In 2010-2011, the Wide Bay Region had 159,117 ha of land mainly used for cropping, 3,648,162 ha for grazing and produced 8,384,055 kg of avocado. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, avocado and grazing in the Burnett Mary NRM region.
3C Modelling - Degree of fit: 1990 classes in 2050 climate
Degree of fit: 1990 classes in 2050 climate NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
Planning for coastal development and environmental conservation with rising seas: Moreton Bay Regional Council case study. Summary of Mills et al. (in review)
We developed spatial models of inundation by SLR, urban growth, and ecosystem migration. Our model of inundation incorporated probability distribution models of SLR, 1 in 100 year storm events, and uncertainty in digital elevation models.
Predicting changes in the distribution of a specialist folivore and its habitat in response to climate change : a koala case study. Summary of Christine Adams-Hosking et al (2012)
The koala is a widely distributed specialist folivorous arboreal marsupial that is particularly vulnerable to climate change. In response to evidence of significant declines in regional koala populations the koala was listed in May 2012 as vulnerable under Commonwealth law (EPBC Act 1999) in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. We calculated where the koala and its food trees may co-occur under future climate change.
Climate Change and Grazing: a study for the Greater Sydney Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing land. The Greater Sydney Local Land Service region covers an area of 12,474 square kilometres. In the 2010-2011 period, the Sydney Outer West and Blue Mountains region had 11,129 ha of land used for grazing. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on grazing in the Greater Sydney LLS region.
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation Manage Benefits 1990-2050
Biodiversity climate adaptation Manage Benefits 1990-2050 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
Climate change adaptation strategies for Australian Birds Final Report
This report aims to identify adaptation strategies for Australian birds based on modelling, building on a current review of the status of Australian birds.
Summary of Biophysical Data for Climate Change Adaptation for the East Coast Cluster
Models, data and tools are available to spatially identify projected changes to natural resources in response to climate change (usually no cost to download). They are useful for decision support in land use planning under future climate change, although often require GIS skills and downscaling for regional applications. The information provided here can be used as a starting platform for climate change adaptation, but because this information is constantly evolving, this list is not exhaustive.
Climate Change and Agriculture: a study for the SEQ Catchments NRM
The Southeast Queensland region covers an area of approximately 23,000 km2 . In 2010-2011, the Gold Coast had 5,680 ha of cropping and 17,620 ha of grazing land and Ipswich 26,113 and 378,597 ha respectively. In 2012-2013, the Gold Coast produced 206,802 kg, of avocado, Ipswich, 193,603 kg, the Moreton Bay region 542,538 kg and 999,851 kg in the Sunshine Coast. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado in the Southeast Queensland region.
Climate Change: Adaptation for Queensland Issues Paper Summary
This brochure provides a summary of the key issues in the "The Climate Change: Adaptation for Queensland Issues Paper" that was released to seek feedback on the issues that matter to Queensland business and community.
Climate Change Adaptation Principles. Bringing adaptation to life in the marine biodiversity and resources setting.
Climate Change adaptation action on the ground and across all levels of decision making within the marine biodiversity and resources sector should be guided by the most recent adaptation science, research and practice. A series of high level guiding principles have been drafted (this document). They reflect the knowledge and expertise of researchers, resource managers, policy makers and resource users with direct experience in developing or applying adaptation knowledge.
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation Vegetation condition 2014
Biodiversity climate adaptation Vegetation condition 2014 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
Adaptation Pathways and Opportunities for the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster region (Volumes 1 and 2)
This report synthesises current scientific knowledge in relation to adaptation to climate change impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM cluster region of north Queensland. The report identifies and discusses potential adaptation options for different sectors. This information is intended to inform NRM stakeholder engagement and adaptation planning processes. This is a two-volume report.
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation Revegetation Benefits 1990-2050
Biodiversity climate adaptation Revegetation Benefits 1990-2050 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation 3CMP Links 1990-2050
Biodiversity climate adaptation 3CMP Links 1990-2050 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
Sea level rise and vulnerable species: A study of the False water rat (Xeromys myoides) Summary of Traill et al. (2011)
The Water Mouse (False water rat) is a native placental mammal that is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. Principal threats include predation by introduced mammals, in particular cats as well as habitat degradation by feral pigs, pollution and habitat loss due to urban development. Entrainment in crab pots has also been reported. Close proximity of urban and mangrove habitat leads to high mortality of the Water Mouse due to predation by cats and foxes or other effects of urban environments.
3C Modelling - Conservation benefits derived for 1990 and each of the 6 future projections at 2020 and 2050
Conservation benefits were derived for 1990 and each of the 6 future projections at 2020 and 2050. Benefit mapping is intended as a management tool, either to direct the right sort of conservation action to the right places or as a basis for constructing viable scenarios. Conservation benefit maps can also be used in conjunction with other benefit layers within a multi-criteria analysis to maximise co-benefits across a range of domains.
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation Climate Influence on Benefits 1990-2050
Biodiversity climate adaptation Climate Influence on Benefits 1990-2050 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
3C Modelling - Biodiversity climate adaptation Manage Benefits 1990 versus 2050
Biodiversity climate adaptation Manage Benefits 1990 versus 2050 NSW, and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters
PACCSAP Collection
This collection contains outputs from the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme. The programme supported 14 Pacific Island countries to build resilience to current and future climate risks through improved science and data, increased awareness of climate change and its impacts, and better adaptation planning.
Pacific Adaptation Scenarios (Costs and Benefits): Water security in Tuvalu - Technical report
Comprehensive technical report with findings from water security cost benefit analysis (CBA) in Tuvalu. Also includes information on a water supply-demand model, CBA model and groundwater stocktake for Vaitupu.
Current and future climate of Vanuatu
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Vanuatu, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Weeds and Climate Change: Climex models
This dataset is part of the AdaptNRM Weeds and Climate Change module. The data collection in CSIRO's Data Access Portal features global and Australian maps of Species Distribution Models (SDM) for current and 2070 climates for invasive plant species for which there are published CLIMEX models.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Papua New Guinea
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Papua New Guinea, under current and future climate scenarios.
Climate in the Pacific: a regional summary of new science and management tools
Provides a summary of the science and tools developed through the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) program, and the Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP) prior to that, in an easily accessible and largely non-technical format.
Current and future climate of Tuvalu
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Tuvalu, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of Samoa
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Samoa, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Classifying Pacific islands
An earth-science-based classification of islands within the Pacific Basin resulted from the preparation of a database describing the location, area, and type of 1779 islands. The principal aim of the classification is to assess the spatial diversity of the geologic and geomorphic attributes of Pacific islands.
Report on PACCSAP Science Symposium, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 13-15 March 2013
The Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Program Science Symposium was held in Honiara from 13 to 15 March 2013, as part of the Program’s ongoing work to communicate new climate science findings and to develop climate science capacity in key regional stakeholders in the Pacific and East Timor.
Pacific Adaptation Scenarios (Costs and Benefits): Water security in Tuvalu - Summary report
A summary for policy-makers examining the application of cost benefit analysis of water security options in Tuvalu, considering the impacts of climate change.
Large-scale climate features in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]
A fact sheet explaining large-scale climate features in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.
Current and future climate of Papua New Guinea
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Papua New Guinea, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of Palau
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Palau, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: Maps and Datasets
The AdaptNRM Guide: Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: a community-level modelling approach, is accompanied by a series of maps and datasets. These represent supporting materials and information about the community-level biodiversity models applied to climate change. The amps and datasets are organised by four biological groups (vascular plants, mammals, reptiles and amphibians), two climate change scenarios (1990-2050 MIROC5 and CanESM2 for RCP8.5), and six measures of change in biodiversity.
Storm surge and extreme sea level risk analysis in Apia, Samoa
Aerial maps displaying projected inundation of Apia, Samoa, from storm surge at different time periods under different sea level-rise scenarios
Southern and Southwestern Flatlands NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Southern and Southwestern Flatlands Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change. This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Managing Climate Change Adaptation Data and Information
Information sheets and guides outlining best practice data and information management, produced by the Griffith University Climate Change Adaptation Information Support Project. Topics include copyright, licensing, data sharing, and long-term data description and storage.
TerraNova (Climate Change Adaptation Information Hub)
TerraNova is an interactive website and data repository, which allows adaptation researchers and decision-makers to discover, store, communicate and utilise climate change adaptation data, information and tools. The collection contains policies, publications, datasets and grey literature produced by practitioners and researchers in the climate adaptation space. TerraNova was developed our of a project that is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative, as well as through Griffith University and QCIF.
East Coast NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the East Coast Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Samoa
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Samoa, under current and future climate scenarios.
Climate Resilient Road Standards (CRRS) Project Phase 2: Vulnerability Mapping report
This report documents the vulnerability mapping undertaken as part of the Climate Resilient Road Standards Project. It outlines both the methodology adopted and provides a summary of key outputs from this process.
Climate Change impacts in the Wet Tropics
Short dramatic film depicting the Wet Tropics cluster region of far north Queensland and projected threats and impacts from climate change.
Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji: Summary for Policy Makers
Summary of storm tide modelling results for Nadi Bay, considering future climate conditions, in order to inform flood risk mitigation measures for the township.
Taro Airstrip, Choiseul Province: Climate Risk Assessment
This climate change risk assessment considers the potential climate change impacts that may affect the operation of the existing Taro airstrip, located in Choiseul Province of the Solomon Islands.
Naro Hill to Lambi Road Rehabilitation: Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment
This report details the application of a risk assessment process to the Naro Hill to Lambi Road Rehabilitation project in Solomon Islands.
Pacific Island Groundwater Vulnerability to Future Climates Dataset.Scale 1:250,000
Dataset associated with the Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-Pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment. Includes a Pacific regional database of island types, including a range of attributes (e.g. elevation, shape, geology etc) relevant to groundwater vulnerability.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment [fact sheet]
Factsheet giving an overview of the results of a regional assessment of the vulnerability of Pacific Island groundwater resources to future climatic conditions.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 5: Hydrogeological island types in the Pacific region
Hydrogeological island types in the Pacific region. Map 5 of 7
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 1: Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future rainfall (2035-2064)
Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future rainfall (2035-2064). Map 1/7.
Adaptation Pathways and Opportunities for the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster region (Volumes 1 and 2)
This report synthesises current scientific knowledge in relation to adaptation to climate change impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM cluster region of north Queensland. The report identifies and discusses potential adaptation options for different sectors. This information is intended to inform NRM stakeholder engagement and adaptation planning processes. This is a two-volume report.
Coastal Vulnerability: Existing spatial projections of coastal wetland response to sea-level rise in the East Coast NRM cluster
Sea level is rising and the rate of sea-level rise is projected to accelerate in the 21st century. This will increase the elevation of shorelines along the open coast and within bays and estuaries.The aim was to investigate coastal wetland ecosystem response modelling in the east Coast NRM to identify flaws in existing spatial projections and outcomes that are common between approaches. It is anticipated that this information will be used to guide interpretation of spatial projections and selection of models for future spatial projections of coastal wetland response to sea-level rise.
Guide to adding content to Terra Nova Australian Climate Change Adaptation Information Hub
Provides instructions on how to add content to Terra Nova
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Fiji
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Fiji, under current and future climate scenarios.
Understanding the costs and benefits of climate adaptation in the Pacific - case studies
Technical report with findings from cost benefit analysis in Solomon Islands (food security) and Vanuatu (infrastructure). This report also includes guidance for applying cost benefit analysis to climate risk management; and lessons learned.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 6: Hydrogeological island types of Pacific Island countries
Hydrogeological island types of Pacific Island countries. Map 6 of 7
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment [Technical Report]
Comprehensive technical report with findings from the First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment focusing on groundwater availability for future climates.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) - Groundwater geophysics database and associated map
Datasets from the groundwater investigations and analysis component, and coastal investigations and analysis component that were acquired under the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) project.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) - Historical Pumping Steady State Calibrated Models
Historical Pumping Steady State Calibrated Models created for the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) Project, used to simulate the processes in groundwater systems in Bonriki, Tarawa Kiribati from January 1997 to June 2014.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) - Land Use Mapping Datasets
Datasets include aerial photographs and satellite images and GIS layers in raster formats interpreted from the raster images depicting land cover in Bonriki and land cover changes for the Bonriki survey area for different years.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment Land Use Mapping
Report summarising the land use planning activities undertaken as part of the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) project.
Geomorphic sensitivity of islands in the Pacific Region to climate change - Sheet 3 of 3
Map showing the geomorphic sensitivity of islands in the Pacific region to climate change. Map 3 of 3.
Indicative susceptibility of island types to climate change based on island type, area, maximum elevation and circularity - Sheet 2 of 3
An index of indicators of potential structural change of islands due to meteorological and oceanographic processes in the Pacific. This map was derived using island variables such as lithology, area, maximum elevation and circularity. This index helps to quickly identify islands most susceptible to environmental change. Map 2 of 3.
Island types in the Pacific Region - Sheet 1 of 3
Map showing islands in the Pacific categorised into eight broad types: composite high, composite low, limestone high, limestone low, volcanic high, volcanic low, continental and reef island. A 30m cut-off was used between high and low islands. Map 1 of 3.
Regional coastal susceptibility assessment for the Pacific Islands: Summary Report
This report summarises the Regional Coastal Susceptibility Assessment for the Pacific Islands Technical Report, which describes the development of a regional coastal vulnerability framework that demonstrates the relative sensitivities of different islands in the Pacific to coastal change.
Regional coastal susceptibility assessment for the Pacific Islands: Technical Report
This coastal susceptibility assessment technical report is intended to assist in understanding the dimensions of island- and coastal-change for more efficient adaptive management and planning in the Pacific.
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) factsheets
Factsheet style brochures on the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) activities for four countries - Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea (2), Samoa and Tonga
Choiseul Bay Township Climate Change Project
Factsheet summarising the Choiseul Bay Township Climate Change Project which assessed current and future hazards for the communities on Taro and Supizae islands.
Integrated climate change Risk and Adaptation Assessment to Inform Settlement Planning in Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands - Final Report
The Risk and Adaptation Assessment final report provides guidance on future development and management of existing development on Taro Island in order to address natural hazards both now and in the future (i.e. including climate change, and especially sea level rise).
Climate Change Adaptation Plan Choiseul Bay Township - Solomon Islands - Summary Booklet
This report provides an overview focusing on the practical actions needed over the next few decades in order to mitigate existing and future climate change risks to Choiseul Bay communities.
Tenkiu lo toktok stori blo iufala lo Lauru Township Climate Change Projek! Kommuniti Buklet – May 2014 (Thankyou for having your say on the Choiseul Township Climate Change Project! Community booklet - May 2014 - in Pidgin)
Community information booklet from the Choiseul Township climate change Project team who visited Taro Island and surrounding villages. In Pidgin.
Thankyou for having your say on the Choiseul Township Climate Change Project! Community booklet - May 2014
Community information booklet from the Choiseul Township climate change Project team who visited Taro Island and surrounding villages. This booklet is from May 2014 and is written in English.
Thankyou for having your say on the Choiseul Township Climate Change Project! Community booklet - March 2014
Community information booklet from the Choiseul Township Climate Change Project team who visited Taro Island and surrounding villages. This booklet is from March 2014 and is written in English
The Climate Resilient Road Standards Project: an initiative funded by the PACCSAP Program, Australian Department of Environment, in cooperation with the Government of Vanuatu
This document is a summary for policy makers and provides a snapshot of the main achievements of the Climate Resilient Road Standards project. It aims to raise awareness of the project both within Vanuatu and in the region and provide momentum for future engagement of other communities facing similar issues.
Screening Methodology for Climate Resilient Roads
GIS Layers showing vulnerabilities and catchment areas. Flood heights were calculated using EXCEL files and IDF curves.
Vanuatu Resilient Roads Manual - Succinct Practical Guide
A summary of the Vanuatu Resilient Roads Manual, developed as a 'user friendly version' that can be used for training and ongoing capacity building of climate resilient considerations for road design.
Vanuatu Resilient Roads Manual: a Design Guide for Low Volume Rural Roads in Vanuatu based on Accessibility, Security and Sustainability
A Design Guide for Low Volume Rural Roads in Vanuatu, developed to provide guidelines for appropriate methods of road engineering.
Climate Change Adaptation in the transport sector - guidance manual for Solomon Islands
Guidance Manual, Report and Excel-based climate risk screening tools created to support the consideration of Climate Change in designing and maintaining transport infrastructure across Solomon Islands.
Water science helps secure groundwater for Timor-Leste
Report describing the importance of groundwater in Timor-Leste and how population growth and changes brought on by climate change are putting this resource at risk. The local government is taking action to ensure that there is a secure and clean water supply in the future.
Securing groundwater in Timor-Leste in a changing climate
Report describing the importance of groundwater in Timor-Leste and the steps the local government is taking to ensure that there is a secure and clean water supply in the future.
Securing groundwater in Timor-Leste no longer a pipe dream
News article describing the use and vulnerability of groundwater in Timor Leste.
A community-based approach to adapting to climate change - Roviana region, Solomon Islands
Brochure describing how climate change is affecting the community of Roviana, Solomon Islands, and the how the community based action plan can help reduce the effects of climate change and protect their homes and local resources.
Adapting to climate change in remote Roviana - Building resilience
Report describing how coastal erosion and rising sea levels are effecting the community of Roviana, Solomon Islands, and the community-based adaptation options that have been created to protect homes and resources.
17,000 remote islanders take action against climate change
News article with information on how Australian researchers have worked with the people of Roviana, Solomon Islands, to identify ways to better adapt to the changes that local communities are experiencing due to climate change; and the development of the Roviana climate change Resilience Plan 2013-2017.
Securing food resources against the impacts of climate change in the Federated States of Micronesia
Poster summarising the "4 page case study: Securing food resources in the Federated States of Micronesia" illustrating information on background, research, field trials, results and adaptation.
Securing food resources in the Federated States of Micronesia
Report describing the importance of food security and how the Federated States of Micronesia is working to identify adaptive solutions for agriculture and the community.
Preparing a nation for the impacts of climate change: implementing national plans and policies in the Cook Islands
This brochure details how the Cook Islands Government has reviewed its climate change and disaster risk activities and is implementing a coordinated and strategic approach to manage the risks from climate change, extreme weather events and natural disasters.
A national approach to managing climate change in the Cook Islands
Report describing the Joint National Disaster Risk Management and climate change Adaptation Plan (JNAP) produced by the Cook Islands Government in response to climate change, increased risks of extreme weather events and natural disasters.
The Cook Islands planning to get more cyclone savvy
News article with information on how Australian Government-funded research is helping the Cook Islands understand how to adapt its infrastructure and plan for more intense cyclones and extreme weather.
Key messages: Climate change impacts and issues in the Wet Tropics NRM cluster region
This brochure presents the key messages from the report Climate change issues and impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM cluster region
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Tonga
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Tonga, under current and future climate scenarios.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Timor-Leste
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Timor-Leste, under current and future climate scenarios.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' Samoa Maluafou College - Rivers and Water Management (audio)
Audio (English) – explores climate change impacts on local water resources and management responses
Water security options in Funafuti: results from a cost benefit analysis
This poster shows the results of a water security cost benefit analysis project in Tuvalu.
Development and application of a framework for assessing the vulnerability of aquatic species to multiple threats
Describes a simple, points-based framework for assessing aquatic species vulnerability to multiple threatening processes, and applies it it within the Southern and Southwestern Flatlands region. The framework can be readily adapted and replicated in other regions where multiple stressors, including climate change, are acting simultaneously to threaten the viability of aquatic fauna.
Climate extremes in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]
A fact sheet explaining climate extremes in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.
Water security in Tuvalu: Cost Benefit Analysis model
Model of cost and benefit options to improve water security in Tuvalu. The cost-benefit analysis tool works by identifying, comparing and aggregating the costs and benefits of each water security portfolio
Critical infrastructure in Vanuatu
This Factsheet is a summary of transport infrastructure methods and results from a cost benefit analysis in Vanuatu.
Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research
This report is a rigorously researched, peer-reviewed scientific assessment of the climate of the western Pacific region. It builds on the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and represents a comprehensive resource on the climate of the Pacific.
Current and future climate of the Solomon Islands
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Solomon Islands, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of Niue
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Niue, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risk in the Pacific Region: Technical Report
This technical report describes the data and methods used to evaluate datasets derived from general circulation models (GCMs), to inform tropical cyclone risk assessments for 14 Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Vanuatu
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Vanuatu, under current and future climate scenarios.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Palau
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Palau, under current and future climate scenarios.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 4: Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacifc region to future sea level (2070-2099)
Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future sea level (2070-2099) Map 4 of 7
Report on PACCSAP Technical Training Workshop Honiara, Solomon Islands, 18-22 March 2013
The Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Science Program conducted the PACCSAP Technical Training Workshop in Honiara, Solomon Islands, from 18th to 22nd March 2013, as part of the Program’s ongoing work to develop science capacity in National Meteorological Services (NMSs) and other key stakeholders in the Pacific and East Timor.
Climate change impacts and adaptation in the Southern & Southwestern Flatlands cluster: review of existing knowledge
The purpose of this report is to synthesise the current knowledge and predictions concerning the effects and impacts of climate change of southwestern and southern Australia, particularly the expected impacts upon the biodiversity and agricultural practices in the regions. This information can then be utilised by the NRM groups to decide upon the required data and suitable methods by which they can prepare for a changing climate, such as determining either locations of potential refugia, suitable agricultural practices/crops, or optimising efficiency of pest control.
Water security in Tuvalu: Water supply-demand model
A water supply-demand model was used to assess shortfalls in water supply in Tuvalu (Funafuti and Vaitupu) relative to water consumption targets under different rainfall scenarios. A number of datasets are contained within the model, notably water supply and demand data and rainfall data.
Water security decision-making framework: a five-step process to identify water security investments that deliver the greatest benefit at the lowest cost [Water security in Tuvalu: assessing costs and benefits framework]
Water Security Decision-Making Framework Poster.
Food security in the Solomon Islands
This Factsheet is a summary of methods and results from a food security cost benefit analysis in Solomon Islands.
Current and future climate of Nauru
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Nauru, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of the Marshall Islands
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Marshall Islands, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of Kiribati
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Kiribati, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of the Cook Islands
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Cook Islands, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Tuvalu
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Tuvalu, under current and future climate scenarios.
Climate variability and climate change in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]
A fact sheet explaining climate variability and climate change in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.
Pacific Climate Change Science Training Module
A step-by-step training guide and country-specific presentations for facilitating a one-day workshop on understanding climate change science, targeted at audiences in the Pacific island region and Timor-Leste.
Current and future climate of Tonga
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Tonga, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of the Fiji Islands
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Fiji Islands, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Current and future climate of the Federated States of Micronesia
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Federated States of Micronesia, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Lambulambu Wharf Rehabilitation: Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment
This report details the application of a risk assessment process to the Lambulambu Wharf Rehabilitation project in Solomon Islands.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 7: Potential vulnerability of groundwater in Pacific Island countries to future rainfall (2035-2064)
Potential vulnerability of groundwater in Pacific Island countries to future rainfall (2035-2064) Map 7 of 7
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 2: Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future rainfall (2070-2099)
Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future rainfall (2070-2099) Map 2 of 7.
Creating metadata: a fact sheet for Natural Resource Management (NRM) projects
Provides a basic overview of metadata concepts, outlines how to write good metadata for research outputs, and gives a best-practice example of metadata created for a dataset.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific: South Pacific regional risk assessment
This regional risk assessment quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, flood and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops across 14 Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste, under current and future climate scenarios.
Coastal vulnerability: Scale dependence of estuary response to sea-level rise: towards a framework for vulnerability assessment
The aim was to develop a systematic approach to coastal vulnerability assessment that maximises planning outcomes. Planning for coastal adaptation to sea-level rise requires a considered approach to vulnerability assessment that captures all the processes influencing coastal geomorphology. This requires considerable investment.
3C Modelling - Combined 1990-2050 climate adaptation native vegetation benefits
Combined 1990-2050 climate adaptation native vegetation benefits NSW and East Coast, Central Slopes and Murray Basin NRM clusters.
Climate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Hunter Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing land and 9,098,949 ha for cropping and the state produced 4,156,603 kg of avocado. The Hunter LLS region covers an area of 33,000 square kilometres east of the Great Dividing Range. In the 2012-2013 period, the Hunter Valley had 928,766 ha for grazing and 60,736 ha for cropping. The region produced 43,157 kg of avocado (ABS 2014). This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado production in the Hunter LLS region.
Implications of Climate Change for Biodiversity: A community-level modelling approach
This AdaptNRM guide introduces a series of new measures based on ecological similarity to assess the potential for change in biodiversity under climate change at scales relevant to planning. It is intended to support assessment and lead into strategic planning in NRM. In addition, this guide supports a series of maps in poster format and data layers. This guide explains how to interpret and use this information.
Climate Change and Agriculture: a study for the North Coast Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing and 9,098,949 ha for cropping land and the state produced 4,156,603 kg of avocado.The North Coast LLS Region covers an area of approximately 32,120 sq. km. Its key areas of production include beef cattle and varied horticulture. For example the Grafton region had 13,445 ha of cropping and 270,737 ha of grazing land in 2010-2011 and produced 175,928 kg of avocado.This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado production in the North Coast LLS region.
Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Supporting climate adaptation planning using a community-level modelling approach
This AdaptNRM Guide moves beyond the implications of climate change, to introduce new principles for biodiversity conservation and new measures for evaluating potential actions to help biodiversity adapt to climate change.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Marshall Islands
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in the Marshall Islands, under current and future climate scenarios.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Solomon Islands
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Solomon Islands, under current and future climate scenarios.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Niue
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in Niue, under current and future climate scenarios.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Cook Islands
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in the Cook Islands, under current and future climate scenarios.
Storm Tide Risk Assessment and High Resolution Modelling of Historic Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji
This report provides information on coastal sea levels along the Nadi coastline during tropical cyclones.
High resolution met-ocean modelling for storm surge risk analysis in Apia, Samoa
Technical Report modelling extreme water levels associated with tropical cyclone-related storm tide events along the Apia coastline, including the Mulinu’u Peninsula.
Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment Map 3: Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future sea level (2035-2064)
Potential vulnerability of groundwater in the Pacific region to future sea level (2035-2064) Map 3 of 7
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Vanuatu (Étudier le changement climatique dans le contexte océanien Guide pédagogique pour les enseignants du Pacifique Vanuatu)
This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Vanuatu, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation. French and English versions available.
Coastal Vulnerability: An integrated framework for first order assessment of the risk of estuaries to climate change in the east cost NRM cluster
Resources for high resolution assessments of vulnerability are limited. First pass assessments of vulnerability, based on sound scientific data, can be used for prioritisation of areas for targeted vulnerability assessments.
Climate analogues
Data are provided to help identify possible climate analogue years for the region. The climate analogues are based on temperature and precipitation for annual, winter, and summer analogues.
Water security in Tuvalu: assessing costs and benefits
Booklet for policy-makers outlining the steps involved in application of cost benefit analysis for water security in Tuvalu and options going forward.
Climate change and Biodiversity, Water, Pests, Industry, Communities and Coastal systems [Fact sheet series]
Fact sheets summarising projected changes in climate variables, together with likely impacts and potential adaptation options for six key NRM themes in the Wet Tropics NRM cluster (WTC) region.
Sea-level rise in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]
A fact sheet explaining sea-level rise in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.
Ocean acidification in the western tropical Pacific [fact sheet]
A fact sheet explaining ocean acidification in the western tropical Pacific. One of a series of fact sheets developed by the PACCSAP Program.
Current and future climate of Timor-Leste
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in Timor-Leste, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Maps and Datasets
The AdaptNRM Guide: Helping Biodiversity Adapt: Supporting climate adaptation planning using a community-level modelling approach, is accompanied by a series of datasets. These represent supporting materials and information about the community-level biodiversity models applied to climate change. Where applicable, the datasets are organised by four biological groups (vascular plants, mammals, reptiles and amphibians), two climate change scenarios (1990-2050 MIROC5 and CanESM2 for RCP8.5), and measures of change in biodiversity.
East Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster.
Current and future tropical cyclone risk in the South Pacific. Country risk profile: Federated States of Micronesia
This country risk profile quantifies the risks posed by tropical cyclone hazards (winds, floods, and storm surge) to assets, infrastructure and crops in the Federated States of Micronesia, under current and future climate scenarios.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' Samoa Leifi’ifi College - Minimize the climatic and human impacts on drinking water (audio)
Audio (English) – explores the ways that people in Samoa can minimize the climatic and human impacts on drinking water.
Deciding for the future: Using cost benefit analysis to support climate risk management in the Pacific
A summary for policy-makers outlining the application of cost benefit analysis for climate risk management.
Socio-Economic Vulnerability in the East Coast Cluster Natural Resource Management Regions: Assessment Approach: Interim Report (May 2014)
This report outlines an approach for assessing socio-economic vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in six natural resource management regions on the east coast of Australia.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Vanuatu Central School - Water Management (audio)
Audio - Vanuatu central school students created a radio presentation discussing climate change and how this is affecting the Pacific region. The students interview residents of two small villages about the how they are reliant on the river for clean water and how this impacts their lives. Bislama version and English version available.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Vanuatu Central School - Gender (video)
Video (Bislama with English subtitles) - Men and women are affected differently by climate change. This drama from Vanuatu shows how men and women sometimes think differently, and how we can find solutions to work together to take Action Against Climate Change
Southern and South-Western Flatlands - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
East Coast - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Vanuatu Lycée College - Disaster Risk Reduction and Disabilities (video)
Video (Bislama with English subtitles) – this video puts the focus on how and why people living with a disability must be included in disaster planning and response in Vanuatu.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Samoa - The Children are our Future - Gender and Climate change issues (video)
Video (English and Samoan with English subtitles) - Students from Loto Taumafai school in Samoa help explain how men, women and different organisations can work together to take Action Against Climate Change.
Pacific Media and Climate Change Toolkit - Activities Manual
Tool to assist Pacific media improve newsrooms' coverage of climate change and related issues
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Tonga
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Tonga, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
National Project (AdaptNRM) NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the National Project (AdaptNRM) of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change.
Wet Tropics NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Wet Tropics Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change.
Southern Slopes NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Southern Slopes Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change. This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Rangelands NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Rangelands Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change. This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Murray Basin NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Murray Basin Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change. This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Central Slopes NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Central Slopes Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change.
NRM information management survey briefing
A two page document which highlights the key findings of a survey of climate change adaptation researchers about their data and information management practices.
Monsoonal North NRM Collection
This collection contains materials produced by the Monsoonal North Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program. The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change. This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund.
East Coast Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the East Coast based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Pacific Islands - Trees and our Youth (video)
Video (English) - Ashneel Singh talks about Sustainable Forestry and how deforestation impacts on the climate.
East Coast - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Samoa
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Samoa, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Tuvalu
This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Tuvalu, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Tonga
This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Tonga, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Samoa
This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Samoa, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) - Groundwater borehole physical data
Borehole data from Bonriki freshwater reserve. Includes time series for water level, conductivity and temperature for selected bores.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Te ran bon te maui (Water is Life) Documentary - 5 min version
A short documentary summarising the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) Project for development partners. (5 minute version)
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Te ran bon te maiu (Water is Life) Documentary
Documentary video (Gilbertese with English subtitles) on the groundwater lens, impacts from anthropogenic and natural hazards and the vulnerability of the lens. Appropriate management and protection (full version).
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment Summary Report
Report summarising the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA) project findings and recommendations, designed for policy makers.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Economic analysis of water management options for impacts from inundation, climate variability and high abstraction rates, Bonriki water reserve, South Tarawa, Kiribati
Report summarising results of Cost Benefit Analysis, developed to provide information to the Government of Kiribati on the potential costs, benefits and policy issues related to freshwater management options for the Bonriki Water Reserve.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Economic analysis of water management options for impacts from inundation and climate variability under current abstraction rates, Bonriki water reserve, South Tarawa, Kiribati
Report summarising results of cost benefit analysis to provide information to the Government of Kiribati on the potential costs, benefits and policy issues related to freshwater management options for the Bonriki Water Reserve.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Project Stakeholder Engagement Activities
This report provides a summary of the stakeholder engagement activities undertaken as part of the BIVA project, and documents key lessons learned and outcomes from these activities.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Inundation Modelling of Bonriki Islet, Tarawa, Kiribati
This record holds a report providing an insight into the development of the inundation model as well as the analysis of the outcome of the probabilistic inundation hazard assessment of Bonriki activities undertaken in Kiribati, Tarawa Atoll, Bonriki as part of the coastal component of the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability (BIVA) project conducted from 2013 to 2015.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Development of severe and extreme scenarios of wave and water level through statistical analysis and numerical modelling Bonriki, Tarawa, Kiribati
This report provides details of the work undertaken as part of the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability (BIVA) project to develop probabilistic inundation scenarios to be fed into the inundation model for Bonriki. This work was undertaken in Kiribati, Tarawa Atoll, Bonriki as part of the coastal component of the BIVA conducted from 2013 to 2015.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Oceanographic Data Acquisition
This record holds a report of the oceanographic campaign activities and oceanographic data acquired from the lagoon and reef environment surrounding that was undertaken in Kiribati, Tarawa Atoll, Bonriki as part of the coastal component of the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability (BIVA) project conducted from 2013 to 2015.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Groundwater Field Investigations - Bonriki Water Reserve, South Tarawa, Kiribati
This report provides a summary of the field investigation activities and data collected ,including borehole monitoring, EM34 and resistivity surveys that was conducted for the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability (BIVA) project.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment - Assessment of sea-level rise and inundation effects on Bonriki Freshwater Lens, Tarawa Kiribati - Groundwater Modelling report
This report is to provide a summary of the methodology and results of numerical groundwater modelling activities undertaken as part of the Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability (BIVA) project activities.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment Single Beam Survey
Report provides a summary of the bathymetric survey activities undertaken for the lagoon and reef area surrounding Bonriki.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment Topographic Survey Report
Detailed topographic survey of Bonriki, Kiribati, associated shallow reef flat and reef slope.
Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment Shoreline Change Mapping
Report summarises activities conducted to analyse historical shoreline changes using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software
Atoll Island Hydrogeology and Vulnerability to Seawater Intrusion: a Literature Review (Bonriki Inundation Vulnerability Assessment (BIVA))
This literature review was to collate and understand important information on the processes related to the occurrence of fresh groundwater lenses (FGLs) on atoll islands.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Digital Elevation Model
Data collection contains elevation/bathymetry at Taro, Choiseul, Solomon Islands.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Risk
Data collection contains areas of possible temporary and permanent risk for Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Shoreline Retreat
Data collection contains future shoreline affected by sea level rise and shoreline erosion for Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Storm Surge Hazard
Data collection contains models of predicted water level heights caused by flooding and storm surge for Choiseul Bay, Solomon Islands.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Survey Data
Data collection contains survey data collected on Taro Island and Choiseul
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Tide Hazard
Current and future tide levels and coastal inundation extent to HAT. Projected tidal extent for 2055 and 2090.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul Tsunami Hazard
Data collection contains models of predicted water level heights caused by tsunami.
Project data: Taro-Choiseul values
Data collection contains values to villages (communities living on Taro, Supizae Islands, Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands)
Securing groundwater in Timor-Leste
Video (English with English subtitles) - This video details how Timor-Leste's communities, together with scientists and local organisations, worked with the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program to protect it's groundwater resources against Climate Change.
Remote communities in Solomon Islands tackle climate change
Video (English with English Subtitles) - This video details how the community in Roviana, Solomon Islands, together with scientists and local organisations, worked with the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program to adapt to climate change.
Planning for climate change in the Cook Islands
Video (English with English Subtitles) - This video details how the Cook Islands Government worked with the Australian Government's Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program to adapt to climate change and implement a coordinated and strategic approach to manage the risks from climate change, extreme weather events and natural disasters.
Adaptation Planning Framework
Poster outlining the Murray Basin NRM Cluster Adaption Planning Framework
Wet Tropics Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Murray Basin Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for Murray Basin based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. It aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Tuvalu: Water and Drought (video)
Video (English) - Climate change in Tuvalu is a serious issue. This video is presented by young people and explores how climate change is affecting drought and access to water.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Tuvalu - Water Scarcity (video)
Video (English) – Water scarcity is an important issue for Tuvalu with climate change impacts. Youth voices here talk about this key issue for Tuvalu’s future.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Samoa Maluafou College - Action Against Climate Change: The Importance of Agroforestry in Samoa (video)
Video (Samoan with English subtitles)- Students from Maluafou College in Apia tell their story on how agroforestry can help Samoa to take Action Against Climate Change.
Hunter-Central Rivers: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Hunter-Central Rivers grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Tuvalu - Water and Climate Change: Relocation is Not an Option (Video)
Video (English) - The Prime Minister of Tuvalu speaks about the importance of adaptation for survival in Tuvalucom
Climate change and horticulture/viticulture in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster region
Outlines impacts of climate change and adaptation options on horticulture and viticulture in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster
Wet Tropics - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Southern and South-Western Flatlands Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the Southern and South-Western Slopes NRM Cluster based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Southern Slopes - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Central Slopes - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Central Slopes Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for Central Slopes based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling.
Climate change and biodiversity in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster region – how will it affect your region?
Outlines impacts of climate change and adaptation options for biodiversity in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster
Climate change and livestock in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster region
Outlines impacts of climate change and adaptation options on livestock in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster
South East Queensland: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the South East Queensland horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Climate change and cropping in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster region
Outlines impacts of climate change and adaptation options on cropping in the Murray Basin NRM Cluster
Northern Rivers: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Northern Rivers grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Samoa Maluafou College - Organics and Climate Change flashmob (video)
Video - students flashmob in central Apia to show the importance of organic agriculture in the face of climate change
Monsoonal North - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Vanuatu Lycée College - Coastal Erosion in Vanuatu (video)
Video (in English and Bislama) - Coastal erosion is a problem for islands in the Pacific. The students from Vanuatu Lycee College explain why climate change is part of that problem and how people can take action against it.
Pacific Media and Climate Change Toolkit - Factsheets. What causes climate change? Climate change mitigation. Climate change and waste. Climate change and ecosystem based adaptation.
Factsheets (4) to supplement information and exercises in the Pacific Media and Climate Change Toolkit - Activities Manual, a resource that assists Pacific media improve newsrooms' coverage of change and related issues.
Blue Carbon: Costs and opportunities for preserving coastal wetlands under sea level rise
Global sea level rise is one impact of climate change that has seen recent upward revisions as further information becomes available. These revisions, combined with the accelerated subsidence of deltas from anthropogenic activity (such as fossil fuel and water extraction and the trapping of sediment in reservoirs), warrants urgent attention and the development of sound pre-emptive adaptation strategies, even when the area of coastal wetlands is projected to expand under sea level rise, the cost of preserving these wetlands is still likely to be greater with sea level rise than without it. Despite the higher costs of preserving wetlands under sea level rise, we show that payments for ecosystem services have the potential to offset the opportunity cost of the reserve network.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Kiribati
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Kiribati, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Tuvalu
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Tuvalu, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Kiribati
This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Kiribati, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a guide for Pacific teachers - Fiji
This teachers' guide presents This teachers' guide presents learning outcomes, background information and hands-on teaching activities cover the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Fiji, the effects of weather extremes, and mitigation and adaptation.
Southern Slopes Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the Southern Slopes NRM Cluster based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Rangelands Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the Rangelands NRM Cluster based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Implementation of participatory monitoring and evaluation into Wet Tropics Cluster NRM Plans and processes
his report documents the implementation of participatory monitoring and evaluation into Wet Tropics Cluster NRM plans and processes, through the WTC Brokering Hub partnership.
Monsoonal North Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the Monsoonal North NRM Cluster, based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling.
Murray Basin - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Fiji
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Fiji, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Pacific Islands - Pacific Women Against Climate Change (video)
Video (English, Bislama, English subtitles) - this video explains the impacts of climate change and how it affects Pacific women in comparison to others.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Pacific Islands - My food, my life (video)
Video (English and English subtitles) - this video talks about the importance of agriculture and how climate change impacts on the availability of food and resources.
Hawkesbury-Nepean: Socio-economic vulnerability of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Hawkesbury-Nepean horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Fitzroy: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Fitzroy grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Burnett Mary: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Burnett Mary horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Learning about climate change the Pacific way - a visual guide - Vanuatu
The visual guide has 16 colourful illustrated pictures showing the water cycle, Pacific and global climate, causes of climate change, the changing climate of Vanuatu, the effects of weather extremes and mitigation and adaptation in a town and in gardening, forestry and fishing.
Action Against Climate Change (A2C2) - youth generated content 'voices of youth' - Pacific Islands - Climate Education is all our Responsibility (video)
Video (English) - this video talks about the importance of education on climate change.